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- ��.:,P�� <br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 82641-7HEAU6USTINEC0.6RICNDISL�ND,NEBR. . <br /> QUTT CLAIM DEED <br /> I THTS I�4DENTURE, Made trlis 28�n a�.�Y� of June, 3.n the ,year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between Augus� G. Z^Tiese and Aug-usta �'�iese, his tiTife; • af t�ie first r�art, and Loucille Glover of <br />� the second part, � ` <br /> tiRTITNESSETH, that t��e said partiea of t��e first part, 3.n consideration of t:r_e aum of Twenty & <br /> F�' no/100 DOLLARS �o us duly paid, ti�e rec�ipt ti,rhereof is hereby acknowledged have remised, released, <br /> I and qui'�-claimed, and �y th�se presents do for ouraelves, our heirs, executors and administrators, <br /> I remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto ti�e said part�r of t�ie second part, : � <br />'� and to her heirs and assigns forever, all our right, title, interest, es�ate elaim and demand, <br />� both at 1aw and in equity, of, in and to all of the <br />�� � ��est Twenty-ei ht (28� feet of the Center Fifty (�0) feet of the South Half tS2) of <br />�' Lot Forty-t�ro ��2) in Frank P. Barks Third Sub-division 1oca.ted on the East Half of <br />' tne Northeast . `Quarter (EzNE4) of Section len (10) in Toti,rnship Eleven (11) North, <br /> Range Nine (9) , West of the 6tn P.M. in Ha1 1 Coun�y, Nebraska, according to the <br /> recorded plat thereof, being one and trie premises conveyed to said August G. <br />�, Wiese, one of the grantors herein, by S'r�er3.ff' s Deed recorded in Book 96 at Page �81 <br /> of tne Deed Recorda in tize office of �'rze Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; <br /> Together with a11 and 5ingular t��� heredita.ments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Loucille Glover her heirs and <br /> as�igns; so t�iat ne��ther we t'r�e said grantor5 nor any nerson in our name and behalf, shall or <br /> ti,rill nereaf te-r elaim or demand any right or titl.e to the said premises or any part thereof, but <br /> ` they and every one of them shall by the5e �resen�s be excluded and f orever barred. <br /> IN ��'ITVESS WHEREOF, �ne said par�ies of the f irst �art have hereunto set our hands and seals <br /> tne day and year• a'uove written. <br /> Signed, sealed a,nd delivered in presence of August G. Wiese <br /> Herber'G F. Mayer Augusta Wiese <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On this 28th daSr of June , A.D. , 1950, 'aef'ore me , the undersigned Herbert <br /> HALL Coun�Gy ) F. Mayer a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing <br /> in said county, personally came August G. VTiese and Augusta Wiese, his <br /> wi�'e, to me kna�m to be ti.ze identical persons ��rhose names are affixed to the fore� instrument <br /> as grantors and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> T�i'�ness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above ti,rritten. <br />� (SEAI,) Herber� F. Mayer__ <br /> My Cornnis�ion expires the 17th day of May, 1956. Notary Public <br /> � <br /> Filed f or record this 29 day of June , 1g�0, at 2;05 o! clock P.M. <br /> (c�Q'�,�a/ �/01 d��r✓ <br /> REGI5TER OF DEEDS N <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-�-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-C-0-v-0-0-0-0 <br /> SHERTFF' S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN 3Y T�SE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, "^THFREAS, in an action in th:; District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of the <br /> Sta�e of Nebrask, within and f or tne County of Ha.11 wherein County of Hall, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal corporatio�7, is plaintiff and Charles E. Williams and Williams, et a1. , are <br /> defendants, No. 20, Doc . l, Page 209-219, the .plaintiff did on �he lg'Gh day of January, 1950, <br /> obta3.n a decree findin� there to be due from the defendants for general and special improv ment tax�s. <br /> upon a. cer�ificate of �a.x Sale and subsequent t�es, in Cause of Action, No 3, the aum of �145.q8, <br /> accruing intereet and co�ts of tne suit, and, whereas, it t�ras tilen and tnere furth�r ordered in <br /> the said action that in �efault of the payment of t11e sum so found due from the said defendants that <br /> the Sneriff of said County of Ha11 should cause tne lands a:�d �enements hereinafter described to <br /> be advertised and sold according to 1ati,r to pay txze same, and, whereas, default having been made <br /> therein, tne said 5heriff of sa3.d County, under and qy virtue of tne sa3.d decree and tr�e order of <br /> sale to him duly direeted, did, on the �th day of A�ril, 1950, at the North Front Door of the <br /> Court House in �:-�e City of Grand Island, i.n said County of Hall having first given due and legal <br /> notice of ti��e time and �1ace of �aid �ale for not less t'��an ti�irty days nrior thereto in the <br /> Grand I�1and Daily Independent, a 1ega1 newspaper, ?�rin�ed and in general circulation in said <br /> County of Hal.l, �e11 saicl �remises at public auction to City of Grand Island for the sum of <br /> . Tz�o Hundred and fifty, andLLno/100 Dollars, (the total accrued costs of guit and sale being �1�9•79) <br /> whicii sale was a.fterwards on t7ie 3rd day of May, 1950, examined and confirmed by the said Court <br /> and t:��e s�.id E. H. Stobbe as suci� 5'_�eriff, ordered to cor�veJ t�ze said nremises in fee simple to <br /> tne said Ci.t�r of Grand Island <br /> N0�^d, Tr�REFORE, I, tn.e said S��eriff of the County of Hall, as aforesaid, _'.in consideration of <br /> tne premises and by virtue of the power ves�ed in me b;;r lat�r and tne decree of said Court, do <br /> nereby give, grant, and convey to ti�e said City of Grand Island, its assign5, tne premi�es so <br /> as af oresaid sold, to-wit : <br /> Lot T�_�ree (3 ) in Block Fourteen (l�) , in Fairvieztr Park Addition ta t'�le City of Grand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, ;alatted, and reco-rded. <br /> with t�e �.ppurte:�ances. <br /> TO HAVE Ai�D TO HOLD TrE SAME unto ti�e said Cit;� of Gra.r�d Island, and its assigns forever. <br /> IN TESTIr�IONY WHE�EOF, I have as such S�ieriff hereunto set my nand this 8�h day of June, 1950. <br /> Executed and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sr�eriff of Hall County, <br /> Therese A. Muchot,r Nebraska <br />