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C,_)�._�.� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 3'2841—TXEAUGUbTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. ' � � <br /> �tUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THTS TNDENTURE, Made this l.lth day of July, in the year one �housand nine hundred and Fifty, between <br /> John J. Roes and Ruth Ross husband and wiP� o� the Pirst part, and William H. Ehrsam and Marian E. <br /> F�'irsam, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, and not as tenanta in common; of the 8econd part, <br /> I WITNESSETH, that the said parties o�' the first part, in consideration of the sum oP One Dollar and <br /> other Valuable Conalderatior� to them duly paid, the receipt whereoP ie hereby aeknowl�dged have <br /> remised, released, and quit-alaimed, and by �Chese presents do for themaelves their heirs, exeautora <br /> and administrators, remise, r�eleaae and Poreve�r quit-claim and convey unto the aaid parties oP the <br />, second art and to the�.r� heirs and aasi s or v r 11 t r <br /> P , gn f e e , a heir ight, title, interest, estate their <br /> elaim and demand, both at 1aw and in. equlty, of, in a.nd to all <br /> Lo�a Two (2 � and Three (3) B1oek One (1) Lambert 's Second Addi�ion to the City oP arand <br /> Island, NebraBka. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION �F ALL PARTIES HERETO THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH �F EITHER OF SAID <br /> aRANTEE9 THE ENTIRE FEE STMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN 3HALL VEST IN THE 9URVTVIATa <br /> t�RANTEE. <br /> To�ether with al1 and 8ingular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO HAVE AND TD HOLD the above described premisea unto the said William H. Ehrsam and 1�urSan <br /> �� E'tirsam ag �`c►�� "Qen�.n'�� ar�d .MC�t as. tenants in common, heirs and asaigns; so that neither they <br /> the said John J. Ross and Ruth Ross, nor any person in thelr name and behalf, shall or �rill here- <br /> aPter elaim or demand any right or title to the �aid premisee or any part thereof, but they and <br /> every one ef them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partles of the Pirst part have hereunto set thelr hands and seal <br /> the day aiad year above written. <br /> Signed, aealed an d delivEred in presence of ( . . . amp$) John J. Ross <br /> James E. Wenger (Canaelled ) uA�.�i�'osa <br /> • 3TATE OF Nebra�ka ) � <br /> ) as. �n this llth day oP July,A.D. 1950, before me, the underaigned James E. <br /> Hall Coun�y ) Wenger a Notary Public�, duly commissioned and qualified �or and residing <br /> 3.n said county, personally eame John J. Roas and Ruth Ross, husband and <br /> . wi�'s to me known to be the identieal persons whoee names are afPixed to the foregoing instrumen� <br /> as grantors and aeknowled�ed the same to be thelr voluntary aet and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year iast above written. <br /> (SEpL) Jamea E. Wen er <br /> o ary u . a. <br /> My Commiaslon expires the 15th day oP May�, 1953 � <br /> Filed for recsord thia 12 d�.y �c�Y July, 195o at 11 o 'alock A.M. ���,�.�,,i <br /> eg a ar o �ee�c s .✓ <br /> o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o_o-o_o_o_o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> WARRANTY DEED--Corporation � <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 29tn a.ay oY June, 1950 A.D. , bet�een BACHMAN & LESTER COMPANY, a -' <br /> aorporation a corporation organlzed and exiatin� under and by virtue .of the laws of the State of <br /> Nebraska party of the first par�, ax�d WILSDAI CONCRETE COMPANY, a oorporation of the County oP Hall, <br /> and 3tate of Nebraska, part oP th� second part, WITNE38ETH. That the said part9 of the firs� part <br /> Por and ir� aoneid�ration of the eum of One and No/1�0-and other valuable oonaideration DOLLARS in <br /> � hand paid, reeeipt whereot' is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by theae presenta does grant, con- <br /> vey and conPlrm un�Go ths said parties of the second part, the Pollowing described premi�aes, situated <br /> .�.n Ha11 County, and �tate aP Nebreska, to-wit: <br /> PART OF THE Nf3RTHWEST Q[JARTER �F THE SOUTfiWE3T QUARTER (NW�SW�) OF SECTIDAI 2�, IN T�SSi�1NN- <br /> � SHIP 11, NORTH, RANaE 9 WEST OF TAE 6TH P.M. , MORE PARTICULARLY DE3CRIHED AS----------- <br /> • HEQIRTNI13a AT A POINT ON THE PRESEI�T NORTH RSaHT OF WAY LINE OF THE C.B.&Q.R.R. C0. BII,T <br /> LTNE THRODUH 3AID NW� OF TFiE SW� OF SAID SECTION, SUCH POI�1T BEINa 511.5 FEET EA9TERLY <br /> FROM THE �/EST LINE 4F F'RACTiONAL SEOTION 19, TO�I+TSHIP 11, NORTH, RAN(3E 9 1�9T OF THE <br /> 6th P.M, AIJD AS MEASURED AL�Na SAID RIaHT "OF WAY LII�E, RUNAJINa THENCE DUE NORTH, AND <br />' PARALLEI� �STH THE WE9T LI�1E OF SAID FRACTI�NAL 9ECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 3�6,6 FEET, <br /> RUNNINa THENC� Dt1E EAST, 4��.7 FEET, RU�iNINa THENCE DU� SOtT2H AND PARALLEL 1PITH THE <br />� �TEST LINE OF SAID FRAC. 3ECTION 19-11-9, A DISTAI�T�E OF 367.9 FEET TO THE PRESEATT At4RTH <br /> RIaHT OF �PAY LINE �F 3AID C.B. & Q.R.R. C�.HELT LTNE, AUNNINa THENOE WESTER'LY, ALONa <br /> THE PRE3ENT N4RTH AIaHT OF WAY LINE OF 3AID C. H. dc Q.R.R.C0. BELT LINE �t$g.2 FEET TO <br /> THE POINT BF HEaINNTNa, CONTAININa 4.� ACRE9, M�RE OR LESS. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deaaribed, to�ether with all the Tenements, Hereditamente <br /> and Appurtena�eea thereunto .belonging unto ths said WILS�N C�NCRETE COMPANY, a corporation, <br /> And the said BACH�Ii�tN & LES'�ER C�MPANY for iteelf or its sucaessors, aoes hereby aovenar�t and <br /> agree tio and with th e sa,id parties of the secand part and heirs and assigns, that at the time of th e <br /> execution and delivery of these presenta it is lawfully seized oP said prem�sea; that it hsa good <br /> . right and lawPul authvri�y to convey the aame; that they are free from encumbrance does hereby <br /> covenant to warrant and d�fend the ea3d premises againa� the lawful cYaims oP all persona �homeoever. <br /> IN WSTNESS WHEREOF, '�he said BACHT�AAt & LESTER COMPANY has hsreunto caused ita eorporate seal <br /> to be affixed and t�ese presents to be signed by lte President the day and year flrst a��e mkitten. <br /> Signed, �ealed and delivered in presence of ( . . . amps) BACHMAN AIJD LES�E1� C�MPANY, <br /> R. L. Leater (Cancelled ) BY: Wilber J. Baahman <br /> 0 ee en <br /> (SEAL) <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> } ss. �n this 29th day oP June 1954 before me, the underai�ned, a Notary Publia <br /> Hall County ) in and for said County, pergonally came W11ber J. Haahman, President of <br /> the Bachman & Leater Company, a avrporation to me peraonally known to be <br /> the Prealdent and the identical person whose name is afYixed to the above Qonveyanoe, and aeknowledge8 <br />