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�;,;mg� ... .., . -.,,. . . <br /> ���� <br /> DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841�'{'HEAU6USTINEC0.6RFND74LAND,NEBR. � <br /> STATE OF NEW YORK ) <br /> ) SS. : On this l2 day of June, A.D. 1950, before me a No�ary Public in and for <br /> COUNTY' OF NEW YORK ) said County, personally appeared T�dELSON SPURRIER of HOME OWNERS� LOAN <br /> CORPORATION, known to me to be the Assistant Treasurer of <br /> said Corporation and the 3.dentical person whoae name 3.s affixed to the above instrument and acknowl_ <br /> edged the execution thereof to be his voluntary aet and deed, and the volun�ary act and deed af said <br /> ' HOME OWNERSi LOAN CORPORATION. <br /> Witness my hand and notarial. seal the da�e aforesaid. <br /> Elisa M. Antonino <br /> NOTARY PUBL C, STATE OF NEW YO <br /> Tdo. 2�-- 0& 00 <br /> 5 99 <br /> ( SEAL) Qualified in Kingg County <br /> � <br /> Cer�. �3.led taith C1erk of N.Y. <br /> and Re,�ister in Kings and New York Counties <br /> Term Expires March 30, 19�2 <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of June 1950, at 3:30 0� clock P.M _�� �°''v`^ti <br /> � <br />` " Re�ister of Deeds <br /> 0--0-0--b�0-�--Q-0-0-0-G-4-�-0-0--0-0-0-0-�-�0--0-0--G-0--0--0�0-d-0--0-0-0--0--0-0-0-�--0-0-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0--0-0 <br /> SHERIFF' S DEED <br /> KN0�1 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESET�STS: <br /> THAT, �^T�-iEREAS, in an action in the Dis'trict Court of the Eleventh Judicial DiStrict of the <br /> S�ate of Nebra�ka, ti,rithin and for t�ie County of Hall wherein County of Ha11, Ha11 County, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal corporation, 3.g r�lain�iff and Charles E, W��liams and Williams et al, are <br /> dcfendan�s; No. 20, Doc. 1, Page 209-219, the plaintiff did on the 19th day of January, �.950, <br /> obtain a decree findin� there to be due from the def endants f or general and special improvement <br /> taxes upon a Certifica�e of Tax Sa1e and sub��quent taxes, in Cause of Action, Na. 4�-5, the sum <br /> of �62.0�, aceruing in�erest a.n.d costs of t�ie suit, �.nd, Vrhere�.s, it was then and there further <br /> ordered in �the s�,id action that in defaul'� of the payment of �he sum so found due from �he said <br /> defendants tnat the Sheriff of said County of Hall should cause �he lands and tenements hereinaf ter <br /> described to be adverti.ged and sold accordin� to 1a�r to pay the saxne, and, whereas, default <br /> having been made therein, the said 5herif�' of sa�l'd Coun�y, under and by vir�ue of the said decree <br /> and the order of sale to h�.m duly directed, did, on the 5th day of April, 19�0, at the Nor�h <br /> Front Door of the Court House in the City of Grand Island, in said County of Hall having firs't <br /> given due and legal notiee of ���e �ime and pl.ace of said sale for not less than thirty days prior <br /> thereto in the Grand �sland Daily Tndependen�, a legal netraspaper, printed and in genEral circuJ.ation <br /> in said County of Hal1., sell s�id premises a� pub�.ic auction to Ha11 County for the sum of <br /> Fifteen and no/I00 Doll�.rs, (the total accrued costs of s�.it and �.ale being �62.04) , sale <br /> was afterwards on the 3rd da.y of May, 19�0, examined and conf3.rmed by the said Court and the <br /> said E. H. �tobbe as such S�eriff, ordered �o convey the said premises in fee simple to the said <br /> Ha11. Couni,y <br /> NOW, TriEREFORE, I, the said Sher3.ff of the County of Hall, as aforegaid, in cons3.deration of <br /> the �remises and by vir�ue of the power vested in me by law and the decree of said Cour�, do <br /> hereby give, gran�, and convey to �he said Hal�. County, its assigns, the premi5es ao as afore�aid <br /> sold, �o--w3.t: <br /> Lot Eight (8) �.n Bloek Twenty-one (21) in Ma.eCo11 & Leflang Addition to the Village of <br /> Wood River, Hal.l Coun�y Nebraska, as surve�es�, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Nine (9) in Block Twenty-one (21) in MacCo11 & Addition to �'.r.e Village of <br /> ��'ood River, Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> witn �he appurtenances. <br /> T0 HA� AI�I? TO HOLD '�HE �AI�E �,nto the said Hall County and its a�signs forever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY ?�fiEREOF, T have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand this 8th day of June, 1g�0. <br /> Execu�ed and del3.vered �n the nresence of <br /> Therese A. Muchow E. H. Sto��e <br /> 5heriff of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> STA1 E 0�' NEBRASKA } <br /> }SS. On this 8tn day of June, 1g�0, bef ore me, M. E. Mosea personally <br /> Coun�y af Hall ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe, as sher�.ff of said County to me, <br /> persona�ly known to be tYle id�n�ical person who signed the f oregoing <br /> instrument as grantor, and acknowledged ti�e 5ame �o be nis voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, <br /> for the uses and purpo�es therein �et forth. <br /> tnTITNESS my hand and official seal �he day and year above writ�en. <br /> _ (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> CL�RK OF THE DISTRIC�' COURT. <br /> Fi1ed for record this 22 day of June, 1950, at 3 :�5 o� clock P.M. <br /> ��.�. _(1�_._.�-� t'/ <br /> REGISTER QF DEEDS <br /> '�� 0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-G-0--0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-d-0--0-0-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> ° ��* �,UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> .w .# <br /> Y THIS INDENTURE, Made this 16th da;� of June, 3.n the year one �housand nine hundr�d and Fifty, <br /> be�ween David J. Ring �,nd Irene K. R�,ng and as Husband and ��life. of the first part, and The <br /> C��y of Grand Island, Nebraska, a cor�. of the second part, <br /> ti^tITNESSETH, tha� '�he said parti�s of the first ?�art, in consideration of the 5um of one and other <br /> valuable con5iderationa DOLLARS, ta them duly �aid, tl�e receipt T�rhereof is hereby aekno�rl.edged <br /> rem3.sed, released, and quit-claimed, and b;� �hese presents does for themselves and their heirs, <br /> executors and administra�or�, remise, release and f orever quit-claim, and convey unto the said <br /> par�Gy of �he second part, and to their heirs and assi�n� f orever, all claim to right, title, <br /> in�ereat� �st�,te their cla3.m and demanc�., both at 1aw and in eaui�y, of, in and ta a1l of <br />