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�" :��� <br /> DE�D RECORD N�. 96 <br /> 32841�iNHAU6USilNEC0.6R�NDISLAND,NEBR."� � <br /> Mayor and C�.ty Cauncil offered for sale at a publie auction to the highest bidder and Lee Ross, of <br /> the City of Grand Tsland, Nebraska, bid the sum of Sixty (�60.00) Dollars therefore, said amoun'G <br /> being the highest bid offered. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTION 1. The sale of the real estate degcribed as Lot Three �3) , Block Three (3) , Bog gs & <br /> Hill Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Lee Ross of said City of Grar�d <br /> Island, be and the same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed. <br /> SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The said <br /> Lee Ross, the bidder, has agreed to pay the sum oP Sixty Dollars (�60.00) for the within describ�d <br /> real e5tate and has paid the sum of Thirty Dollars (�30.00) as a down payment thereon and the <br /> balance of Thirty Dollars ( �30.00 ) will be paid upon d�livery of a Qutt Claim Deed by the City to <br /> . <br /> said purchaser. The City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish an Abstract oP Title. <br /> SECTION 3. A� provided by 7�.w, no'�ice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be publiahed <br /> for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper publ�shed in and of <br /> general circulation in the Ci�y of Grand Taland, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and pub-� <br /> lication of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed �o prepare and <br /> publish said notice. <br /> SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance <br /> against the sale signed by 1ega1 elec'�ors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) <br /> of the electors of the City of Grand Island, vvting at the last regular election held in said City <br /> be filed with thP Mayor and City Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of <br /> this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor with�.n one year thereafter be so1d. <br /> SECTION 5. The sale of sa3.d real estate is hereby direc�ed, authorized and confirmed; and if <br /> no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk sha11 make, execute, and de- <br /> liver to Lee Ros�, a Quit Claim Deed for said proper�y and the execu�ion oP said deed is hereby <br /> authorized withou� further aetion on behalf o� the City Council. <br /> SECT20N 6, This ordinance shall be in force and '�ake ePfect from and after its passage, <br /> approval and publication as provided by law. <br /> PA3SED AND APPROVEI7 this i5tn day of February, 19�0. <br /> ATTEST: B. J. Cunningham <br /> Flo d S. V�Thhite —�fayor <br /> ity lerk <br /> Filed for record th3.s 31 day of May 1950, at 9: 30 o 'cloek A.M. �� ^_Q��. <br /> ��� <br /> Register of Deeds r/ <br /> 0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-Q_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0_�-�-C-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That, the City of Grand Island, a municipal corporation, of the County of Hall, and State of <br /> Nebraska, for the consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Ten Dollars (�310.00) does hereby Qu3'� <br /> Claim and convey unto Max J. Cornelius & Ruth Cornelius, husba.nd and wife, as �joint tenants and no'� <br /> as tenants in common, of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, a.11 its right, title and interest <br /> of whatsoever nature, in and to the following describ�d real �state, situated in the County of Hall <br /> and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Three (3) , Block Eighteen (1�) Paeker & Barrs 2nd Addition �o the City of (�-rand Island, <br /> I Ha11 County, Nebraska; Lot Nine (9� , Block Twenty-one (21) , Packer & Barrs 2nd Addition to <br />, the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and Lot Four (4) , Block Th3rty-seven (37) , <br /> Russell Wheelers Addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> It being the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death of either of said <br /> grantees, tne entire fee simple title to the real estate deseribed herein sha11 vest in the surviving <br /> grantee. , <br /> TY?e Grantor, the City of Grand Island, shall not be �required �o furn�.sh an Abstract of Tit1e. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor, the City oP Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> these pre5ents to be signed by it� Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk and has caused the <br /> official seal of said City to be hereunto affixed this the 21st day o�' March A.D. , 1950. <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br /> Frances Searson ��ORp} BY: B. J. Cunningham <br /> tness ���L� Mayor <br /> Frances Searson ATTEST: F. S. White <br /> ness i y er <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 21st day of March, A. D. , 1950, before me the undersigned, a <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Notary Public, duly commi.ssioned and qualiFied for and resicTing in said <br /> county, personally came B. J. Cunningham, Mayor, of the City oP Grand � <br /> Island, Nebraska, and Floyd S. 'adhite, City Clerk of said City '�o me personally known to be '�he <br /> identical persons whose names are aPfixed to the above instrument as Ma,yor and City Cl�rk of the <br /> Gran'�or, the City of Grand I�land, and to me personally known to be such officers of City and <br /> they severally acknowledged the execution oP said instrument to be their voluntaxy a�t and deed and <br /> the official act and deed on the part of said City of Grand Island. <br /> Witness my hand and Nota,rial Seal a'G Gr�.nd Island in said County, the day and year firat above <br /> written. <br /> (3EAL) A. W. Larson <br /> My commission expires the 23rd day of Dec, �.955. Notary Pu 11c <br />