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���� <br /> DE�D RECO�.D NO. 96 � <br />' 32841-}HBAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLANO,NEBR. . <br /> the sa�d Wood River Cemetery Association hereby covenant� to warrant and defend said premises :-. <br /> against the lawful elaims of all persons �rhomsoever. <br /> It is further agreed and understood �hat the abov� deseribed proper'�y is sold and assigned <br /> for �he purpose of interment only and to be used for no o�her purpose, sub�j�e�, howE;ver, to �Ghe <br /> provi�ions and restrictions of�he Laws of the state of Nebraska relating to Ceme��ry Association� <br /> and to a11. aet� and laws of the Legielature of the State of Nebraska. whieh have been or may be <br /> lawfully enaeted regpecting Cemetery Associations and also sub,�eet to the condition� and limi�at3.ons <br /> and with the priv9.lege and restrictions gpecified by the rules and regulations of said Wood River <br /> Cemetery Association now in force or �hat may be hereafter adopted by i� not in conflict �i�h the <br /> laws of the State of Nebraska which rules and regulations as hereby specified are made a part of <br /> this conveyance. <br /> IN T ESTIMONY whereof the Wood River Cemetery Association has caused these Presents to be <br /> signed b;� its President and countersigned by it� secretary and the corporate seal of said <br /> assoc�.ation �o be hereunto affixed this day of May 26 A.D. , 1950. <br /> (CORP) �V'OOD RIVER CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, <br /> A�tes�: (SEAL} <br /> Mar�aret L. Lorenzen By F. L. Ba1d <br /> Secretary. President. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) Be it remembered that on tnis 27 day of Ma,y 1950, A.D. , 19 , before me, <br /> HALL COUNTY ) C . S. Hoekstra, a Notary Public duly commissioned and quallfied in and <br /> f or Hall County, Nebraska, personally came F. L. Bald, Pres3.dent, and <br />' Margaret L. Lorenzen Secretar�T of tize ti�Tood River Cemetery Associa�ion and they are personally <br /> known to me to be the parties the f oregoing Deed as off icers of said Association and each <br /> severally acknowledge the execution of �he f or�going instrument to be his voluntary ac� and deed <br /> personally. and as an off�cer of said Associa�ion f or �he use and purposes therein expressed. <br /> . <br /> IN WITNESS where�f I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal this 27th day of May, A.D. , <br /> 195p - <br /> (SEAL) Q. S. Hoekstra <br /> My commission expires Mar. 9-19j1 ' Notary Public <br /> � * o� loe <br /> Filed f or reeord this 1 daJ of June, 1950, at 8.30 c k A.M. <br /> - ��.,� C���.,J -/ <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS /" <br /> �UIT�C��MOD�Q�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0 <br /> ll <br /> THIS INDENTURE, made th�.s 26th day of May, 1950, George Myers and Ellen Myers, husband and <br /> wif e; �dwin Myers and Mary Myers, husband and wif e; Agnes Klimper and E7-don Klimper, wife and hus- <br /> band; and �diniPred I�iyers, a single woman, oP the first taart, and Oscar Myers, of the seaond part, <br /> I�I 1r1ITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first paxt, in considera�ion oP the sum of On� <br /> Dollar and other consideration to them duly paid, receipt whereaf is hereby acknowledged, have <br /> remised, released anc�. quitclaimed, and by these presents to for �hemselves, their heirs, executors <br /> and administrators,, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto said party oP the <br /> second p�.rt, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all their right, title, interest, estate, claim <br /> and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to al1 of a tract of land containing 12 acres, <br /> more or less, immediately north of the sou'�h 1�0 acres of the southwes'� quarter of Section Thirty <br /> ( 30� , in Township. Ten (10), Range Twelve (12) , in Hall County, State of Nebraska, <br /> Together with all and the hereditamen�s thereunto belonging. <br /> , <br /> This deed is giv�n to correct a description contained in the quit claim de�d dated February <br /> 16, 1950, filed May 4, 1950, in Book g6, Page 55�+ of the D�ed Records at the Office of the Register <br /> li of Deeds in Hall County, Nebraska. . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Qscar Myers, h�.s heirs and as- <br /> signs; so �hat neither the s�.ld grantors, nor any person in �heir namea and behalP, shall or will <br /> hereafter claim or d�mand any right or title 'Go the said premises, or any part thereof, but, thEy, <br /> and every one of them, shall by thege pr�sents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties ofi' the first part hereunto have set their hands and �ea1s, <br /> the day and year above wr3.tten. <br />, Geor e Myers <br /> E�yers <br /> dwin yers <br /> ary yers <br /> � don m3--m��e-_r�_� <br /> '�n fl'�re�.� I s <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> : ss. On thi5 lst day of June, 1950, before me �he undersigned, a notary public, <br /> COUNTY OF Hall ) duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, personally <br /> � came George Myers and Ellen Myers, husband and wife; Agnes Klimper and <br /> Eldon Klimper, wife and husband, and Winifred Myers, a single woman, to be known to be the identical <br /> persons whose names are afPixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors, and severally a.cknowledged <br /> the same to be their voluntary act and d�ed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year 1as'� above written. <br /> ( SEAL) James �,,. Deam <br /> My commission expires Jan 31-z956. Notary Public <br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) <br /> ; ss. On this 26th day of May, 1950, before me the undersigned, a notary <br /> LOS ANGELE5 COUNTY. ) publlc, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, <br /> personally came Edwin Myers and Mary Myers, husband a.nd wife, to me known � <br /> to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing 3.nstrument as grantors, and <br /> severally acknowledged �he same 'to be their volun�ary act and desd. <br />