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��� ' <br /> D�ED R�COI�D NO. 96 <br /> 92841�-}Nl�UCUSTINEC0.6RANDISI�ND,NFYR. <br /> � C4RPORATION WARR.ANTY DEED---Vesting Entire Title in Sureivor <br /> gNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Abraharnson Bui2ding and Supply Cor�pany a eorporation orgartized <br /> ar�d �xistin� under and by virtue of the law� of the Sta�e of Nebragka, for and i� considera�ion <br /> of th� surn of One Dollar and o�h�r valuabl� consideration in hand paid does hereby �;rant, bar�aln, <br /> sel1. and convey unto Frank J. LTrban a�d Hlanche M. IJrban, as JOTNT TENANTS, and not as t�nant� in <br /> common; the following deserib�d -real �state, situated in the Cour3�y of HaZl and Sta'Ge of' Nebragka, <br /> �o-wl�: <br /> �he South F�.fteen and Two Tenth� (15.2) feet of Lot �igh'� (8) and th� N'orth Thirty-Six <br /> and Eigh� Tenths (36.8) Yeet of Lot Ten (l�� all in 81o�k �wenty Four (24) in College <br /> _ Addition to ��Test Lawn, an Addition �o the Ci�y of Grand I�l.and, Nebraska <br /> TT BEING THE TNTENTION OF ALL PARTZES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEA�H OF EITHER OF <br /> ' -SAID QRANZ'EES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL �5TA�E DESGRIBED HERESN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVTVING aRANTE�. <br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desar3,bed premises, with �h� �,foreeaid appurtenances, un�o the <br /> �aid gran�ees a� JOI1�T TENAl�TS, and not as t�nants in common, and to �hee3r a.ssigns, or �o th�a <br /> heirs and a�signs of the eurvivor of them, f orever, and �he grantor her�in, for i���lP and ita <br /> sucee�a�orffi doee cov�nant with �h� grantee� nam�d herein and wi�h their aesign� and wi�h th� he�tr� <br /> " and a��igns of th� survivor of th�m tha.t it i� l�wPully �eiz�d oF �a,id preinises; tha� they ar� <br /> ° fre� from �ncumbrane� and that said grantor has good title� to and good righ� and lawful au�hority <br /> � to convey the �am� and it do�s her�by eovenant to warrant and for�v�r def'�nd �aid premi�s+�� unto <br />� the grant�res named harein and unto th�ir a��ign� and un�o �he h�irs and assi�n� �2f �h� survivor <br />' of th�m, f orev�r, again�t th� lawful. ela�,nm� of a11 p�rson� whom�oever, excluding �he� �xe�pt3.ons <br /> namcd h�rein. <br />� ' " IN WITNESS WHER�OF �he �aid gran�or has caused thi� in�trum�n� to be �xecuted by i�s <br /> . pr��ident anel its corporate �eal to be affixed h�reto. <br /> ( 8.:�;� I, R. STAMPS . <br /> I - (Cancell�d <br /> � <br /> I <br />'� 51gn�d thi� 27th day of Jttne A.A. 195a <br />� Tn �he Pre�eence oi" ���RP) ABRAHAMSON BUILDING AND SUPF�LY CC�lPANY <br />� �5��) A Corporatic�n <br /> �. F. Huisma.nn <br /> By J. F. Abrahamson Prt�id�nt <br /> I A�tesatt R <br /> . L. Laay Seer�tary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) . <br /> )5S. On this 27�h day af Junea I950 b�t'or� me, th� und�r�igned, a Notary Publia <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) in and For said Caunty, per�onallv eam� J. F, AHRAHAMSON �re�ld�nt Qf <br /> �he ABRAHAA+iS01� BUILDING & SUPPLY COMPANY to me p�eraonally known to be �he Pr��id�n� and th� <br /> id�ntieal p�rffion who�e na,me i� affixed to �he abov� conveyanc� and a,cknowledg�d the ex�QUtior� <br /> th�rdof to be his voluntary aet and d�ed a� eu�h offieer and �h� vol�.ntary act and d�ed oP �he <br /> ��3�d CORPORATTON, and tha.t �he Coz�porate ��al of thee �aid C�RP�A.ATION w�.a the�erto at'fix�d by ifis <br /> authority. <br /> I'I Witne��� my hand and Notarial Seal a.t Grand T�land, in said aounty th�e day and year laffi� <br /> abov� writ��r�. <br /> (SEAL) . D. F. Huismann <br /> My 8ommimffiion �xp1r�� the 13�h day of March 195d. �Totary blic <br /> i <br /> Fil�d Por r�eord this 5 day oP July 1950, at U�:50 o�clock P.M. <br /> I�I <br /> REQ�Z�TER 4�DS � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-r)-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0--Q-0-Q-(?-0-�-0-0- `- �^-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br />, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE�ENTS: , <br /> THAT We, CRYSTAL LUCILE �ONGER & CASSIUS CONGER, her husband, of 8ewanwee, Tllinoi�; ED'�ARD <br /> L. ROGERS & MABEL ROGERS, his wife, of Carthage, Missouri; and HAA.OLD M. ROGER3 & CLARSCE ROaER5, <br /> hls wffe, of Corning, CaliPornia for and i� aons3deration of the sum of One Dollax and lone and <br /> affection in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey an3 confirm u�to OLIVE M. ROaERS, <br /> , (Mother of Crystal Lucile Conger, Edward L. Rogers, and Harold M. Rogers) of the County of ---- <br /> and State oP --------the f ollowing desaribed real estate s3,�ua'�ed in Grand Ts2and in Hall �ounty, <br /> and 3tate of Nebraska to-r�r3.t: <br /> Lo�G No. Five � (�) in Block No. Nine (9) , Walliehs� Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> $all County, Nebraska. <br /> Also the East Half of �he 3authwest Que,rter (E�SW�) oF Sect�.on Thirteen (13), Township <br /> Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (1Q), West of the 6th P,M. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> cor�taining 80 acre�, a little more or ],es�, accord�.ng to the C�overnment survey, sub�ect <br /> to recorded encumbranaes. <br /> . T� HAVE A1�D TO HOLD the premises above deser3bed, together w3th all the Tenements, Hereditamenta <br /> and appurtenances thereun�o belanging, unta the said �live M. Ro�ers and to her heirs and assigns <br /> f orever. And we do hereby cov�nant wi'�h the said Grantee and with her heirs and asslgns, that we <br /> are lawfully seiz�d of said premises; that �hey are free from eneumbrance that we have good right <br /> and lawful authority to se11 the same; and we do hereby eovenant to warrant and defend the title <br /> to said premises against the lawful c2a.ime of all persor�s whomsoever. <br /> And the sa3.d Crystal Luc3.le Conger, Cassius Conger, Edward L. Rogers, Mabe1 Rogere, Harold <br /> M. Rogers, and Clariee Rogers hereby relinquishes a31 thelr claim �� and to �he above descsribecl <br /> s. <br />