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- . ; <br /> ���`� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />' 82941-TNE�UGIISTINEC0.6RANDISLAXD,NEBR. � <br /> It being the intention of. all �arties hereto, that in the event of the death of either of said <br /> gran'Gees, �he Pee simple �itle to the real �StA�E described herein sha11 ves'� in the sur_ <br /> viving grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together w3th all the Ten�ments, Heredi�aments <br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belor.ging unto the said Loren E. Tmes and Ruth �3. Imes, His 'Wife <br /> And the said The Island Realty Company, a Corporation for itself or its successors, does hereby <br /> covenant an d agree �o and w�.'�h the said parties of the second part and heirs and ass�gns, that at <br /> the tim� of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized of said premises; <br /> that it has good right �,nd lawful authority to convey the same; that they are f'ree from encumbran�e <br /> does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims o� <br /> al�._ persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said The Island Realty Company, A- Corporation has hereunto caused its <br /> corporate seal to be a�fi�ed and these presents �o be signed by its President the day and year first <br /> above writt en. <br /> Signed, sealed anc� delivered in presenc� of ( CORP) THE ISLAND REALTY COMPANY, a Corpora.tion <br /> Fred B. ��tinter (SEAL)By, L. E. Ray <br /> ec . ( l. .R. Stamps ) President <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) � <br /> ) ss. On this 16th d.a.y of May 1950 before me, �he undersigned, a Notary Public <br /> Hall County ) in and for said County, personally came L. E. Ray, Presiden� of the Island <br /> Realty Company, a Corporation to me personally known to be the President <br /> and the identical person whose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execu- <br /> tion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and �the voluntary act and deed of the <br /> said Island Real�y Company, and that the Corparate seal of the said Island Realty Company was �hereto <br /> affixed by its au�hori.ty. <br /> Wltness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, Nebr. in said county the day and year last <br /> above wri'�ten. <br /> (SEAI,) Vera E. Newman <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My Commission expires the 5th day of July 1953• <br /> Filed for record this 5 day of June, 195o at 1 o �clock P.M. <br /> � �c�ci ,�/' <br /> - Reg�ster of�eeds, V <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J_Q-O-!�-p_0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4- 0-0-0 <br /> � QUIT CLAIM DEED, ETC. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: . <br /> That, the City of Grand Island, �. municipal corporation, of the County of Ha11, and State o�' <br /> Nebraska, for the consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (��j00.00) doe� hereby Qu3.t <br /> C1aim and convey unto The School Dis�rict of the City of Grand Island, in Ha11 County in the 5tat� <br /> of Nebraska, al1 its right, titl� and 3nterest of what�oever nature, in and to the following <br /> deseribed real estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Fractional Lot One (1) , Fractional Block Eighteen (1�) in H, G. C1ark's Addition to the <br /> City of Gran d Island, Hall County, Nebraska and its complement, Fractional Lot One (Z) , <br /> Fractional Block Twelve (12) , Ori.ginal Town, now City of Grand 2sland, Hall Coun�y, <br /> Nebraska <br /> The Grantor, the City of Grand Island, shall not b� required to furnish an Abstract of Title. <br /> I IN UJTTNESS WHEREOF, The Grantor, t�ie City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> '�hese pres�nts to be signed by its Mayor. and att�ated to by the City Clerk and has caused th� <br /> official seal of said City to be hereunto affix�d '�his the 10�h day of Ma.y, A. D. , 1950. <br />' CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br /> Marie Blain ( .. � . . amps) BY: 0. W. Johnson <br /> i�tness (Cancelled ) Mayor <br /> Marie Blain ATTE�T: F. S. White <br /> �tne s s ( CORP) ty erk <br /> (S E.AL) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 10 day of May, A.D. , 1950, before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, <br /> personally came 0. *�T. Johnson, Mayor, of the City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, and Floyd S. Whi�e, City Clerk of said City to me personally known �o be the id�ntical <br /> persons whose names are affixed to the above ins'�rument as Mayor and City Clerk of the Grantor, the <br /> City of Grand Island, and to me personally known to be such officers of said City and they severally <br /> aeknowledged the execution of said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the official <br /> ac'� and deed on �he part of said City of Grand Island. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal a� Grand Island in said County, �he day and yeax first <br /> above written. <br /> (SEAL) Paul C. Holmberg <br /> My commission expire� the 9 day of May, Z951. Notary Publie <br /> ORDTNANCE N0. 2 67 <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizin�; a.nd direeting the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City <br /> of Grand Island, A?ebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms o� <br /> said sale; providing for the giving of riotice of the sale of said real estate; and, providing for <br /> tne right to �'ile a remonstranee against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30} of the electors of said City, voting <br /> at the last regul�,r municipal election held in said City. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED HY THE P�IAYOR AND CTTY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />