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��a � <br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 82841-tNlAUCUSTINfC0.08ANDI8LAN0,NEHR. � <br /> �HERIFF'S DEED <br /> I <br /> K�t�W ALL MEN HY TFiESE PRESENTk3: I <br /> THAT, WfiEREA3, in an aation in �he Distriat Court o� �he Eleventh Judleial DistrSat oP the State i <br /> o�' Nebraska, within and for the Countq of Ha11, wherein County of Hall, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, a ! <br /> municipal corpora�ion, is p1a3r�tltf and Henry H. Hinkle and Jes�ie W. Hinkle �t a�. , are dePendan��, <br /> No. 21, Doc. 1, Page 21�-22�, the p].a3ntlff did on the 24th day o� February, 1950, obtain a decres <br /> finding there to be due from �he defendants Yor �eneral and specisl improvsment talces upon a <br /> Certificate oY Tax 8a1e and subsequent taxea, in Cause af Ac�ion, No. �, the s�am of �21.�7, aacraing <br /> interest and aosts of the sui�, and, whereas, i� was then and there further ordered in the said <br /> aa'�ion �hat ln default of the payment oP the sum so found due Yrom the sald dePendanta that the <br /> 3herifP oY sald Caunty oP Hall should cauBe the lands and tenements hereina.�ter d�scribed t4 be <br /> adver�isad and sold aacording �o law to pay the �arne, and, wher�as, de�'ault havin� been made <br /> therein, the said 8heriPP of 8�id Coun'�y, under and by vir�ue of the said dear�e a�r�d the order oY <br /> sale to hSm duly direeted, did, on the Ilth da,y oP May, 19�0, at the Nort�i Front door of the Court <br /> House in the Ci�y of arand Tsland, in said Caunty vf �iall having Yirat given du� and legal notice <br /> oP the time and place of said sale for not less than th3rty daye pr�.or th.�r�'�o in the The arand <br /> Island Daiiy Independent, a legal newepaper, print�d and in general ciraulation in said Count�r ot <br /> Hall, sell said premisea at publie a�ction to Hall County Por the sum of Fourteen an d no/100 - - - <br /> Dollara, (the total adcrued coats oY su�.t and sale being �21.27), �vh3ah �ale was af��rwarcbon the <br /> 3rd day oP June, 1950, examined and eonYlrmed by the said Court and �he �aid E: H. 8'�obbe as suah <br /> SheriYf, ordered to convey the said premiees in Yee simple to the said Hall Cvunty <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sherif� oP the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in Qonsiderat3on oP <br /> 1�he premisea and b� virtue oY the po�rer ves'�ed in me by 1aw ai�d t,he dearee of sa3d CaurL, dc3 hereby <br /> glve, grant, and eonvey to the said Hall Coun�y, and �,ts assigns, th� pr�mises so as aPoresai.d �old, <br /> �o-wit: <br /> Lot Thirty-six (36) in Sunnyside Subdivision and �ddition to the City of Grand Island, Hal]�County, <br />� Nebraska, as aurveyed, platted, and recorded. - <br /> wi�h the appurtenanaes. <br />�i T4 HAVE AN D T� HOLD THE SAME unto the said Fiall County and its� YoreQ�r. <br /> IAT TE�TIM�NY WHERE�F, T have as suc�i SheriPf her�unto set my hand �his 26fih day of J�ne, 29�0. <br /> I� Exeeuted and delivered ir� the presenee of E. H. S�obbe <br /> Therese A. Nluchow er f oP ounty, e ras a <br /> STATE OF' NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On �his 26th day of June, 1950, be�'ore me, M. E. �Iases peraonally <br /> County oP Hall � appeared �Ghe said E. H. 3tobbe, aa sherif f of sa�.d County �o me, <br /> personaZly knowr� tv be the Sdentleal pereon who signed the Yoregoing <br /> instrument as �rantor, and acknowled�ed the same� to b� his voluntary act and deed, a� such alieriff, <br /> for the uses and purposes ther ein set Porth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and of�'icia2 se�.1. the day and year above wri'�ten. <br /> (5EAL) M. E. Moses <br /> ERK 0 D R 0 . <br /> Filed for record thia 20 da.y of July, 1950, at 3 0�elock P.M. <br /> �� <br /> egsero ees,� <br /> p-.0-0-�-0-4-0_�_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_p-0-0-�-0-0-f?-O-C�=O <br /> �gUTT CLAI�I DEED � <br /> THIS I�iDENTtTRE, Made this 10th day of Ju1y, 1n the year one thousand nine hunclred and t1.Yty, be�weer� <br /> Etta Linnemann, a aingle womaa� of �he first par�, and Charles A. areas�ba and Be'�tg area�ba, Huebarid <br /> and �11fe of the seaond part, WITNESSETFi, �that the sald part�r of the Yirst part, ir� Q@nsideration of <br /> the s�um of ane Do11ar and other considerations to her duly paid, the recelpt whereof ia hereby aa- <br /> knowl�dged r�mised, released, and qui't-�laimed, a�d by these preaents doea for herself.heire, <br /> executora an� adminietratora, re�nis�, release and forever qui�t�-cslaim and Qonvey unto the said party <br /> o�' the secand part, and �o thelr heirs and ass3gna Porever, all her rigY�t, title, intereeti, estate <br /> elaim and demand, both at Iaw and in equity, of, in and to gll <br /> Lots Twenty-two (22) Twenty-three (23) Twenty-fmur �24) Blook Tvrenty (20� Ashton Place <br /> City of t�rand Isls,nd, Hall Cocintq, Nebraeka <br /> �ogether wi�h all and eingular ths hereditaments thereutlto belmnging. <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the above described pre�►ises unto the said Charles A. (�rea,�ba and Bet�y <br /> areamba, their heirs aMd assigns; so that r�either Etta Linnemann the Ba3d grantor, nor axzy peraor� <br /> in her name and behalY, shall or will hereaYter cl�.im or dernand an� r�i�ht or tttZe �o the said <br /> premises or any part thereoY, but they and every one of them al�al.l by these presents be excluded <br /> and Porever barred. <br /> IN WITNES3 WHERE�F, the sai8 part� of ths firet part haa hereun�o �et hsr hand and seal the d�,y <br /> and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered 1n presen�e o� � . ' . . amps) E'�ta Linnemana <br /> H�rbert F. Ma�er ��anaelled � <br /> 3TAT� �F 1Vebraska ) <br /> ) as. �n thia lOth day oP July, A.D. , 1954, beYore ne, the undersigned Herber� <br /> Hall Ceunty ) F. Mayer a �lotary Publia, duly co�iseianed and qual�fied Yor and reeldi�g <br /> in said cour�ty, personally came Ett� Linnsmann, a �in�le r�omar� to me kno� <br /> to be the ldentiaal psrsc�n w�ose name is affiaed to the foregoing ins�rtament as grantor and aaknowl- <br /> edged t2�e same '�o b� her voluntary act e.nd deed. <br /> Witr�ess my hand and Not�.rial Seal the day and year l�,at abc�ve written. <br /> (gg,A�,) Herbert F. Ma er <br /> My Co�mission expires the Z7th da� of May, 1956 `T��a.�y�u�l� <br /> FiZed for re�ord this 11 day of July, 195C1 at 1:15 0�eloek P.M. ���, � <br /> eg a ter o ee�� <br /> o-o_o-o-o-o-ao-o-o_o_ao-o_o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o_a-o-o-o--o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o..o.�o-c�o <br />