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��e`'1� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 32641�NCAU6UtTINEC0.6RAND18LAND,NEYR. I <br /> WITNESS my hana and I�1e�tariaZ Seal the date �.ast af oresaid. !I <br /> (���,) Bayard H. Paine Jr. <br /> No�ary Public. <br /> My commission expires on the 22nd day of December, A.11. , 19�1. <br /> �ii� ii� # if� iy � iF iF 3i # iF �4 iF iir � if if +W iE ii� �if� 9i 7i Jg # ii iF iF � # �If� # 4P # # iP if # � ii ii # # # 4i # it� �F <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> )SS, On tl�is �th day of March, A.D. , 1.9.�0, before me, a No'�ary Public, in <br /> County of Ha11. ) and f or said County, persona.11y came the above named Bessie Graham and <br /> Norman Graham, ti�rife and husband, `,rho are �ersonally known to me to be <br /> the identical �aersons whose names are affixed to the above inatrument as grantor�, and they <br /> severally acknowledged said instrl�ment to be their voluntary ae'� and deed. <br /> WTTNESS my hand and Nota^3.a1 �ea7. the date last aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) Bayard H. Pa�.ne Jr. <br /> My commission expires on tne 22nd day of Dacember, A.D. , 1951. Notary Public. <br /> � � � �n �w �w t� � � � � sy ta �a � st � �w � � � � �w � �� �t � � � � �t � ,� � �► �w � � � � � �r �r � �a ia � �r <br /> ,n <br /> STATE OF COLORADO, ) <br /> )SS. On th�s 31s� day of March, A.D. , 19,�0, before me, a No�ary Publ3.c, in <br /> �ounty of Denver. ) and f or said County, personally came the above named Fae Seeber and <br /> S e r e nd husband who are ersonall known �o me to be <br /> I ro d e e �rif a <br /> Ha 1 b , ti , p y <br /> the identical per5ons whos� names are affixed to tne above instrur�ent as grantor�, and they <br /> I� severally ackno�rledged said instrument to be t1ze�.r voluntary act and deed. . <br /> iWTTNESS my hand and Notarial Se�.1 tne date last af oresa3.d. <br /> (SEAL) F. Nelson Pabst <br /> M3�T commiss�.on expires Jun�_ .1�, i9�2 Notary Public. <br /> ia ;f ii ih ii 9f iF � iF �P di 9i iF # # # # iU 3f dt ii qi �i # ii �It 1M ii il� iM # �f �i 41� # if ii ti 1t 1f �F �!b i4 � � � 9f �F <br /> STATE OF NE��T MEXICO, ) <br />� }SS. On this 2�th day of March, A.D. , 1950, bef ore me, a No�ary Public, <br /> C ounty of Berna3 .ii3o ) in and f or said C ounty, �ersonally ca,me the above naxned Claude Buell <br /> and Gaynell Buell, husband and tiaife, who are personaily ':,Tnot,rn '�o me <br /> 3 to b� tlze identica7 persons who�e names are affixed '�o �ne above ins�rument as grantors, and they <br /> severally acknowledged said instrument �o be �he3.r voluntary ac� and deed. <br /> �IITNESS my nand and Notarial Seal the da.�e 2ast af oresaid. <br /> (SEAL) Lent A. William5on <br /> My commission expires on th� l�th day of October, A.D. Zq�2. Notary Public. <br /> 'iF i'r # ii 1i �14� iY 14 ib iY iF it # d6 4f ii �Ih 4i � # it +� if ii �F # 'K �i ii �3i� � if it # # it # # 'tt # 4i ii� iF # if # �lt� # <br /> STAri"E OF C�LIFORNSA, ) <br /> )SS. On this 18�� day of March, �.D. , 1950, bef ore me , a Notary Publi.c, <br /> Count;,r of San Mateo. ) in and f or said County, personally came the above � Andr-ew George <br /> Buell, �. �ingle man, Uaho is _�er�onally ��noti�rn to me to be tne ident�.cal <br /> - <br /> person whose na.m� is aff3.xed to ti�e above in�trument as grantor, and he sev�rally acknowledged <br /> said instrument to be his volun�ar;�% act and deed. <br />� ?�'IT�tESS my hand and Notarial seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> (SE.AL) A1 �3.fers <br /> . My commission exp3.res on the 21st day of June, A.D. , 1952. Notary Publ3.c. <br /> Fi1ed f or record �his 20 day of June , 1950, at 3 :�5 o� clock P.M. <br />! ���� <br /> REGZSTER �F DEEDS /✓ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-4-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-C)-0-0-0--0-0-J-O--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-b <br />� 1°TARRANTY DEED S� No. 2 -A- �- <br /> 5 95 <br /> KNOi�T ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS <br /> THAT HOME OS4Ti�;ERS� LOAad CORPORATION af 4^Jashington, D.C. , a eorporate instrumentality of the <br /> United S'Gates of ,t�, sometimes otherwise designated as a United States Corporationt for and in <br /> consideration of the sum of One c�ollar and other gooc� and valuable consideration (�1.001 dollars in <br /> hand paid does nere�y �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey �nd confirm unto LEON BRAUI� of �he County of Hall <br /> �,nd State of Nebraska, the following descr.�bed real estate situated in Hall County and St�,te of <br /> Nebrasl�a, to-wit: <br /> Lots numbered Eletren (1.1) and Twelve (12) a,.nd Two (2} fee� off of the South side o� Lo� - <br /> Number Thirteen (13) , aIl in Block Number Eight (�) of the Or3�znal Town of Cairo, Hall <br /> Couilty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> -�; <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne premises above deacribed, together with a1.1 the tenements, heredita- <br /> ments and a7�pur�enances �n.ereunto belongin�, unto the said grantees forever; and HOME OWNERS� LOAN , . <br /> CORPORATION does hereby covenant that it is lawfully seized of said prem�.ses; that �h�y are free ����" <br /> from encum'orances excent all taxe� for �he year 194�; and subsequent ta,xes and aIl install.ments o�' e <br /> special assessments becomin�; delinquent on February 17, 19�-2, and sub,ject to condi'�ions, res�rie'�ions, � ;�� ' , <br /> reserv�,�ions, easements, ri�hts and rights of way of record, and al1 liens or encumbrances <br /> to said x�remises as a result of an�r act done, �xecuted, or sufferecl by the sa3d grantees, or those <br /> �.n privi ty wi th them. <br /> Th�.t it has �ood �nd law�ul authority to sell same ancl i� daes hereb� covEnant to warrant and <br /> def�nd the title to sa,id premises against zhe law�ul claims o� all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITTIESS ti��THEREOF, HOrdE 05�N'ERS � LOAN CORPORATTON has eaused this instru�nent to be execu�ed by <br /> its proper officer and its car�ora�e seal attached. <br /> Signed tnis �th day of June, A.D. , 1950. <br /> HOME OWNERS� LOAN CORPORATTON <br /> t CORP) By Nelson _S�urrier <br /> � ��) Ass s an , reasurer <br />