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��. � <br /> � DEED R�CORD N�. 96 <br /> $2Q4 i�-{H6AUBtlfTINECO.GFAND I41AND,NFBR. <br /> TA1 WIT1uE88 WHEREOF the said grantor has cauaed t�is in�trument to be exed�zted by its preeic�ent <br /> and i'�s oorporate seal to be afPixed here�o. <br /> Si��ed this l�th day of July A.D. 195Q• . <br /> (CORP) <br /> " (SEAI,) ABRAHAAI�ISOIQ BUILDING & 3UPPLY C0. <br /> In �he �?resence of � '�1� Srn�th �1ark �tree� <br /> . . . amps� arand Tsland, Atebr. __ _ <br /> -_---_ (Cancelled ) A Corpo�ation <br /> By J. F. Abrahamso�, Presider�t <br /> At te st R. L, Lacsy , Seeretary <br /> S�ATL OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On th3s 2���h day of May, 1950 bef��e rne, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Public ln and for sa�.a Coun�y, per�sonally eame J. �', ABRAFiAMSON, <br /> Pre�ident of the ABRAHAM54N BUILDING & 3UPPLY C0. to me personally <br /> known to be the Pres3.den� and the identiaal person whoae name ig affixed to the above eonveyar�ce, <br /> and acknowled�ed �he execution �hereof' to be his voiuntary act and d�ed a� such� affi�er and '�he <br /> voluntary aa� and deed of �he aaid C�RPOR.ATIOPt, and tha� the �orporate seal of the said� CORPORATTON <br /> was thereto afPixed by its authority. � <br />' Witnege my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Ie�land, in said aounty �he day and year last <br /> above wri�ten, � <br />�, (SEAL) ;�.'"�''. H� s�mann <br />� , �`ot ra y`� <br />�'� <br /> My c�ommission expires �he 13th day of I�arch 29,�d. <br /> i Filed for record this 12 day of July, 1950, at $.3t1 o�elocsk A.M. " <br />� ��� <br />� REGIBTER� OF" DEEDS <br /> I <br /> 0-0-f1-0-0-4-0-0-0-C�--0-0-0-0-�-0-0-Q-O-Q-�-O-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-4-0-0-�-0-0-0-U-.(�-0-0;0-U-O-Q-0-0-(3 <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED <br /> RNO�t ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTgs � <br /> THAT, WFiEREAB, in an ac�ion in the Diatrict Court of the E1e$en'�h Jud3.eia1 Df.8�r3et of the - <br /> 8tate oP Nebraska, within and f'or the County of Hall wherein The County� of Ha11 State of Nebraska, <br /> is plaintiPP and Charlea Me�tenbrink and Mettenbrink, Ylr�� real true name unknown, hie <br /> wife et al. are defendant�, No. 1�, Doc.��.g� 141-1�1, the plaintiff did on the lOth day of <br /> Nov�mber �.9�9 obtain a decree P�.nding there to be due Prom the dePendants for �gneral and speci�l <br /> improvement taxes upon a Certificate of Ta�c Sale and subsequent tgxes, in Cause oP Ac'�ion No, �-9, <br /> �he sum of �1��.9�, aceruing interest and casts of the su3'�, and, whereaa, it was then and there <br /> Purther or dered in the aa�,d action that in deYau►1t of the payment oP the sum so found due Yrom the - <br /> �a3d defendante that the Sheri�'f of said County of Hall should cause the lands and �'�en�ments here- <br /> inafter deseribed to be advertised and sold aacording to law to pay the same, and, �rhereag, detault <br /> having been� made therein, the said She�ifP oP said County, under and by virtue of the said deeree <br /> and the order oP sale to him duly directed, did, on the 25tM day of January, 19�0, at the North <br /> Front Door vf the Gourt Fiouse in �he City of (3rand Teland, in said Courity.of Hall, having first <br /> given due and legal notiee o1' the 'Gime and plaee of sald sale for not lese 'Ghan thirty days prior <br />' thereto in The arand Island Da.ily Independent, a legal n��spaper, printed a�d in general eirtsulation <br />� in said County of Ha11, sell Baid premises at pubZie auction to John J. Roas and/or Ruth Rosa, as <br /> JOINT TENAI�TTS WITH SURVIVDRSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON; Por the suat of One Hundred and E3gb.teea� <br /> and no�l�� - - - - Dollars, (�he �atal aaerued coats oP suit and sale beirt� �1��.9g), ahich �aale waa <br /> r 0 xamin d and eonfirmed b th� s id Court nd th 3 <br /> ds on th 1 th da oP Feb uar 1 e e a a e sa d <br /> aPterwar e 7 y 3�, 95 , y <br />' E. H. S'tobbe as sueh Sher3Pf, ordered �a convey �he said premiaes i� fee simple to the eaid John J. <br /> I�� Roas and/or Ru�h Ross � _ <br /> NOW, THEAEFORE, T, the sald Sherlff oY the Cour�ty of Hall, as aforesaid, in cons,ideration of <br /> the pr�mises and by v�.r�ue of the po�ers vested 3n me by 1aw and the dearee o�' said Gburt, do <br /> I her�by �ive, �rant, and convey tv the said John J. Ross and/or Ruth Ross, �heir heira and a�sign�, <br /> ithe premises so as af'oreeaid sold, to-wit: <br /> I Lot TKO (2) in Bloek �ne (1) in Lambert �s Seeond Addition to the C1ty oY arand Island, Hall Coun�y, ' <br />, N�braska, as �urveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Three �3) B1o�k One (I) in Lambert's 3econd Addition to the City of f�rand Island, Hall Countq, <br /> Nebraska, as surveyed, plat�ed, and recorded. <br /> with the appurtenanQes. <br /> IT BEING THE TNTENTI�N OF ALL PARTTES HERETO, TFiAT IN THE EVEIdT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> {�RANTEE3,TH� ENTIRE FEE 9IMPLE TTTLE TO THE REA� ESTATE DESCRIBED HERETN SHALL VEST TN THE 3UR- <br /> VTVINQ� (�RANTEE. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME un�o the said John J. Ross and/or Ru�Ch Ross, '�heir as JOTNT <br /> TENANTS WTTH."SIIRVIVORSHIP AND N�T AS TENANTS IN C�MMqN, and tYzeir heirs and a�e�gns f�rever. <br /> IN T��TIMONY WHEAEOF, T have as Buch �heriff hereun'�o set my hand thls 20 th day of Marah, 19�j0. <br /> Executed and de7.ivered in the pres�nee ot' E. H. 8tobbe <br /> Therese A. Muchow er o a oun y, e -ras a., <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 20th day of March, 1954, be�'ore me, M. E. Moses personally <br /> County of Ha11 ) appeared the said E. H. 9tobbe, a� aheriF�' of sald County to me, <br /> personally known to be �he identical person who signed �he fare�;oing <br /> iMatrument as grantor, and acknowledged the same to be hie voluntary aet and de�d, as $uch sheri��, <br /> for the us�s and purposes therein set forth. <br /> WTTNE89 my hand and of�'icial se�1 the day and year above written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Mo a es <br /> 0 � 0 ` <br /> F11ed for reebrd this 12 d.ay of July, 1950, at 9:�� o � cloek A.M. <br /> �o� G���.�. <br /> � o ee <br /> o--o-o-o.-o-o-o�o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-ao_o_o�o-o_o-o-c�o--o <br />