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_ �(_�� <br /> D�ED RECOR.D NO. 96 <br /> 32841�7'HEAUGIISTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> Signecl �his 28th day of November, A,D. 1947. <br /> In presence of � - Crystal Luaile Conger <br /> Edward L. Rogere <br /> B. J. Cunningham Harold M. Rogere <br /> Mabel Rogera� <br /> �assius Conger <br /> . Clarice Rogers <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )�S. On this 28th day of November A.D. 1947, before me, the undersigned <br />� HALL County ) B. J. Cunningham a Notary Public, duly commisgioned and qualif�ed f'or <br /> and rsaiding in said coun�y, peraonally came HAROLD M. ROC�ERS & MAHEL <br /> ROQERS, hi� wife, CRYSTAL LUCILE CONGER (Wife of Cassius Conger, grantor herein) and HAROLD M. <br />' ROGERB, (husband of Clarice Rogers, grantor herein� �o me known to be the identiQal persons whoae <br />' names are af'Fixed to the foregoing ins�rument a� grantors and aaknowledged the eame to be their <br />� voluntary aet and deed. <br />� Witnesa mq hand and Nota.rial Seal the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) B. J. C�nnin�ham <br />' Notary Publ3.cs. <br />� My Commissidn expires the ,5th day of August 1953- � <br /> S�ATE OF SLLINOI� ) <br /> )SS. On this 5th day of December, A.D. 1947, before me, the undersigned <br /> Henr �ount Emil F. Anson a Nota Public dul commissioned and ualified Por <br /> Y Y ) I'Y � Y q <br /> and reaiding in sa�.d county, personally aame GASSItJS CONaER, (huaband <br /> i of Cryatal Lucile Conger, �rantor herein) to me known to be the identiQal per8on whose name ia <br /> a.t'fised to the f oregaing instrument as grantor and acknowledged �he eame to be hls voluntary aat <br /> and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and yeax �ast above w�kitten. <br /> . (SEAL) Emil F. Anaon <br /> I Notary Publie <br /> My commission expires the 20th day of July, 1951. <br />' STATE OF CALTFOANIA ) <br />� )SS: On this 9th day of �Dec. , A.D, , 19�7, bef ore me, the undersigned M. E. <br />, COU1dTY OF Tehama �af'a�l a Atotary P�.tblic, duly commissioned and qualified Por and <br />� reaiding in said County, peraonally CLARICE ROQERB, (wife oP Harold <br /> M. Rogers, grs�.ntor herein} to me known to be the identia�.l. person whose name is affixed to the <br /> f oregoing instrumen� as gr�nto�^, and acknowledged the same to be her volun�ary act and deed. <br /> Witneas m�yy hand and Nota.ria,l Sea1. the day and pear last abone written. <br /> I (SEAL) M. E. Raf ael <br /> Notary Publics <br /> My commission expires the 5th day of Dec. , 1949, <br /> �'iled for reaord �his 6 day of July, 1950, at �:4�5 0'clock P.M. <br />, : �� ��- - <br /> - <br /> �, REQISTER OF DEEDB <br /> � <br /> . <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-aao-.o--o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a.o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o <br /> BHERIFF'�S DEED <br /> �NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENT3: <br />, _ <br />� THAT, �fiEREAB, in an aation in the Dis�rict Court of the Eleven�th J�adicial Distriox of �the <br />, State o� Nebraska, �rithin and for the County of Hall, rrherein County oP Hall, Ha11 Co�nty, Nebraska, <br /> a�m�Aicipal corporation, is plalntifF and Qus Engbert and Engbert et al. , are defendants, No. ld, <br /> c. a e I� -1 th 1 intif d th <br /> � S 5 95, e a f 1d on e th da, oP e�ruar 1 obtai� a d e <br /> P 7 Y Y, 950, eare finding <br /> there to be due from rhe defendants for �general and spe�3a1 improvement taxe� upon a Certifiaa�e of <br /> Taa Sale and subsequent taaes, 1n Ca�se of Action, No. 8, the sum of �61.73, aceruing lnterest and <br /> Qoats of the suit, and, whe�eas, it was then and there turther ordered in the said action that <br /> in default of the payment oP the sum so Pound due Yrom the sald dePendants tha.t the Sheritf of said <br /> County oP Hall" should aause the lands and �enements hereinafter deseribed to be advertised and sold <br /> according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the eaid �herit"i <br /> ot sald County, under and by virtue oP the said deoree and the order of sale to h1m duly directed, <br /> did, on the 2�th day o� April, 195o, �at the North Front Door of the Court House �.n the City of tt�rrand <br /> Island, ln sald County of Hall ha�in� firs� gieen due and legal notice oP �he time and plaae of said <br /> sale for no� less than �hirty days prior thereto in the The arand Ialand, Daily Independen'C, a lega,I <br /> �ewspape�°, printed and f.n ger�eraZ e3reulation in said County of Hall, sell ,�aid prsmises a� public <br /> auetion to 1�i.11iam Hallam 8rt�ner Yor the sum of Siateen a.nd no/100- - - _ Dollars, (the total <br /> accrusd coats o� suit and sale bein,g �61.73) , which eale wa.s aPter�ards on the 19th day of May, <br /> 1954, eaaa�ined and aon�irmed by the said Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as suah Sheriff, ordered <br /> �o oo�vey tYie said premiaes in Pee aimple '�o the said William Hallam Bruner <br /> I�OW, THfftEFORE, I, the aaid 9heri�f ot' �he County of Hall, as aforesaid, in cons3deration of <br /> the premises and by virtue of the power �eated in me by law and the decree of said Court, do hereby <br /> give, grant, and conve�r to the said W1111am Hallam Bruner, his heirs and asaigna, the premises so <br /> as afc�resaid aold, �o-wit: <br /> Lot Five (5� in Bloek D, in the F�.rst Addition to the Village or Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> es �urveyed, platted, and reaorded. <br /> with the appurtenanoes. <br /> TD. HAVE AND TO H4LD THE SAME unto the said Willlam Ha11am Bruner and his heira and aasigns <br /> forever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEftEOF, I have as suah 8herifP' hereunto set my hand this 26th da,y oP June, 1950� <br /> Eaeauted and delivered in the presence oY E. H. 8tobba <br /> - Therese A. Mt�chow er� o l. ounty� .Nel�ras <br />