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����� <br /> � DEED R�CDI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 92641�7NlAUOUSTINEC0.6P11NDISlAND.H!!R. � <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTIOPI OF ALL PARTIE� HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES AS TO THE RESPFCTIVE UNDTVIDED ONE-HALF INTERESTS, THE ENTIRE FEE SZ��PLE TITLE TO THE REAL <br /> ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREZN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRAt•�1TEE OF SAID UNDIVIDED ONE-H.ALF INTEREST. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO �OLD tne abov� c�escribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto 'the said <br /> grantees, as JOTNT TEiVANTS, and no't �,s tenan�s in common, as to each of' said undivided one-ha��' <br /> interest, �.nd to their assi�ns, oz� to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, farever, . and <br /> they, the mra.ntors herein, for themse].ves, ��,nd their heirs, executors and administrators, da <br /> covenant with the �;rantees named 'nerein and witn their assi�;ns and �rith the heirs and assi�na of <br /> the survivor of �hem, that they are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free_incumbrance <br /> except as stated herein, and that they, the said gra.ntors, have good right and lawful authority to <br />,Page sell the same, and tnat they z•�i1�, a.ncl their heirs, executors and acVn�.nistrators, shall warran'� and <br />- 2 - defen� the same unto the grantees na,med herein and unto their assigns and to the heirs and assigns <br /> of the surv�vor of tnem, iorever, against the lawful claim� of all persons whomsoever, excludin� <br /> the exceptions named herein. <br /> ITT �i�TITNESS e^IHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands th�,s day of June, �9�j0. <br /> Leon Braun <br /> ercy . Braun <br /> STATE OF �1EBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss On this 23 �ay of June, 1.950, before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL } Pub?ic, �?uly commissioned and qualified for and res�ding in saia �ounty, <br /> persona.l.Iy came the above named LEON BRAUN and PERCY BRAUN, w3.fe and. hus- <br /> band, who ��.re r�ersonally known to r�e to be' the identical persons ti,rhose names are affixed to the ak�ove <br /> _. <br /> inetrument as �rantors, and each acknowled�ed said instrumen't to be �he�.r voluntary act and deed. <br /> il <br /> UJITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) G. C. Raven <br />� NOTARY PUBLI�G <br /> My commission expires July 27" z952 <br />� Filed for recor�? � 26 c�ay of Jur.e 1950, at 10:�+5 o ' clock A.M. _�a�-��o,l� � <br /> I <br /> i Re�;3.ster of eeds <br /> 0-0-'�-0-0-:�-0-0-�J-C-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-f�-0-J-0-0_�_�_Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> SHERIFF' S DEED <br /> KNOG�I ALL r�iEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WH�EAS, in an ac�ion in tne Distric� Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of the <br /> State of Nebraska, uTith3.n and for the County of Hall Urherein The County of Hall, State of Nebraska, <br /> is plaintiff and Charles E. ttt�.11i�,ms and Z��illiams et al. , are defendants, No. 20, Doc. 1, <br /> Pa�e 209-219, the �laintiff' c�id on the 19th day of January 1950, obtain, a decree finding there to <br /> be due from the defendants for general and special improvement taxes upon a Cer�ificate of Tax <br /> Sale and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action I�To. 2, �he sum of �71.1�, accruing in�Gerest and <br />�� costs of the suit, and, :rhereas, it was then a.nd tnere further ordered �n sa3d action that in <br /> default of the payment of the sum so found due from the defendants that the Sneriff of sa�id <br />� County �f Hall srioul�. cause the lands and tenem�nts hereinaf'�er c�,escribed to be advertised and sold <br /> accordin� to law to ��aY the same, and, whereas, default havin� been made therein, '�he said Sheriff <br />�� of said Coun�y, unc�er and by vir�ue of the said dec�ee and the order of sale �o him duly directed, <br /> did, on the ,,ti1 da� of A�ril, �9.,0, at tne :lortri .Front Door of the Court House in the City of Grand <br /> Island, i.n said Coun�y of Hall, h�.vin�; first given due and legal notice of the time and place of <br /> said sale for not less th�n th�rty days prior thereto in The Grand Zsland Daily Independent, a legal <br /> newspa�aer, printed and in �;eneral_ circulation in saic� County of Hall, sell sai d premises at public <br /> auction to Ruth and P�Iax J. Cornelius, as JOINT TENANTS 1nTTTH SURVTV�RSHIP AND rdOT AS TENANTS IN <br /> COMT�ZON; for the sum of Twenty-six and no�Z00 - - - -Dollars, (the total accrued costs of suit and <br /> sale bein ., �. 1.14) z�r_ich sale �oas afterwards on tne rd day of I�Zay, 1 0 examined and confirmed <br /> � `�7 3 9 , <br /> i � <br /> by the said Court a.nd the s�,id E. H. Stobbe as such Sheriff, ordered to convey the said premises <br /> in fee simple to the said Ruth and Max J. Cornel.ius <br />� �Oti�, TH�EFORE, I, tne sai3 Sheriff oF the County of Ha1Z, as aforesaid, in consideration of <br />'4 the premises �nd by virtue of the powers vested in me by 1aw anc� the decree of said Court, do hereby <br /> �ive, ?rant, ana convey to the said Ruth and P�a,�c J. Cornelius, AND Their heirs and assigns, the <br /> premises so as aforesaid so1d, to-tf,Tit t Lots Ten, EZeven and �welve t io, 11, & 12} , �,n Block Four (�) <br /> in Clarkt s Addi�ion to the�e of Z�Tood R3.ver, Ha1.l County, Nebraska, �s surveyed, plat�ed, and <br /> recorded. <br /> �oith the apz�urtenances. <br /> IT BEING THE IN1EA?TIOA? OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF' EITHER OF SAID � <br /> GRATITEES, THE FD?TIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SH.ALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVIl�?G GRAP�tTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A�?D TO HOLD THE SAP•2E unto the said Ruth and P2ax J. Cornel�us as JOINT TENANTS WITH <br /> SURVTVQRSHIP AND NO^ AS TEI1,Ar1TS IN COMr��ON, and their heirs and assigns forever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY t��1HERFOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand this �th day of June, Z95o.. <br /> Fxecuted and delivered 3n the ?�resence of E. H. Stobbe " <br /> Therese A. P?uchow eriff a a1, ounty, Ne ras a. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA �ss. <br /> Cour�ty of Hall ; On this �th day of June, 1950, before me, M.E.Moses personally appeared �he <br /> said E• H. Stobbe, as sheri�'f of said County to me, personally known to be <br /> the ic�entical nerson �ti*ho si�;ned the �oregoing instrument as gran�or, and �,eknowledged the sa,me to <br /> be his voluntary �.ct and need, as such sheriff, for the uses and �urposes therein set farth. <br /> �itTTNESS my hand and affici�1 seal the day and year above tiar�tten. <br /> Moses ' <br /> � ��'� CLERK��OFETHE D STRSC , <br /> COURT <br /> Filed �'or recor� this 2b day of June, 1�50, at 11 o ' clock A.M. <br /> egister of Deed , � <br /> 0-Q-0-0-0-G-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-�-0-Q-0-0-0 . <br />