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- <br />� � ��_ 1. <br />� <br />; DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� <br />� <br />�_ 32841-'�ryEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � � , <br /> j wARRANTY DEED---.Corpora'Cion <br /> j 2HIS SI�DENTURE, Made this 29th day of June A.D. ; 195o betWeer� BACHMAN and LESTER C�I�4PANY, a <br /> I corporation a eorporation organized and ex3.sting und�r and by virtue of the laws of the 9tate oP <br /> j I�ebraska party ot' the firs� part, and E. R. Myers and Juan� Myera, husband and Wife; aa �oint <br />� '�enants, and not ae �ena�ts in Qommon, with ri�h� oP survivorship. oP the County ot Hall, and State <br /> of Nebraska, par�ies oP the second part, WITNESSETH. That the said party oY the first part Por 8n� <br />�. � in a4nsi8eration oP 'Ghe suffi of�ne and other valuable consideratior� - - - DOLLARB in hand paid, <br />"'` reoeipt �rhereaf is hereb aaknowle <br />� y dgea, has �old ai�d� by the8e presents does grant, aonvey and con- <br />� P3i•m unto the said partie� of the seeond part, �he follo�rin� de�cribed premises, situated in Hall <br /> Co�anty, snd 3tate oP NebraBka, to-wit: <br /> ;° All oP � � <br /> A certain art oY the Northwest Quarter oP the 9outhwest Quarter (Nt�}81��) of SeQticn <br />, R'�►�n ty (20� in Towrs�hip Elev�� (11), North, Ran�e �Jine (9) Wes t of tI�e th P.M. , more <br /> partieularlq dsscribed aa �ollowss Ccmm�nein� at the Nor�hwest Qorner or the Northxest <br /> Quarter oP the Southweat Quarter oP 9ection 20, in Townehip 11, North, Range 9 West of <br /> the 6th P.M. , and r�ea$uriM� South alo�g the �lest Line of said One 3lxtee�th Section, <br /> 295.7 Feet, �o the 3outherly line of West Seaond Strset extension Road, thenae de- <br /> flecting 119 �3�� to the leY'�,a,nd meaaur�ng 204.5 tee� sloz�g the Southerly L1ne oP �aid <br /> road, to the actual poir�t ef begit�ning-..eontin�ing thenae along '�he Sou�herly Line or <br /> A �aid Road and on the Laet mentioned course, 2�3.4 Feet, thence aer�ectsng 1�9°16� to the <br /> x�lgh'� and runniag Southerly parallel to the West Line of P'racti�nal Sectio� 19, in Town- <br /> ship 11, Narth, �Range q �Test ot the 6�h P.M. , a dis'�anae of �22.2 Feet then�e defleating <br /> �jp°Op� to the righx, and runnin� Westerly 2�7.2 Fee'�: Thenae deflectin� 9� 00� to the <br /> right and run�3ng NortherZy ��2.g Feet, to' the aatual point of beginning, aontalning tao <br /> (�) aares, more ar less. <br /> It being the int�ntion of all partlea hereto, that in the event ot' �he death of either of eaid <br /> grantee��, the er�tire �'ee simple titl,e to the real estate desaribed hereln ahall vest in �he sur- <br /> viving g�rantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HO�.D '�he premis�s above desoribed, together with all the Tenemgnts, Heredlta- <br /> mente arid Appur�enanaee thereunto belonging unte t1�e said L,�.2�y��s an2� Juaa M�ers;ht�sband and ��ile <br /> And the said Bachman and Leater Company, a corpora'�ion Por itself or i�s sueaesaors, daes , <br /> h�r�by eovenant ar�d agree to and with the �aid parties of the seeond part and heirs and assigns, 7, <br /> that at �Ghe tl me of �he execution and delivery oP these presenta it is lawfully aeized of said <br /> premises; that it has good ri�ht and lawful at�thority �o oonvey the same; '�hat they are free Yrom j <br /> enaumbrance doea hereby covenant to warrant �nd det'end the said premises agalASt the lawrul claims <br /> oY a11 p�rsons �homsvever. <br /> IN WITNE98 WHEREOF, the said Baahman and Lester Company, a aorporation haa hereuntcr cauaed 1ts <br /> c�rporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its president the day and y�ar first <br /> abvve �ritte�. <br /> BACHMAN AND LESTER COMPAAIY,a corporation <br /> Signed, sealed and delinered in presenae of ( • . . amps) (CORP) X11ber J. Hachmax� <br /> R. L. Lester (GanQelleB ) (SEAL) �' <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) s�. en this 29th day oY June 1950 before me, the t�ndersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) P�blie in and for �aid County, personally carne Wilber J. Baeh�aan, <br /> President oY the Baahman & Le$ter Company, a aorporatian to me personally <br /> known to be the -President and the identiaal persen whose name is affiaed to �he above aonveyanae, <br /> and aekno�rledged the exeaution thereof to be his vvluntary aat and deed as such offiaer and the vol- <br /> _ untary aat and 8e�ed oP the said Bachman & Lester Company, a aarporation, and tha,t the Corporate. seal <br /> mP the sa3d Baahman & L�ster �ompany, a corporation wes thereto affiaed by its authority. <br /> Wltne�e my hand and l�o�arlal �eal at arand Island 1n said eounty the day and year last above <br /> �rrritten. <br /> ���� Llo d W. Kell <br /> �I�r Qommiesion expires the 27th day of �ctober, 1951. lo ar9 Pu ie. <br /> Filed for reQard this 11 day c�f Ju1y, 1950 at 2:5� o'cloek P.M. p � <br /> cGH.� �a�✓ <br /> �ieg ster o eeda N <br /> o-o-o_o-o..o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o_o-o-o_o-o_o-o_o_o-o-o-o_o-Q-o-o-o-o_o_o_o-o�o_o_o_o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o <br /> " �ORP4RATION WAE�RANTY D�ED--veatirig Entire Title in S�arvivor <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENT5, That Abrahamson Building and Supply Company a Qorporation organi�ed <br /> and existin� �tnder and by v3r'�ue of the lawa of '�he State of Nebraska, for and in conslderation <br /> of the sum of Ona dollar and other valuable aonaideration i� hand paid do�� hereby grant, bax�ain <br /> �ell and convey un�o Doward. L. Pat�erson and Evelyn Elizabeth Pa�ter�on, h�sband and wife as <br /> JOINT �ENANTS, and not as tenante in Qommon; the following d�sar�.bed real estate, eitua�ed in <br /> tMe County of Ha1l and �tate of Nebraska, to-�rlt: <br /> All oP Lo� T�lve (12) and �he 8auth S�ven and 31x �enths (?.�) Pee� of Lot Ten (10), <br /> � all ln Block Twen�y t'our (24) in (�ollege Add�.tion to Wes't Lawn, an Addition ta the <br /> �ity of Grand Isla.�d, ATebraska <br /> TT BEIN4 THE IN�ENTION OF ALL PAR�SES HER��O, THAT IN �HE EVENT OF THE DEATH 0�' EITHER 0�' <br /> SAZD QRANTEE3, THE ENT3F�.E gEE SIMPLE TITI�E T� THE REAL ES�ATE DE3CRTBED HEREIN SHALL YE�T IN THE <br /> SURV'TVZNG C�RAN�'EE. <br /> TO HAVE s�D T4 HOLD the above described premisea, with '�he af oresaid appurtenance�, unto the <br /> s�id grantees as JOI�iT TENANTS, and not as tenants in comffion, and '�o their ass3gns, or to the <br /> hei.r8 and asaigna� of �he sur�rivor oP them, forever, �and the grantor herein, for itB�lf a�nd its <br /> e�c�easors does _ aovenant wi'�h �he granteee named herein and with their aasi�s and with the heir� <br /> aMd assigns of tY�e �urvlvor of them tha'G it is lawfuily seized of said premises; that they are <br /> Pre� fram encumbrar�c�e and that said grantor b.a,s good title to and good right and lawful authorlty <br /> to Qar�vey the same �.nd it dosa hereby covenant �o warrant and forever defend said premiaes unto <br /> tM.e grantees r�smed herein and �ntp the ar�d�s of the �urvlvor of ths�a, forever, a,�ainst <br /> the lawPul claf.m$ ot' all persons whom�oever, exaluding the except�.ox�8 named herein. <br />