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P��•� <br /> DE�D RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 32841-}HlAUBUSTINEC0.6R�NDISLAND.NEBR. I, <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED �, <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, Z�THEREAS, in an action in the Dis' Court o�' the Eleven�h Jud3cial Dis�rict of the <br /> St�,te of Nebraska, k�ithin and for �he County of Hall, wherein County of Hall, Ha11 County, Nebraska, <br /> a municipal corporation, is �laint3.ff and Harry S. Mack, et al. ,. are d�fendants, No. Z6, Doc. l, <br /> Pa�e 165-175, the plaintifi did on the 9th day oP December, 1949, obtain a decree find3n� there <br /> to be c�ue from the defenda,nts for aeneral and special improvement taxes .upon a Certificate of Tax <br /> Sale� and subsequent taxes, in Cause of Action, No. 1-3, the sum of �251.'j�, �.ccruing interest and <br /> costs of the suit, and, 1�hereas, it wa.s then and there further ordered in the said action that <br /> in defaul'� oP the payment of the sum so found due from the said defendants that the Sheriff oF <br /> gaid County of Ha11 should cause the lands and tenemen�s hereinafter described to be advert3.sed <br /> and sold aecardin� to law to nay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the said <br /> Sneriff of said County, under and by -vir'�ue of the said decree and the order of sale to him duly <br /> directed, d3d, on the 23rd day of February, 1950, at the North Front Door of the Court House in <br /> the City of Grand Island, in said County af Hall havin� first gi.ven due �,nd legal no�ice of the <br /> time and place of said sale f'or not less '�han thirty day� pr3.or thereta in the Grand Island Daily <br /> Independent, a le�;al newspaper, printed and in general eirculat3.on in said County of Ha11, se1S <br /> said premisea a� public auction to City of Grand Tsland for the sum of Nine Hundred and Fefteen <br /> and no/100 - - - Dollars, ( the total accrued costs of' sui� and sale being �952:.26) , which sale <br /> was afterwards on the 17th day of A�iarch, z95o, exa,m3.ned and confirmed by the said Cour� and the <br />, said E. H. �tobbe as su ch Sher3.ff, ordered to canvey the sald premiaes in fee simple to the said <br /> City of Grand Tsland, <br /> NOW TH�i.EFORE, I the said Sheriff of' the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consideration of <br /> , , <br /> I v v st in m b aw and th decree of sai o r� d <br /> the remises and b irtu� of the ower e ed e I e d C u o hereb <br /> P <br /> Y P Y , Y <br /> I Gr nd Island its ssi ns th r mis� s <br /> give, grant, and convey to the said City of a , a � , e p e s o as aforesaid <br /> sold, ta-wit: <br /> II Lo'� Tcvent -�hree 2 ) in Black Sixteen (16 in Ashton Plaee an Addition to the Cit af Grand Island <br />� Y t 3 ) � Y � <br />� Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and Recorded. . <br />� A11 that part of Lot B which lies North of the Produced North Line of Lot Sevente�n (17) , in Block <br />� One (.l} , oP Koenler Place in the City af Gran�. Island, Hall County Nebraska, also described aa a <br />� strip Ttivelve and one-half feet by one hundred twenty-#'ive fe�t (12��x125� ) of Lot B in Koenler <br />� Place, ,Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> I <br /> iwi�h the appurtenances. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said City of Grand Island and its assigns forever. <br />� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as sueh Sheriff hereunto set my hand this 20th day of April, 19�0. <br /> I <br /> I Executed and delivered in �he presenee of E. H. Stobbe <br /> I Therese A. ��uchoc,r er�.ff of a ounty, Ne ra� a <br /> 5TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 20th day of April, ig5o, before me, M. E. Moses personazly <br />! County of Hall ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said County to me, personally <br />!I known to be tne ic�entical person who si.gnEd the instrument as <br /> grantor, and acknowledged �he sam� to be his voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the <br /> uses and purposes �nerein set forth. <br /> WITNE:3S my hand and official seal the day and year abov� written. <br /> I ( SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> L OF THE DI�TRICT OUR <br /> Filed for record this 16 day of June 1950, at 2 : 55 o ' clock P.M. <br /> i, -Sl2._.��-"'.�v�-,��� <br /> Register of Deeds,� <br /> 0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�::)-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-d� <br /> QUIT CLAIR� DEED <br />' THTS II�IDENTURE ��Iade this lbth da of May in the year one thousand nine hundred and fort two <br /> Y � <br />� <br /> � Y , <br /> between Rena Span�enberg (a widow) party of the fiz�°st part, and Ro�aer� Starr S an enber axt of <br /> P � g P Y <br />� the second part, ��ITNESSETH, that the said ��.rty of' the first par'G, in consideration of the sum of <br /> one dollar ( �1.00) and love and affection DOLLARS to her duly paid, the receipt wh�reof is hereby <br /> acknowledged has remised, r.eleased, and qui't-cla,�.med, and by these presents does for herself and <br /> her heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever qu�.t-claim and convey un'�o <br /> the said �arty of tne 5econd part, and to his heirs and ass�.gns �'orever, aZl her right, ti'tle, <br /> interest, estate, claim and demand., both at law and in equity, of, in and to all the fo�lowing <br /> described property: - <br /> r�The West twenty two (22 ) feet of Lot six (6) , Block thirty two ( 32) , original town, <br /> now city, of Grand Ts�and, Ha11 County, Nebraska. " <br /> To�ether wi�h a.11 and singulax the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Rooert Starr Spangenberg, h�.s <br /> heirs and a5signs; so that neither Rena Spangenberg the said �irst party, nor any person in �ier <br /> name and behAlf, shall or will hereafter claim or demana �ny right or titJ_e to the said premises <br /> or any par� thereo�', bu� thef and every one of them shall by �hese presents be excluded and forever <br /> barred. <br /> IN t�JZTNESS WH�EOF, the said party of the first�part has hereunto aet her hand and seal the <br /> day and year above writt en. <br /> S3.gned, sealed and delivered iri presenee of Rena Spangenber� <br /> Ja.mes D. Livi.ngs'ton � A widow. <br /> STATE OF PJebraska ) ' <br /> ) ss. On this 16th day af May A. D. 19�2 befor� me, the undersigned James D. <br /> Hall County ) Livingston a Notary Pu�lic, duZy commiss�on�d �.nd qualified for and <br /> residing in said county, persona.11y came Rena Spangenberg (a ti�idow) to <br />, me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing �.nstrument as grantor <br />