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T . ,� <br /> [ D��!�j <br /> DE�D R�CORD NO. 96 <br />� S284t-TH[AU6UlifNEC0,6RAND19LAND,NEBR. � <br /> Easter��T along ar�d upon the Southerly l:ine of said Okl.ahoma Ave r�ze to the place of beginning, and <br />, tneir heirs, successors and assi.�ns, full a.nd free ri�h� and 13.berty at all times hereafter, in <br /> common �;rith all oi,her �ersons t�ri��o may nereafter have a rigiit, to have and use a certain <br />' pas�ageway 10 feet zrride 'uegin-n_�.ng at a �?oint 10 feet Nor�h of th� Righ�-of-way of the said <br /> C .B. 8c Q.P�.R. on Greenwich Avenue a:nd continuing in an Easter3y direction paral.lel to t'rie said <br /> C .B.& Q.R.P�. Ri�i�t-of'--;-Tay over to C�.ark Str�et, a.nd to use said passaget�.*ay at all times and for <br /> a�.1 rury��oses con��ected ��rith the use a�d occupation of said p��mis�s hereinbefore described, 5aid <br /> Right-of-Z�,*ay over said �.0 feet herein� described shall be a covenant runni:�g with said lands; <br /> to�etner with all the tenem�nts, hereditaments, and. appurtenances to t��e saxne belongi,ng, and all <br /> tne e�ta�e„ title, do;�rer, ri�;i�t ai l�omestead, claim or demand w'rlatsoever of tiie said gran�or, of, <br />'� ir� or to t:n� sar�e, or any part thereof; <br /> It :;�eing tne zntention of a1Z �arties hereto, t��iat in the event of �i�.e death of of said <br /> I �rantee�, ���e e��tire #'ee simple tit�e to tne real e state described herein sn.all vest in the sur- <br /> vivin� grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a�ove described premises, with th.e appur��nanees, unto the said <br /> II grantees as JOINT TENAi�?TS, ar.d no� �.s tenants in commor, and to �r.eir �assigns, or ta ��:e heirs <br /> I and assiJns of �he survivor o�' t�;.e�n, forever, a�.d t,re t�e gr�:nt�r narned herain for us and our heirs, <br /> execu�ors, administr��ors, successors and assi�n�, do covenant z�eTitn the grantees n�ed herein <br /> I and �1ith their a,�i�ns ar��d_ ti•�,*iththe heiz s and assign� of t«e survivor of t:nem, t'rlat t�1e are 1ata�f'ully <br /> seized of said prer�ises; that t��ey are free from �ncumbr�,nce except as stated here;in, �nd tnat <br /> t^re ��r1e s�yid �rantor have �;ood ri��zt and latrrful authority to se11 the saxne, and tizat ti�.-e ti,rill and <br /> our hei,rs, executors, administra,tor5, successors and a�>signs sr�all �,Tarrant and defend tne same <br /> unto t'r�e gr�.ntee; n�;med h�r. in and un�o �heir assigns and un�o �he he�_rs and ass�.g?�s of the <br /> survivor of ti�en, forever, against tile �awf'u3 claim� of all per�ons �•rhomsoever, exc�uding t�1e <br /> exception� nartied hereir., and T,se, Jo'rin Claussen, Al.bert G. Claussen, Geor�e J. Claussen �.nd Earl <br /> Clwu�sen do here�'r��y covenant ��,ri �h saic� �;rantees and T,�it�� t�zeir heirs, le�al re��;rPSentatives and <br /> assign4 t'�iat �T� are all of tne �artners of said John Claussen & Sons, a C�-partnership, and that <br /> no ot���er person� h�.ve ��� righ'c of ownership in said Co-partnership wha�soever. <br /> IN ��ITNESS ��iEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 7�h day of June, A.D. 1950. <br /> John Clalz��en a,nd Sons <br /> _____--- ._._,__. ___ .___ _._.___ <br /> a- co-��ar�n��ahip <br /> Tn Presence of By Jahn_ Claussen� Par�ner <br /> Herbert F. M�er <br /> ���.75 I•R. St�mpsj By Albert G. C1.ausser P�,rtner <br /> ( C�.nce�led �� <br /> By Geor�e J. Claussen Par�ner <br /> By Earl Claus se n Partner <br /> Simona Claussen <br /> Mildred Clauasen <br />� <br />�� St�.te of Nebraska ) On ti�is 7th day of June, A.D. , 19.50, b�fore me a Notary r'�u.ulic in and <br /> )SS. far said County, personaZ�y came �he above-z�med Jol�n Glaussen, <br /> Cour7ty of Hc�.'1 ) Albert G. Claussen, arx� Geor�e J. Claussen, partners a.nd bein� members <br /> of ti�� Qc�- �,�.rtnership of John Claussen & Sons, a Co-partnership, to me persona�lly known to be <br /> 5uch p��r��ers ana_ members o�' said co-partnership, and also personal:�y carne Simona Claussen, trife <br />� of said Albert G. �2zi�ssen, and M�.ldred Claussen, t•rife of' said George J. C�.aussen, � aid John <br /> I Ciausaen bein� a ti�Tidower and unmarried, and all of them being knoti,m to me to be tne identical <br /> per�ons t�,�hose nar��es are affixed to tne a�!�ove conveyar,ce, �,nd ti�ey sev�r�.3�y acknot��ledged �:he <br /> execution thereof to be the�r vo�unta.ry act and de�d as sucn partnera or spouses of such partners, <br />� and ttze volunl�ary act and deed of s��id John C��.ussen & Sans, a Co-partnership. , <br />'� �^TITNESS my i��,nd �.nd no`Uarial sea,l at Grand Tsland in said'County the day and year �.ast above <br /> written. <br />�I (SEAL) Herbert F. Mayer <br />� My cor�r�iission e:�ires Ma.y 17, 19j6 Notary Public <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On thi� 19th day of June, A.D. 1950, be#'ore me, a Notary Public in and <br /> q� : • a � <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � for sal County, personally car:�e the z�Titi_�.n n�.rned Earl Claussen an <br /> � <br /> unmarried ma�l, and a partner and membel� of the Co-par�ner�hip of Jo��in Claussen & Sons, a <br /> Co-partnership, to me persona,lly knoz�rn to be such partner and rnember of said Co-partnersnip, and <br /> t�ie id�ntic�.l person t�rhoqe n�me is a,fi ixed to the foregoing conveyan ce, a.nd he acknoti,rledged the <br /> ex�eution �i�ereof to be his voiuntar,y act a,nd deed as such p�.rtner, and the voyuntary act and <br /> deed c��' �azc. J��:_z� Cl�ussen'.&-Sons, a �,o-part��ersri�.p: ;: . . <br /> tiV'ITN�ISS m.y hand a�.i. no°�arial s��,l at Grand Island, in s aid County, tl��e day and year last <br /> above written. <br /> (SEAL) Arthur C. Mayer <br /> My cornr�lission expires FebruaryT �, 1.95� Not�,ry Public <br /> , <br /> Fi1ed f'or record tizis 2'� day o�' June, 1950, at 2 :00 oi clock P.M. ��� /���� <br /> t_ <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-O-0-C-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-G-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0- � <br />