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��.�� <br /> DEED RECORD N�. 96 <br /> � , 32841-7HEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. - , . <br /> NC?W, THFA.EY�'C?RE, I, �he said SherifY ot tbe County of Hall, as aforesaid, in conaideration o! <br /> the premises and bq virtue of the power� vested in me by lax and the decr�e of said Court, do hereby <br /> giQe, grant, and Qonvey ta the said .Alex and Euphrosine Kalkowski their heira and $asigns, the <br /> premiaee so' as aforeeaid eold, '�o-xit: Lot Six (6) in Hloak �ne �1} i.n Packer & Barr'8 Additton tfl <br /> j the City of f3rand �sland, Hall County, Nebraska, ae $urveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lo'� 8�ven t7) in Blook One (1} in Pacger dc Barr�a Addition to the City oP arand Island, Hall Count�, <br /> Nebraska, ae aur�reyed, plattefl,and recorded � <br /> . <br /> I <br /> N3'Ch the appurtenancea. <br /> IT BEINQ THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERET�, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITFiER OP' SAID <br /> aAANTEEB, THE ENTIRE I�EE 9IMPLE TI TLE T� THE REAL ESTATE DESCRI HED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN T�iL SE1R- <br /> VIYINa GFRANTEE. <br /> To HAqE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said Alex and Euphros�ne Kalkowa�i as JOINT TENANTS <br /> �tITH BURVIVOR3HIP AND N�T AS TENANTS SN COI�MON, and their heirs an d assigng forever. <br /> IN TEBTIMONY WH�RE4F, I have as sueh 9herifP hereur�to 8et �y hand this 7th day of July, . 1950• <br /> Eaceauted and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Therese A.Mucrio�► � er o oun y, e ras a. <br /> SfiATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On thla 7th day of July, 1950, before� �ae, M. E. iKoses per$onally appeared <br /> County of Hall � the sa,id E. H. Stobbe, ae eheriff oY said Qount9 -tp ne, peraonally kr�a�rn <br /> to be the identical person who signed the foregoin� instrvmen� ae grantor, <br />, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and de�d, as such sherift, fcr the use8 and prxr- <br /> poaes therein set farth. <br /> WITRIESS my hand and oPficial seal the day and year above �ritten. <br /> � (3EAL) M. E. Moaee <br /> E 0 <br /> � � .. _ , _ <br /> �fled fmr rec��d �Yaiis. l� day of Ju1g, 195t3, at l s 4�j o�alack -P.I�. ; . . _ . - <br /> eg s er o s s�y <br /> '0-0-Q-�-0-0-0 0_0-0-0-�-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-.0-0..O�.ap_0-0-�0 <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED - � <br /> KNONf ALL MEN HY THESE PRE3E1dTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAB, in an acticn in the Dis�rict Court ot' the Eleventh Judialal Distrlct of '6he <br /> State o� l�ebraeka, with3n and !or the County of Hal�, wherein Hall County, I�ebraeka, is plaintitf <br /> and Charle� L. Spellman and 9pellman et al. , are defendsnts, No. 19, Doc. 1, Page 1�6-206, <br /> the plaintiff did on the 24t d�ay o! February, 195p, obtain a decree tinding there to be due �ro� <br /> the �efendanta tor general and epeoial improvement taxes upon a Certitica'�e of Ta1c Sale and eubse- <br /> quent ta�cea, in Cauee af Aetion, No. j-4_5-6, the sum ot �159•93, aaoruing interest and eosts or <br /> the suit, and, whereas, it was t�hen and �Chere Purther esrdered in the said aation that in default of <br /> the payment of the sum so found due irom the said defendanta that the Sheriff of said County of Hall <br /> 8hould cause the lands and tenements herein$fter deserlbed to be advertiaed and sold aoeord:ing to <br /> law to pay the same, and, Mhereas, defaul.t having been aade therein, �he aaid &�eri�f of aaid Coun�y, <br /> under �nd by virtue of the said dear�e and the order v� sale to him duly direoted, did, o� the 27th <br /> d�y of April, 1950, at th� l�or'Eb Front Door of th� Cour� House in the City df arand Ieland, in aaid <br /> Qotintg of Hall, having first given due and legal notive of the time and place of aaid sale for not <br /> less than thirty days prior thereto 3n the C}rand Ialand Daily InBependent, a legal ne�+spaper, printed <br /> and in general a3rcula�3on in said Cc�unty c�Y Hall, sell said premiaee at public auation to Hall <br /> Co�nty for the au� of Twenty and no/l00 - - - Dollars, (the total aecrued eoste of suit and eale <br /> . being �159.�3�, whlah aale �as afterwards OA the 26th day of May, 1950, easmined and eonfirmed by <br /> the aald Court arid '�he said E. H. Stobbe aa such 9�isriff, ordered to �on�rey �he said prenises in <br /> tee simple to the said Hall County <br /> N�W, THEREFORE, I, the said Sherif� oP the County of Hall, aa atoresa3d, in conaide�ation of <br /> �he premisea and by virtue of �he power$ vested in me by lax and the dearee of said Court, do hereby <br /> give, grant, and convey to the said Hall County,and 1ts �asigna, the premises ao ae aforesaid eola, <br /> to-wit: Lot Nine (9) in B1oek One (l� in Riefa Addition to the Vil.lage cf Donlphan, Hall County, <br /> Nebrgaka, as surveyed, plattecl, a,nd recorded. <br /> Lo� Ten (10) in Hlock One (1� ir� Rief� Addition to the Village of Doniphan, Ha11 Count�, l�ebraeka, <br /> as sr�veyed, platted and reoorded. Lot Eleven (11) in Bloak One (1) in Rief'e Addition to'.�he <br /> Village�° of Donipha,�, Hall County, Al�braska, as eurveyed, platted, and reeorded. Lot Twelve (12) in <br /> Block One (1) in Aiela Additi,on to the Village oP Ilk�niphan, Hall County, Nebraska, aa aurveyed, <br /> pla�tte&, and recorded. <br /> with the appur�enancee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE �AME unto the said Hall County and its a�signa forever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREt3F, I have ae suoh 9heriff hereunto �et my hand thia 26th day of J�ne, �950. <br /> Exe�uted and �elivered in the presenee of E. H.� Stobbe <br /> Therese l�. Muohox er o a oun y, e raa a. <br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA ) - <br /> � ae. OA this 26'Gh da,y of June, 1950, bef'ore me, the undersigned, M. E. Moses, <br /> County caf Hall personally appeared the aaid E. H. 9tobbe, ae 3herilf of said County, 'Co <br /> me personally known to be the identiaal per�on xho signed the foreg+oing <br /> instrwnent as grantor, and acknowledged the s�me to be his voluntary aot and Qeed, ae srxcsh 3heriff, <br /> � for the use� and purposes therein set Porth. <br /> WITIJES9 my hand and official seal the day and year above xritten. <br /> (SEAL) � M• E. Moeee <br /> � erk of e e rics our <br /> F11ed t'or reeord this 10 day oP July 195�, at 3 0'aloek P.M. � - <br /> e�ro ee � <br /> o-o-o-.o.�_o-o_o-o_o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o�o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-a-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o- -.o <br />