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��y�_� <br /> D��D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> 92641�'fNLl1U6USTINEC0.6RANDIBLFND.NEBR. . . ''�. <br /> IN WITNESS U1�iEREOF, the said N. P. DODGE CORPORATIOAI has hereun�o caused its corpora'te seal <br /> �o be affixed and these presen�Gs to b� sign�d by its President �he day and year first abave written. <br /> Signed, sealec? and delivered in presence of ( GORP) N. P. DODGE CORPORATION. <br /> (SEAL) By � N. P. Dodge <br /> 13res�den�- <br /> ( . .R. s amp s) <br /> (Cancelled ) <br />� STATE OF � NEBRASKA ) - - <br /> ) ss. On this 12th day of June 1950 before me, the underaigned, a Notary Public <br /> Douglas Countf ) in and for said County, personally came N. P. Dodge, President of the <br /> N. P. Dodge Corporation to me personally known to be the Pres3.dent and <br /> the identieal person whose name is affixed ta 'Ghe above conveyance, and acknowledged the executlon <br /> I thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and dee�d of th� said <br /> N. P. Do dge Corporation, and that the Corporate seal of the said N. P. Dodge Corporation wAS thereto <br /> afPixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and Notar3a]. Seal at Omaha in said coun�y the day and year l�.s� above written. <br /> (SEAL) J. A. Carle <br /> My Commission expire� the lOth day of Maxch 1955. �otary�u� <br /> Filed for record this 1�- day of June, 195o at 9:25 o ' clock A.M. � <br /> sg ster o�5eed� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o- o <br /> QUI T CLAI M DEED <br /> THTS INDENTURE, Made this 13'�h. , day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Fifty, <br /> between He].en H3nr�.chs, single of the �irst part, and Edward H. Caudill and Anna A. Caudill of the <br /> second part, WITidESSETH, tY�at the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of one <br /> dollar and other valued consideration -- -- --- DOLLARS, to me duly paid, the receipt <br /> whereof is hereby acknowledged I r�mis�d, released, and quit-claim�d, and by th�se presents do I <br /> for myself my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey <br /> unto the said ?�arties of the second part, �,nd to their heirs and asaign� forever, all my ri�ht, <br /> title, interest, esta'te and claim and dema,nd, both at law and in equity, of, �.n and to all <br /> The Northerly eighty (�0) feet of Lot Four (�-) and the Northerly eigh'�y feet of the <br /> Westerly Sixteeri (16) feet o� LQt Three (3) of B�ock One Hundred twen'�y e3.ght (12�) <br /> in the Union Pacific Railway Company's Seeond Addition in Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Together with all and singular �he hered3�amen�s thereunto belong�.ng. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premis�s unto the said Edward H. Caudill and Anna A. <br />� Caudill �heir heirs and assign.s; so that neither Helen Hinriehs �he said party of lst part, or any <br /> person in her narne and behalf, shall or will herea.fter clairri or demand any r�.�it or title �o the <br /> said premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of 'them sha�.l by these presen'�s be <br />� excluded and forever barred. - <br /> IN WITNESS WHFREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the <br /> day and year above written. <br /> . <br /> Signed, sealed and deliver�d in presence o� � - " Helen H3nrichs <br /> H. T. Brown � °� <br /> I'� STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On �his 13th. , day of June A.D. 19�j0 before me, the undersigned H. T.Brown <br /> Hall Coun�y ) a Notary Publi.e, duly commiss�.oned and qualified for and residing in said , <br /> II coun�y, personally came Helen Hinr�.cha to me known to be the iden�ical <br /> person whose name affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor and acknowledged the same to be ° �a <br /> her voluntary act and deed. <br /> V <br />� Witness my hand and Notaxial Seal the day and year last above wri'Gt�n. � <br /> I k:�, <br /> �SF.�4L) H. T. Brown <br /> My commission expires the 27th. , day of Novemb�r, i95�+ o ary ubl c. <br /> Fi1ed for record this I� day of June, 1950, at 10:10 0 �clock A.M. `p *`` ' <br /> E��iuv C.��, � ,;� <br /> . eg ster ofi ee s : < <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> CEMETERY WARRANTY DEED <br /> -,�.p <br /> No. 131 <br /> This deed made this 13th day o.f June A. D. 19�0, by the Doniphan Cedar View C�metery Assoc3ation, <br /> as grantor, to F. G. Glazer of Hall county, State of Nebraska, as rantee. WITNESS: That the said <br /> grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thir�y Five and No�z00 - - - - Do7.lars in hand <br /> paid, does hereby sell �.nd convey unto the said gran'�ee the following real es�ate, s3tuated in Ha1� � <br /> county, in the State oP A?ebrasxa, to wit: Lot No. 7/� 225, in Block No. 57, in the Doniphan Cedar <br /> View Cemetery, according to the recorded plat thereof, to have and to hold unto �he said grantee, <br /> his heirs and assigns, for the pu�pose of human burial and for no other purpose, and sub,jeet �o <br /> such rules and re�ulations as the said Doni.phan Cedar View Cemetery Association has adopted. <br /> In testimony whereof, the said Doniphan Cedar View Cem�tery Association, does by its President <br /> and 5ecretar� execute and deliver this deed. <br /> Signed this 13th day of June A.D. Z95o. <br /> Witness : .Crawf'ord <br /> W. S. Pickens resident <br /> Attested by <br /> A. H. Meseraull <br /> ecretary <br />