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_ 1 <br /> . <br /> ��°�' ' <br /> D��D RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 9284�-TNl�UOUSTINECO.GRANDISL�ND,NE�R. . � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On t�iis 8�ti day of June, 1950, before me, T�. E. Moses personally <br /> County of Hal1 ) appe�.red ti�e sa�d E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said County to me, <br /> r�ersonally kno?�rn to be t:.e identical person t,rho signed the forego�ng <br /> instrument as grantor, and acknot,rledged t_�e 5ame to be his voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, <br /> for t��e uses and �ur�oses tnerein set f'or�Gh. <br /> ti�IITNESS my hand and off icial seal the day and year above j�Tritten. <br /> (SE���L) M. E. Moses <br /> CLERK OF THE DTSTRICT COURT <br /> Filed for record t�:is 1 da;�r af July, 19�0,, at 11:Q0 o� clock A.M. <br /> ���� �r� <br /> REGTSTER OF DEEDS <br /> o-c-o-o-a-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-c-o-e�-�-c-o-��-e-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-r,-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�o <br /> `'�� Corporation ��larranty Deed--Vestin� Entire Title in Survivor <br /> KNO'Ud ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ABRAHAMSON BUILDING AN?� SUPPLY COI�ZPANY, a corporation organized <br /> and existin�; under and by vi�tue of the laws af the State of NEBRASKA, for and in consideration of the <br /> sum of ONE AND no�l00ths. . . . . . . . . DOLLARS and other valuable conside�ation in hand paid does hereby <br /> grant, baraain, sell and convey unto ELMER A, A�1D JEAN D. TEFFT as JOINT TEPJANTS, and not as tenants <br /> �.n common; tne followin� described real estate, situated in the County of HALL and State of NEBRASKA, <br /> to-wit: <br /> ,ALL OF LOT TtiiTO (2) AND THE htORTH FOURTEEN (Z�-4-) FEET OF LOT FOUR (�) TN BLOCK TZ�TENTY FOUR <br />�, (2�-F) IN COLL.EGE AD'�IiION TO VJEST LA?VN, AN ADDITI�N TO THE CITY OF GR.AND TSLAND, NEBRA�KA. <br /> I IT BEING THE �NTE;�?TION OF ALL PAR.TIES H�RETO, THAT IN THE E��ENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> URANTEES, THE EP�TIRE FEE SI��.'LE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED NEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> j VIVING uRANTEE. <br />'I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described ��remises, t>>3,tn the aforesaid appur�enances, unto the <br /> I said �rantees as JOIPIT TEI��AIv'TS, and not as tenants in common, and to their asai.gns, or to the helrs <br />� and assigns of 'the survivor of them, forever, and the �r�,ntor herein, for �.tself and i�Gs successors <br />� does covenant with the grantees named herein and witn their assigns and with the helrs and assigns <br />� of tne survivor of' them that it. is lawfully seiZed of said premises; that they are f'ree f'rom encum- <br />'� brance iv0 EXCEPTIONS and, tnat sa,id grantor ha.s good title to and good right anc? lawfuZ authority �o <br /> I convey the sane and it does hereby covenant to warrant and forever defend said �remises unto the <br /> grantees named herein �nd unto their assigns and unto tne and assigns of the survivor of <br />� them, forever, a�ainsi the lawful claims of all persor.s whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named <br />� herein. <br /> IN WITNESS 'rl��iEREOF the said �;rantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its president <br /> and its cor�ora�e sea�. to be affixed hereto. <br />�� Si�ned this Firs� day of July A. D. 1g�j0 <br /> Tn the Presence of ( .25 I.R. Stamps) ( �ORP) Abrahamson Buildin� and Supply Compa,n� <br />� _ �. F. Huismann ( Cancelled ) (SEAL) A Corporation <br /> D. F. Huismann —' By J. F. Abrahamson Pres3den't <br /> `— At�est . . Laey Seeretary <br />� STATE OF Nebraska ) <br />�i ) s�. On tnis lst day of July 1950 before me, �'r�e undersigned, a Notary Public <br /> Ha1.l Coun�Gy ) in and for said County, personally came J. F. Abrana.mson, President of <br /> the Abrahamson Bu�.ldin� and SuppZy Company to me personally known to be <br /> �he Presiden� and i.i�e iaen�ical person w'r�ose nam� is a�'fixed to tne above conveyance, and acknowled ed <br /> g <br /> �he execution �hereof �o be his volun�ar;� act and deed as such officer and. the volun�ary act and deed <br /> i of the said Corparation, and. that the Corporate seal of' the said Corporation was thereto affixed by <br />��i its au�hority. <br /> j <br /> �.�Titness my hand and Na�arial Seal at Grand Island in s�.id county the day and year las� above <br />�I <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) D. F. Hui�mann . <br /> Niy Commisaion expires tY�e 13�h c1_ay of M�..rch 1956. o'��ry Publ c. <br /> Filed for recor d this 3 day of July 1950, a� 9: 30 o 'clock A.M• �2� . <br /> Reg ster of Deed9" <br /> O-O-O-v-O-O-G-v-��-O-Ii-O-�-J-O-O-O-O-O-`.�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Q-�-O-O-0-U-0-0-C�-G-O-C-O-O-G-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O <br /> ~ ?�IARRAPITY DEED--Ccrnoration <br /> THIS INDEr1TURE, lJZade t�:is 30th da,y of June, A.D. , 1950 between Grand Island Model Laun�ry <br /> Company, � corpora.tion cr��ed and existin�; under and b�� virtue of �he �.a�,rs of the State of <br /> Nebraska ?�arty of tne firs� �art, and John F. Hoeft anc� Clara Hoef't, husband and �rife of the County <br /> of Halz, and State of i�?ebras'r,a., z���.rties of the second part, ti1lITNESSETH. Tnat the said narty of the � <br /> fi-rst ��art for an� in considera�ion of th� sum of One Dollar and Otner Valuable Considera�ion 3.n <br /> hand paid, receip� whereof is hereb�T acknowledged, h�s sold and by these presents does �ran�, con- <br /> vey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, the following described premises, 5ituated <br /> in Hall County, and St�.�� of Nebraska, �o-wit: <br /> All of the South H�.1f of Lot l, zn Block 98, Railroad Addition to the Ci�y of Grand <br /> Island, sub�ject �o easements for setyTer, li�hts, �as, Uaater, anc� other ?�ublic u�, <br /> U�hich are ex�ressly i^eserved by the �;rantor, i�s assigns and successors, wi�h a privilege <br /> oz"' renairiil�;, re-lac�tin�; and builc?in� any neti,� rublic utilities across said premises, and <br /> ,�rantin�; unto the �ran�ees, trleir heirs a.nd �.ssi�;ns, easemen�s across the North Half of <br /> said Lot l, in Block 9�, �.ailro�d Addition to the Ci�y af Grand Tslanc�, �or sewer, lights, <br /> �as, t�rater, and ot�?er public u�il3�zes, �ritn the privilege of repairing, re-locatin� and <br /> builC.inm any nei� ��ublic utilities, on and across said ��r. emises. <br /> IT IS UND�Si00D A��D AGREED tnat in the event the arantor, its assi�ns ana successors, <br /> or the �rantees, tneir hei rs and assigns, c�.eci�.e to repair, re-locate or build any new <br /> I <br />