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�r��`�' <br /> DE�D R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92E41�►NEAU6U371NECO,GRANDISLAND.N!!R. � � � <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> ° THIS INDEPdTUFE, I�iade this �jth day oi November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, <br /> ' between Rena �pangenberg (a widoti,r) , party of the first part,, and Robert Starr Spangenberg party <br /> ��.of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first nart, in cons�,deration of the aum <br /> ' of One dollar ( �1,00) and love and affection DOLLARS, to her duly paid, the receipt �rhereof is hereby <br /> �acknowled�ed has remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does for herself and her <br /> ;,;heirs, executars and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-cla�m and convey unto the <br /> � saia x�arty of the second z�art, and to his heirs and assigns f'orever, all her right, title, interest, <br /> ` estate claim and d�mand, botn at law a,nd in equity, of, �.n and to all the following deseribed <br /> . property: <br /> I�� "The Eas�erly Fifty-Six (56) Feet of the Northerly Seventy-F'ive (7�) Feet of Lo� One (1) , <br /> in B1ock Fifteen (7.5) , in the Origina� Town, now City, of Grand Island, in Ha11 County, <br /> I� , . State of Nebra�ka. " <br /> Together �rith a11 and sin�.�;u1ar the hereditaments thereunto belon�ing. <br /> } <br /> TO HAVE ARTD TO HOL� the above described nremises unto �he said Robert Starr Spangenberg, <br /> his heirs and assigns; so �ha� neither Rena Spangenberg the said first �arty, nor any person �.n <br /> her name and behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or demand any r3.ght or title to the said <br /> premises or any part the-reo�, but they and every one of them sha�l by these presents be excluded <br /> and forever barred. <br /> IN WTTNESS WHERE�F, the said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal �Ghe <br /> day and year above writ'ten. <br /> ' Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Rena Spangenberg <br /> Jam es D. Liv ingston a widvw. <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On �his 5th day of November A.D. 19�� before me, �he undersi�ned James D. <br /> Hall County ) Livin�ston a Notary Public, duly commissioned and quali�ied for and <br /> residing in said county, personally came Rena Span�enberg (a widow) , <br /> to me known to be the 3�den'�ica1 person whose name is aff'3.xed to the �oregoing ins'�rument as grantor <br /> and acknowledged �h e same to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> ' Witness my nand an d Notarial Seal the da.y and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) James D. Livin�gton <br /> My commission ex�ires the ��h day of January, 19�3 o�ary Pu c. <br /> Filed for record this 16 day of June 1950, at 4:35 o 'clock P.M. <br /> �� �� `� <br /> Register of Deeds/" <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-r)-v-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THTS INDENTURE, Made this 13th day of November, in t:ne year one thousand nin� hundred and Forty- <br /> eight, be�ween Bernadette A. Gree n and Robert L. Green, her husband, each in their own right and <br /> as the spous`e of tne o�h�r, of tile first part, and J. H, Jacobs and Esther Jaeobs, his t�ife, as <br /> Joint Tenants and not as tenant� in comrnon, of' tne second part, � <br /> WITNESSETH, t'r�at tne said parties of tne first part, in considera'�ion of the stzm of One and no/2(}0 <br /> DOLLARS, to t��em du�.y paid, trie wh�reof is hereby acknowlEdged have remised, released, and <br /> quit-claimed, and by these presents do for tnemaelves, their heirs, executors and adminis'�rators, <br /> remise, r�lease and. forever quit-claim and convey unto the said pa,rties of �he second part, and <br /> to tr�eir heirs and assigns f orever, all their ri�ht, title, int�rest, estate or any cla�.m and <br /> demd:�a, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all <br /> The Southwes� Quarter (S��t�) of the Southeast Quar�er (SE�) of Sect�on One (1) , in Tow nship Ten <br /> (IO) , North, Ra.nge Twelve (12} , We�t of tre 6th P.M. , in Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> I " <br /> I Together ti�rith a1.1 and singular the hereditamer�ts thereunto beZonging. <br /> I <br /> IT BEING T?�iE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, TuAT IN TI-� EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EZTHER OF SATD ,� <br />� G1�ANTEES, T�-iE EiVTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVTNG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE Al`3D TO HOLD tne above described pr�miges unto t'rie said J. H. Jacobs and E�'ther Jacobs, <br /> nis t�r��'e, tnei.r heirs and �ssi�ns; 5o that ne�.ther triey the said Bernadette A. Green and Robert L. <br /> Gree n, her husban�, nor any person in their narie and behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or <br /> .�ernand aizy righ� or title to the said pr�mises or any par� thereof, but they and every one of them <br /> shall by t'riese presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS ;�,I-�REOF, the said of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seal <br /> the day ana year above ?tiritten. � <br /> Signed, sealed and_ del3.vered 3.n presence of Bern�.dette A. Green <br /> Rober� L. Green <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK_A )�S, On this 13th ciay of November, A.D. 19�8, before me, the undersigned, <br /> LANCASTER COUNTY )' Emr.ia Bahls, �. Notary Public, �u1y commissioned and qualified for and <br /> residing in said county, personally came Bernadette A, Green and Robert L. Green, Z�Tife and husband, ` <br /> �o me knawn to be tne identica� persons �•rnose name� ��,re affixed to the foregoing instrument as <br /> grantors and acknoz���.eaged tne same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand. and Notarial Seal tn.e day �,nc3 year last above �,�,rr3.tten. <br /> Emma, Ba.hl s <br /> (SEAL) No�ary Public <br /> My Gommission expires t<<e 7 day of Sept. 19�� <br /> Fileci for recorc�. triis �9th day of June, 1950, at 9:Q0 o� clock A.M. �� <br /> e�•ister � eD eas� <br /> � <br />