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�.. — _ _ _ � <br />� ��.�� <br />� DEED RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> iI <br />� , � 328A1�NEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> public utilities, they shall. �ive t�rritten r�otice thereof to the other party, and shall do <br /> the work at their own expense, and shall. keep the other party free and harmless from any and <br /> G; all da,mages resulting therefrom and to place said nremises in the same or better condition <br /> j <br /> than it was before such repair, replacement or new improvements made. <br />� TO HAVE A!�?D TO HOLD the bremises above �.es_cribed, together with a11. the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> r '� ments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said John F. Hoeft and Clara Hoeft And the <br />�' said Grand Island Model Laundry Company for itself or i`ts successors, do hereby covenant and agree <br />� to and with the said parties of the second part and heirs �,nd assigns, that at the time of '�he <br /> i execution and delivery of these preserlts it is lawfully seizec� of said premises; that it has good <br />� ri�;ht and lawful �.uthority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereby <br /> covenant �Go warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN '�JITNESS ��iEREO�", the said Grand Island A4ode1 Launclry Company has hereunto caused �its <br /> corporate seal to be affixed and these z�resents to be signed by its President the day and year first <br /> above written. � <br /> Attest: D. Pulliam (CORP) ( 7. .R. Stamps) GRAA;D ISLAND MODEL LAUNDRY COMPANY <br /> ecretary ( SE,AL) ( Cancelled � Hy Harold J. Townsend <br /> �� residen . <br /> STATE OF T�debraska ) <br /> ) ss. On th3.s 30th day of June 1q5o before me, tne undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) Public in and for said County, personally caxne Harold J. Townsend, <br /> President of the Grand Island P�Iodel Laundry Company to me pexsonally <br /> known to be the Presiden't and the identical person whose n�,me is affixed to the above conveyance, <br /> and aeknowled�ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the <br /> voluntary act and deed of the Grand Ssland r�Iodel Laundry Company, and that the �Corporate seal <br /> of the said Grand Island ?�2odel Laundry Company was thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and No�arial Seal at Grand Tsland, Neb. in said county the day and year 1.ast <br /> above uTritten. (S�) <br /> � H. G. S�Jellensiek <br /> My Commission expires the lst �ay of Sep�ember 195�+ o ary Public. <br /> Fi1ed for record this 3 da� of July 1950 at 1:10 o ' clock P.��2.� � � <br /> - ��M�� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-G-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> �GENERAL WARRA.NTY DEED--With Statutory Acknowledgmen�s <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made on the 27th. day of April A.D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and f ifty by <br /> and be�ween Myrtle A. Ellsberry a ti•ridow and Aff ie S, Ellsberry Alpers a single nerson of the <br /> County of Bar�on and State of Missouri �a�,rtie� af t'r�e first part and Darro�r M. Sems and M�ine <br /> H. Sems husba.nd and ti�rife, as JOTNT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; of the County of <br /> Bar'�on in the State of Missouri �art of �he second �art, . <br /> WTTNESSETH, That t�e said parties of the first part, in considera�ion of the sum of One <br /> dollar and o�her valuable considerations to them naid by t?Ze said �arties of the second part, <br /> �he receipt of yThich is hereby acknowledged, does b;� these presents GRA.NT, BARGAIN Ai�D SELL, <br /> C�NVEY AND CONFIRM tznt0..the said nartiea of the second nart, their heirs and assigns, the �`ollowing <br />' described lots, tracts or parcels of land lying being and situate in t:�e County of Hall, sta�e <br /> of Nebraska to-ti�rit: <br /> A�1 Lot ��) four, Block tnirty-eight (38) in Packer and Barrs Seccond addition to the <br /> Ci'�y of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> It being the intention of al1 �art�.es hereto, �hat in the event of the death of ei�her of <br /> said gra.ntees, the entire fee sim_ple -title to the real esta�e described herein shall vest 3,n the <br /> survivin� grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TU HOLD, The �remises af oresaid, with all and singul:ar the rights, nr3,vileges, <br /> a;opurtenances and immunities thereto belonging or in anyti�rise a��pertaining unto the said x�arties <br /> of �he second part, and unto their heirs and assigns forever; the said first �arties hereb;;t <br /> covenanting tnat they lat�rfully ��ized of �,n indefeasible esta�e in fee in the premises herein <br /> conveyed; that they have �ood right to convey the same; that the said �remises are free and clear <br /> ;: of any incumbrances done or suffered by them or those under ti,rhom they claim, a.nd �hat they will <br /> + Warrant and Defend tne title to the said premises unto the said partiea af tne second part, and <br /> unto their heirs �nd assigns, forever, agains� t�ie lati�rfu�. claims and demands of all persons <br /> ��rhomsoever except any and all taxes due ar pagt due and any assessmen�s of any kind <br /> IN WITPIESS ��REOF, Tne said parties of the first part have hereunto 5et their hands and sea,l, <br /> the day and year first a�ove �vr3.tten. <br /> Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Us: Myr�le A. Ellsberry (SEAL) <br /> ( 1. 0 . . Stamps) ' <br /> ( Cancelled ) -Affie S. Ellaberry Alpers (SEAL; <br /> STATE OF MISSOURT, ) <br /> )SS. ON THIS 27th day of Apri7 �.950, before me personall.y a�Peared Myr�1e <br /> Count�r of Barton } A. Ellsberry and Af fie S. Ellsberry Alpers to me kno�rn to be the <br /> person described in and who executed the f ore�oin� instrument, and <br /> aeknowledged that they executed tne saxne as tl�eir �'ree act and deed. A_::d �i1e said Myrtel A. <br /> E1lsberry and Affie S. Ellsberry Alpers further declared thenselves to be sin�le and unmarried. <br /> TN TESTIMONY �^�iEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office <br /> in - trie d�,y and year first above �mit-�en. <br /> (SE.�.L) Chas. B. Edt�rards <br /> Notary Publ�c. � <br /> M;� term expires P�2ay 28th, 1952 <br /> Filed f or record this 3 day of July, 1950, at 3ti� o� clock P.M. � <br /> �� � <br /> /`" <br />