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, <br /> ' �' ����: <br /> _ <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 9�6 <br /> . 32841-'(XEAUGUSTINECO.GR�NDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 13th day of June A.D. 1950, before me L+1. S. Pickens, a notary <br /> County of Ha1.l ) public, in and for said county personally came Verne Crawford, as President <br /> af the Doniphan Cedar View Cemetery Associ.ation, to me, we11 known to be <br /> sueh and the identical person who sign�d the foregoing desd as President, and acknowledged the <br /> execution of �he said instrurnent ta b� his voluntary act and deed, by authority of said Assoc3.ation, <br /> for '�he purpose therein e�ressed. <br /> F In testimony whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and ofPicial seal on the day last above <br />� written. . <br />� <br />� (SEAL) W. S. Pickens <br /> f` <br /> My commission expires Aug 17 195�k. Notaxy Public <br /> Filed for record this 15 day of June 1950, at �:30 o � clock A.M. <br /> �� G�3�-��. <br /> eg eter of eeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-cl`� <br /> �'WARRANTY DEED <br />. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Alvin ti�yrage and Meta wrage, husband and wife; Arnold <br />� , Wra e a sin 1e man• Max Wra�e and Frieda Wra e husband and wif.e • Linda S i�hs and Richard S iehs <br />- � � g , b g � , P P , <br /> wife and husband; Abeline Spiehs, a widow; Hulda Ewoldt and Harry Ewoldt, wife and husband; all <br /> of Hal1. County� stat� of Nebraska; and Alma Huckow and Emil Buckow, �rife and husband, of Laneaster <br /> County, state of Nebraska, for and in consideration of the sum of One Do11ar and other valuable <br /> � considerat�on, in nand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, se11, convey and conf irm unto Fred B. Win'�er <br /> of the County of Ha11, and state of Nebraska, the following deacr�bed real estate situated in Hall <br /> County and State of Nebraska, to-wit; <br /> The east half of. the nor'thea�t fractional quarter and the east half of the southeast <br /> quarter of Section �ne (1) , in Township Ten (10) North of Range Ten (10) West of bth <br /> P.M. , in Hall. Coun�y, Nebraaka, excep�ing a tract bounded and described as f ollows, <br /> to-w3.t ; beginning at a point two rods west of the northeast corner of said section; <br /> thence running weat on sec�ion line thirty-f ive (35) rods; thence due soutYi eleven rods, <br /> and f'ourtesn and one-third links; thence ea�t tnirt,r-five (3,5) rods; thence north <br /> el,even (11) rods and fourteen and one-third (1�-1f3;}� 1�.nks, to the place of beginning. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne premises above described, together with all the �enementg, heredita- <br /> ments and appurtenances tliereunto belonging, unto the �aid Fred B. Winter and to h3a heirs and <br /> assigns f orever. <br /> � And we do hereby covenant with the grantee and with his heirs and assigns, that we are lawfully <br /> se�zed of said; that they are free fram encumbrance; that we have good right and lawful <br /> authori�y to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the �itle to sa�.d <br /> premises a�a3.nst the law�'ul claims of all persona whomsoever. <br /> And the said grantors hereby rel�.nquish a1.1 �Gheir ri�ht, title, and interest in and to the <br /> above described premises. <br /> Signed this 21 day of January, 1950. <br /> � 32• 5 T . R. STAMPS) Alvin Wrage <br /> (Cancelled ) Me�a Wrage <br /> Arnold Wrage <br /> Max Wra�e <br /> _ Frieda Wrage <br /> Linda Spiehs <br /> Richard Sp3.ehs <br /> Abeline Spiehs <br /> ' Fiulda Ewoldt <br /> � Harry Ewoldt <br />`� �, Alma Buckow <br /> � Emil H. Buckow <br />;�,� 9 STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> )SS. On this 1 da.�r of June, 1950, bef ore the undersigned, a notary publie <br /> COUNTY OF HALL. ) 3.n and for said county, p�rsonally came the above nazned Alvin Wrage <br /> .;� and Meta Wrage, his wife; Arnold ��Vrage, a sin�le man; Max Wrage and <br /> Frieda Wrage , his wife; Abeline Spiehs, a ��ridow; Linda S_�iehs and Richard Spiehs, her husband; <br /> A�;� <br /> �: and Ju1da Ewoldt and Harry Ewoldt, her husband, to me known to be the identica,l persons whose <br /> nameg are aff3.xed to th� foregoing instrument as grantors, and severally acknowledged the same <br /> to be their volun�ary act and deed. <br /> ��k�t WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year ].ast above written. <br /> (SEAL) Wm. Suhr <br /> My Commission Expires Feb. 1'�, 19S1 Notary Public <br /> STA1E OF I�IEBRASKA, ) <br /> )SS. On this 7. day of June, 1950, before the undersigned, a notary publ.ic, <br /> Hall COUNTY ) duly commissioned and qualified f'or and in �aid county, <br /> personally came Alma Bucko��r and Em3.1 BuckoV�, her husband, 'to me known <br /> to be tile identical persons whose names are affixed to tlle foregoing instrument as gran�ors, and <br /> severally acknot�rledged the same to be �heir v�oluntary act and deed. <br /> Z^tTTNESS my hand and notarial seal �he day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Wm. Suhr <br /> My Expires Feb. 17, 19�1 Natary Public <br /> F3.led for record this 16 day of Jun�, 1q.50, at 1 :00 o� c],ock P.M. ' <br /> ��� �� <br /> ������� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-C�-O-0-4-C-0-a-0--0-d-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br />