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���� ' <br /> � ,�*� DEED RECORD NO. 96 � <br /> ' 82841-}NlAUOUSTINECO.CAANDISLAN0.NEBR. ' <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED_ <br /> �THIS INDENTURE, Made this 6�h da�% of Apr�3., in the year one thous�.nd nine hundred and fifty, <br /> .bet�reen Char2es H. A. �oldt, ar�d Nancy Boldt, husband and wife, of the first part, and Minnie A. <br /> '�; Cu2bertson of the second :�.rt, <br /> , ��tITNESS�TH, that ti�e said parties of the -fir�t part, in consideration of �he sum of One dollar <br /> (�1.00) love and af�'ection DOLLARS, to them duly pa�.d, the receip'� whereof is hereby ackno�,rledged <br /> have themselves remised, rele�.sed, and qui'G-claimed, and by these present� do for themselves and <br /> the�.r heir�, executors and administrators, rem�.se, rele�.se and forever quit-claim and convey unto <br /> the saicl par�y of t��e second x�art, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all their right, �itle, <br /> interest, est�.te and �heir cl�,im a.nd demand, i�o�h at I.a.tiT and in equity, of, in and to a1l their <br /> ; und3.v�ded interes� in <br /> Lot One (1 ) 3.n Block Tt�renty-four (24) , in tne Calle�e Add�.tion to West Latirn Addition <br />�,� t o t ne C i ty af Grand T sland, Ha.l1 C oun�y, Nebra�ka. <br />�_ , <br />' ��'o�e�izer with all and singula.r the heredita,ments thereun�o belongin�;. <br /> TO HAVE Ai�1D TO HOLD t�le above deseribed �remises unto �he s�.�.d Minnie A. Culb�r�son and her <br /> heir� and as5i�ns; so that neither they the said grantors, nor any person �.n their nr�me and <br /> behalf, Qhall or z�ri11 hereaf'ter cla�.m or demand any righ'G or �it1e to the said premises or any <br /> part t��ereof, but tney and ever�r one of them shall by these p��sent� be excluded and forever <br /> barrsd. - <br /> IN WTTNESS ��;rHEREOF, the s�.id bar�le s of �he f irst �art have hereunto set �heir hand and <br /> seals the day and year above �rrri�ten. � <br /> Signed, sealed and del.iver�a in pr�sence of Chas H. A. Bo7.d� <br /> _---- Nancy Bold� <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) ,�. On this o day of Anri.1, A.D. a.gsa, before me, _the undersigned <br /> Sherman County ) James Erazin a Notary Pu'�lic, duly cornrni5�3.oned and qualified for <br /> and residing in said county, personal.iy H. A. �old�, <br /> and Nancy Boldt, husb�ynd and ��rife to me kno�;Jn to be tne identic�.�. persons t�Tho�e nam�s are a.ffixed <br /> to th� foregoing 3.nstrument as grantors and ackno�rledged tn.e same to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> , Witness my hand and Notarial Seal 'the day a.nd year last above wri'�ten. <br /> (SEAL) James Erazin , <br /> My Commi_ss3.on expires t'r1e ,1� da�,� of Feb. 1�5�. Notary Publ.ic <br /> Filed for record this l2 day o�' June, ZgSo, at 1:00 o� clock P.M. �d� C�� <br /> %1 <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS �/ <br /> 0--Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-D- <br /> �W.ARRANTY DEED <br />�� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEP�ITS: <br /> I <br />!i THAT We, Ray E. Maek and Mack each in his and her osm right as husband and wife af <br /> j Marrion County, and State of Oregon in cansideration of the sum of One Dol�ar and other suffeeien� <br /> I' con�iderat3.ons DOLL.ARS, in hand :�aid b;r Luther M. Launer and Olga M. Launer, of Hall County,and <br />� State o�' Nebraska do hereb;� grant, bargain, sell, convey, and eonf�.rm tznto the said Luther M. an� <br /> jOZ�;a M. L�,uner the � ol�owing described �remise�, eituated in the County of Ha11 and State of <br /> I Nebraska, �o-�ri� : <br />� <br />� Lo'� 32 (Thirty tti•ro) , in Block "D" , in Park View Subdivision of a �art of the t�fe s� half <br /> j of tn.e northwes� qu�.r�er of Section 28, and t'r�e ea5t half of the northeast quarter of :: <br /> i Seetion 29, both in Tota�nshi�r 11 North, Range 9 West of the bth �'.M. , as surveyed, <br /> I <br /> platted recorded, . <br /> sub�eet, hoZ�rever, to tne follorTing condi�ions and restr3.ct3.ons, each and al� of which shall be <br /> and remain in fu�.l �'orce and effect, as covenants �ith the lar�d, until the first da3r of <br /> M - n <br /> ay, 19,�3, nam�ly: Tha.� said premises are sold for res�dsntial ur a,�es onl • tha� no bu ld -n <br /> � � Y, i i g <br /> shall be moved onto �a3.d premises wi.thout �Ghe Urritten consent of the Lots in '�he block where i� <br /> is propos�d �a remove such �uild�.n�; that any erec�ed or placed on said �remises shal�. <br /> be 35 feet or more from the street on trhich said premises fronts; that no residence shall be �.; <br /> erected on said premises at a cost of less than �2500.00, that said �remise5 shall not be sold, <br /> rented, or leased, to any person or persons other than bersons of the white or Caucas3.on race, <br /> trl�.t no swine shall be kept or maintained on said; said prem3.�es are also conveyed sub�jec'� <br /> to an easement of Seven feet over tne rear of said �remises which is dedica�ed �'or public utility <br /> purposes, and restrictive a�reements r�corded September 4, 19�0, Book "T" , Pa�e 187, Office of <br /> Ha11 County Re�ist�er of Deeds. <br /> Togetr�er t•�rit�� �,1�, the tenements, hereditaments, and appur�enances �Lo �re s�e bel.ongin�, and <br /> a1� of the estate, right, title, �.nterest, clair� and demand whatsoever, of said grantor, of, in <br /> and to the same, or any �art tner�of. "St being the intention of a11 parties hereto, that in �he <br /> event of the death of either of sa�d grant�ea, the entire F�e Simple `_'itle to the real Es�ate <br /> described herein shal� vest in the surviv�ng Grantee.. " <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD �he a'i�ov� describsd nremises, ti,rith �he appur�enances unto the said Luther <br /> M. and Olga M. Launer and to their and assigns forsver. <br /> And we hereby covena,n� w�th the sa3d Luther M. and Olga M. Jauner that we ho3.d �aid prem3ses by <br /> good and �erfect title; that we have good� and 1ati�'ul a,u�hori�y to sell and convey same; <br /> that they are free and clear of al1 liens and incumbrances whatsoever. And t�re covenan'� to t�rarrant <br /> and defend tne said nremises a�;ainst the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever. <br /> ( •55 I. R. STAMPS� <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> S3gned this 18th day of January A.D. 1950. <br /> Tn presence of Ray E. Mack <br /> Eleanor Callahan Lzllian Maek � <br />