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���� <br />� D�ED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 32641-THEAUGUSTINEC0.6RIINDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> ORDINANCE N0. �355 �� <br /> AN ORDZNANCE au�horizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to '�he City <br /> of Grand Ssland, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and �he terms of <br /> said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale oP said real estate and the terms <br /> thereof; and, providing Yor the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by <br /> legal eleetors of the Ci�y of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) of <br /> the eleetors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said City. <br /> WHEREAS, on the 9th day of February, 1950, Lot Three (3) , Block Eighteen (1�) , Packer & Barrs <br /> 2nd Addition, belonging to the said City o�" Grand Island, Nebraska, Lot Nine (9) ,. B1ock Twenty-onE <br /> (21) , Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition, belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and Lot Four (�+) , <br /> Bloek Th�.rty-seven (37) , Russel Wheelers Addition, belonging to the said City of Grand Island <br /> Nebraska, were pursuant to the action of the Mayor and City Council oPfered for sale at a public <br /> auc�ion to the highest b3dder and Max J. Cornelius and Ruth Corneliu8, husband and wiPe, of the <br /> City of Grand Island, Nebraska, bid the sum of One Hundred Fifty-five Dollars (�155.00) for said <br /> Lot Thre� �3) , Block Eighteen (l�) , Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition; bid the sum oP Thirty Dollars <br /> (�30.00) for Lot Nin� (9) , Block Twenty-one (21) , Packer & Barrs Addition and bid the sum of One <br /> Hundred Twenty-five Dollars (�125•00) for Lot Four (4) , Block Thirty-seven (37) , Rusael Wheelers <br /> Addition, said bids being the .highest bids off ered. . <br /> THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTZON l. The sale of the real estate described as Lot Three (3) , Block Eighteen (1�) , <br /> Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition to �he City of Gran d Ialand, Hall County, Nebraska; Lot Nine (9) , <br /> B1ock Twen�y-one (21) , Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska and Lot Four (4) , Block Thir'Gy-seven (37) , Russell Wheelers Addition to the City of <br /> Grand Igland, Hall County, Nebraska, to Max J. Cornelius and Ru�h Cornelius, husband and wif e, of <br /> said City of Grand Island, be and the same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed. <br /> BECTION 2. The manner and terms oP said sale of�uch real estate are as follows: The said <br /> Max J. Corn�lius and Ru�h Cornelius, husband and wif e, the biddere, have agreed to ay the sum of <br /> One Hundred Fifty-five Dollars (��55.00) for said Lot Three �3) , Block Eighteen (1��, Packer and <br /> Barrs 2nd Addition, and has made a down payment thereon in the gum of Thirty-one Dollars (�31.00) ; <br /> said purchaser bid the sum of Thirty Dollars ( �30.00) for Lo� Nine (9), Block Twenty_one (21) , <br /> � Packer and Barrs 2nd Addition and haa made a down payment thereon in the sum of Six Dollare (�6.00) <br /> and said urchaser bid the sum of .One Hundred Twen�y-five Dollars Por Lot Four (�) , Block Thirty- <br /> seven (37�, Russel. Wheelers Addi'�ion and paid the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as a down <br /> payment thereon; that the '�ota1 �um oP Two Hundred For'�y-eight Dollars ( �24�.00) the unpaid ba.lance <br /> due on said lots, traets and parcels oP land will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery <br /> of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to said purcha�er and the City shall not be required to furnish <br /> an Abstract of Title. <br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof sha.11 be published <br /> for three consecutive weeks in �he Grand Island Daily Ind�pendent, a newspaper published in and of <br /> general circula'�ion in the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska, immediatelq after the passag� and pub- <br /> lication oP this ordina.nce; and the City Clerk ia hereby directed and instructed to prepare and <br /> publish said notice. <br /> SECTION �-. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Plebraska, <br />� to file a remonstrance against the sale oP the within described real estate; and if a remonstranee <br /> against the sale signed by legal electors oP said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30;6) of <br /> the electors of the City o� Grand Island, votin� at the last eleetion held in said City b� <br /> filed with the Mayor and C1ty Council within thirty days after the and publication of this <br /> orclinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. <br /> SECTION 5. The sale af said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and conPirmed; and if <br /> no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and de- <br /> 11ver to Max J. Corneliues and Ruth Cornelius, huaband �.nd wiPe, a Quit Claim Deed for said <br /> property and the execu�ion of said deed is hereby authorized without further ac'�ion on behalP of <br />, the City Council. <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, <br /> approval and publication as provided by 1aw. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED THTS i5tn day of February, 1950. <br /> ATTE�T: B. J. Cunnin�hun <br /> Fl__(>yd S. White l�ayor <br /> �i��f erk� <br /> Filed for record this 31 day o� May 1950, at 2: 35 o 'clock P.M. e� <br /> J <br /> Register of Deeds ,�y <br /> o-o-a-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-c-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o <br /> ��IARRANTY DEED <br /> K I�DW ALL MEN 3Y THEBE PRESENTS: <br /> That THE WOOD RI�'ER CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, of the Villa�e of Wood River, in �he County of <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska, in conaideration o�' the sum of welve dollars-fifty cents (�12.50) <br /> Dollars, in hand paid does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Sven Pearson of the <br /> County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, grantee, the f oll.owing described Lot or Lo�s of land <br /> situated in the Wood River Cemetery, in the ToVmship of Wood River, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, <br /> to-wit: <br /> NE4 Lot 4� W,-�� ,NA � <br /> and all the es'�ate, right , title and interest wha�soever of the said grantor in and to �he same <br /> and every part thereof. <br /> To have and to hold the above deseribed Lot or Lots unto the said Sven Pearson grantee his <br /> heirs and assigns f orever and the said grantor hereby covenants with �he said grantee that i� <br /> holds said premises by a good and perfect title and has good right and authority to sell and <br />� convey the same and that same are free and clear of all cl.aims and incumbrances whatsoever and <br />,� -_ __ <br />