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��''i' �ar <br /> �`�' : C )1.��_ <br /> �- <br /> �..,. :�� DEED RE�ORD NO. 96 � <br />� <br /> 32641�fHEAU6US71NEC0.6RAN0I3LAND,NEBR. <br /> ', SHERIFF'S DEED <br />' KNOW ALL P•�EN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, ti�iEREAS, in a.n action in the District Cour� of the Eleventh Judicial District of the <br /> State of Nebraska, within �,nd for the Coun�y of Hall, wherein Coun�y of Hall, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and Charles E. Williams and Williams, et al. , are <br /> def endants, No. 20, Doc. l, Page 209-219, the plaintiff did on the 1 t day of January, 1950, <br /> obtain a decree findin� there to be due from the defendants for �eneral and special improvement <br /> taxes upon a Certificate of Tax Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action, No. 1, the sum of <br /> �246.00, accruing interest and costs of the su3.t, and, whereas, it was then �nd there further <br /> ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found due from the said <br /> defendants that the Sheri�'f oP said County of ha7.l should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter <br /> dascribed to be advert3.sed and 5old according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, dePault havin� <br /> been made therein, the said Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of the said decree and the <br /> order of' sale to him duly directed, did, on the 5th day of April, i95o, at the North Front Door of <br /> the Court House in the City of Grand Island, in said County of Hall having first given due and legal <br /> notice of the time and place of said sale for not less than thirty days prior thereto in the Grand <br /> Island Dai1y Independent, a legal newspaper, printed and in general circulation in said County of <br /> Hall, sell 5aid �remises at nublic auction to Ernest Maxwell for the sum of Sixty-five and no�100- - <br /> Dollars, ( the total accrued costs o� suit and sale bein� �2�6.00) , which sale was afterwards on <br /> the 3rd day of May, 1950, examined and confirmed by the said Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as <br /> such Sherif�', ordered to convey tne said premises in fee simple to �he said Ernest Maxwell <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consideration of <br /> tne premises and 'py virtue of the power vested 3.n me by law a,nd the decree o� said Court, do hereby <br /> give, �rant, and convey to the said Ernest Maxwell, his heirs and assigns, the premises so as afore- <br /> said sold, to-wit: <br /> East Twenty-two Feet (E22 � ) of' Lot Five ( 5) and the ?Jest Twenty-two Feet (W22 � ) of Lot Six (6) , <br />, �x' all in Block Nineteen (19) in �he Village of A1da, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, <br /> and recorded. � <br /> with the appurtenancea. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said Ernest Maxwell and his heirs and assigns forever. <br /> ; IN TESTIMONY bVHEREOF, I have as such Sh�riff hereunto set my hand this �th day of June, i95o. <br /> i <br /> � Executed and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> � Therese A. P4uchow Sheriff of Hall oun y, Nebras a <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this �th day of June, �.950, bef'ore me, M. E. P�Ioses personally appeared <br /> County of Hall ) the sa�.d E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said County to me, personally known <br /> to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument as grantor, <br /> and acknowledged the same to be h3.s voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the uses and pur- <br /> poses therein se� forth. <br /> WITNESS my hand a.nd official seal the day and year above written. <br /> ( SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> Clerk of the District Court <br /> � Filed for record this 26 day of June, 1950, at 3;00 o ' clock P.M. <br /> Reg s ter of Deeds �/ <br /> �-�-Q-�-�-�-�-�-i-�J-7-��1�-�-�-�-n-�-�-�-�-�-17-�-�-�-�-n-�-�-�-�-17-J-�-�-'�-U-�-�-J-'�-J-�-�-�-�-�-0-� <br /> WARRAiVI'Y DEED - VESTING ENTTRE TITLE TN SURVTVOR <br /> ; KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That �ae , Jo,�n Clausaen & Sons, a Co-partnersnip, consistin��; of Jor�n Claussen, Albert G. <br /> � Claus�en, George J. Claussen and Ear1 Clauss�n, of w�1or� John Claussen and Earl Cl�,ussen ,are <br /> unmarried, and Simona Claussen is tne ti�rife of said Albert G. Clau�sen and Mildred Claussen is <br /> tne i�.ife of said George J. Claussen, wriich spous�s do hereby �join in this conveya�e, in cons�.dera- <br /> tion of 0� DOLLAt�. and other valuable c��nsiaeration, in h�,nd paia, do nereby �rant, bargain, <br /> sel1, convey and confirm unto CasPer Meyer and Marie P�?eyer, his wife, as Join� Tenants, and not <br /> as �enan�s in cor�rnon, tf=e folloUring d�scribed real estate, situate in the County of Hall and State <br /> of Nebraska, to-wit ; <br /> Part of the Nortneas� Quarter of t�ze Northeast Quarter (NE4NE�) of Section Tt�Tenty-one (21) <br /> in Township Eieven (1�) , Nortn, Ran�e Nine (9) , �+Iest of ti_e 6th P.M. , more particularly deseribed <br /> � as f ollows, to-t�ri� : Commencing at a point on Oklahoma Avenue in the City of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, <br /> � poa.nt is 132 fee� Northeasterly of the int�r�ectian of t'r�e Easterly boundary Iine of Green- <br /> i,tich Avenue, 7 n trie City of Grand I.:,la��d, Tdebras�ca, ti•rith trz� Sou�herl.y line of Oklahoma Avenue, <br /> in said City, running from that point in a Southt�resterly direction along a��d upon t�ie Southerly <br /> boundary lirie of said 0�3ahorna Avenue for a distance o�' �132 feet to t'rle �oint Urnere the Southerly <br /> boundar�y line of' said Oklahoma Avenue intersects ��ritn �ne Easterly boundary line of said Green- <br /> wich Avenue, run��ing thence' in a Southeasterly direction a�ong tne Easterly boundar� line of <br /> said Greenwich Avernze for a distance of 130.o fest to tlle Northerly boundary liize of the C.B.& <br /> ' Q.R.R. Ri�ht-oi'-way, running thence in a Northeasterly direction along and upon the Northerly <br /> line of said Ri�iit-of-t�ay, for �, distance of 1132 feet, runnin� thence in a Northt�resterly direc�ion <br /> and para7.1e1 tlr�th the Easterly boundary line of said Greenwich Avenue, for a distance of 130.5 <br /> feet '�o trze place oi beg�nnin�;; exce�ting and tiierefrom for tne use of t�:e owners of <br /> record t�f' tile f'ollowing described real e5tate, to-S�Tit ; Part of the Northeast Quarter of the <br /> Northea.s� Quarter (NE4NE�) of Section Twenty-one (21) in Toti�tnsiziP Eleven (11) Nortn, Range <br /> Nine (9) , W°s� of the 6th P.M. , more particularly described as foliows: Commencing at the poin� <br /> �rThere the Southerly line of Okla.homa Avenue in the City of Grand Islaizd, Nebragka., intersects <br />. witil �he V��esterly line of Cl�rk Street in said City, running thence a distance of 130.55 feet <br /> along and upon the Westerly line of said Clark Street to its point of intersection ti�Tl�Yl �he <br /> �` C .B. & Q. R.R. Ri�ht-of-�ay, thence Z^lesterly alon�; and upon tYie Northerly line of said C.B.& Q.R.R. <br /> Ri�ht-of-way a distance of 132.1 feet, thence Northerly a distance of 130.o feet to a �oint on <br /> - tYLe Southerly line of said Okl�hom�, Avenue 132 feet ti^Testerly f rom t:e point of beginni:��, �hence <br />�' � ' . _ - _�_� _ - <br /> I _ . -- ._ _ <br />� _ .__ _ ___ —_ _ <br />