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����� <br /> DE�D► RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841-7NEAU6USTINECD.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> ORDINANCE N0. 2364 <br /> AN ORDTNANCE authorizing and direc�ing th� sa1.e of certain real estate belonging to the City <br /> oP Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of <br /> said sale; prov3.ding for the giving of notice oP the sale aP said real estate and the terms <br /> thereof; and, providing for the right to Pile a remonstrance against the sale thereof eigned by <br /> legal electors oP the City of Grand Zaland, Nebraska, eaual in number to thirty per cent (30�) of <br /> the electors o� said Ci'�y, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said C3.ty and re- <br /> I pealing Ordinance No. 2352 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> WFiEREAS, on the 9th day of February, 1950, Lo� Six (6) , Block 5ixty-eight (6�) , Wheeler & <br /> Bennett 's Second Addition, belonging to the said City of Grand Ssland, Nebraska, was pursuant to <br /> the aetion oY the Mayor . and City Council affered for sale at a publle auction to the highest <br /> bidder and Harold Cozine, o�' �he City of Grand Island, Nebraska, b�d the sum of Four Hundred Twelve <br />� Dollars and.Fifty Centa ( �412. 50) therefore, said amount being �he highest bid offered. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT ORDATNED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTION 1. The sale , of the real esta'Ge described as Lot Six (6) , Block Sixty-eight (6�) , <br /> Wheeler & Bennett �s Second Addition to the Ci�y of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Harold <br /> Cozine of said City of Grand Island, be and the same is hereby directed, authorized and conPirmed. <br /> SECTIl3N 2. The manner and terms of said sale of 8uch real estate are as follows : The said <br /> Harold Cozine, the bidder, has agreed to pay the sum of Four Hundred Twelve Dollars and Fifty <br /> Cents ( ��12. 50) for the within descr3.bed real estate and has paid the sum of Eighty-two Dallara and <br /> Fifty Cents ( ��2.50) as a down payment thereon and the balance of Three Hundred Thirty �llars <br /> ( �330.00) wi11 be paid upvn delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to said purchaser. Th� City <br /> of Grand Island sha11 not be required to furnish an Abstract oP Title. <br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be publi�hed <br /> tor three consecutive week� in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newepaper published in and o�' <br /> general circulation in the Ci.ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and pub- <br /> lication of thi� ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and <br /> publi�h said notice. <br /> 5ECTION �. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to Pile a remonstrance against the sale of the wi�hin described real eatate; and if a remanstrance <br /> againet the sale signed by legal electors oP said Ci�y equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) oP <br /> �he electors of the City of Grand I81and, voting at the last regular election held in said City be <br /> ' filed with the Mayor and City Council. wi�hin thirty days after the passage, and publicativn of thls <br /> ordinance, such property sha11 not then, nor wit�.n one year thereafter be sold. <br /> �ECTION 5. The sale oP said �real estate is hereby directed, a uthorized and confirmed; and if <br /> no remonstrance be filed againa� sueh sale, the Mayor and City Clerk sha.11 make, execute, and de- <br /> liver to Harold Cozine, a Quit Claim Deed for sald proper'�y and the exeoution of said deed is <br /> hereby authorized without �'urther action on behalP of the City Council. <br /> SECTION 6. Tha� Or dinanee No. 2352 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> be �.nd the same is hereby repealed. <br /> SECTION 7. This ordinance �hall be in force and take eYf ect from and af ter its passage, <br /> approval and publication as provided by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of Apri1, 1950 <br /> ATTEST t B.J. Cunningham <br /> Flo�d 8.White. "'-' I�ayor <br /> —�'rty�`�er�—__ <br /> Filed fQr record this 27 day of Pqay 1950, at 9:00 0 � clock A•M. � <br /> Re is er of Dee <br /> � � <br /> 0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0_0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0_0-0-0_0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-�_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> TY�at THE WOOD RIVER CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, of �he Village of Wood River, 3n the County of <br /> Ha11 ane� -State of Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of T�aelve & 50f100 (�12.50/100) Dollars, <br /> in hand paid do�s hereby grant, b�rgain, se11 and convey unto Mr. Harold Triplet� of the County <br /> of Hal1, and Sta�e of Nebr. , gran�ee, the �'ollowing described Lot or Lots of land situated in the <br /> Wood River Cemetery, in the Township of Wood River, in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> North �des� quar'�er Lot �6 New Addition <br /> and all the estate, ri�h�, '�itle and interest whatsoever of the said grantor in and to the same <br /> and every part thereof. <br /> To have and to hold �he above described Lot or Il,ots unto the said Mr. Harold Triplet_ grantes <br /> his heirs and assigna forever and the said grantor hereby covenan�s with the said grantee that <br /> it holds said premi�es by good and perf ect '�itl� and has good right and author3ty to sell and <br /> convey the same and tha� same are free and clear of a11 and incumbrances whatsoever and <br /> the said Wood River Cemetery A�sociation hereby covenan�s to warrant and defend said premises <br /> � against the lawf'ul claimg of all persons who�goever. <br /> I'G is further agreed and understood that �he above deseribed property is sold and assigned <br /> f or the purpose of interment only and to be us�d f or no other purpose, sub�ect, however, to the <br /> provis3.on5 and restrictions of �Ghe Laws of the state of Nebraska, relating to Cemetery Associatior�� <br /> and to all acta a�d laws of the Legis�ature of �he State of Nebraska which hav� been or may be <br /> lawfully enacted resx�ecting Ceme�ery Associa�ions and also sub�ect to the conditions and limitation�a <br /> and with the pr3.vel.ege and restrictions speQif�.ed by the rules and regulationa of said Wood River ` '` <br /> Ceme�ery Association now in force or that ma;;✓ be hereafter adopted by it not in conflict with the <br /> laws of the State of Nebraska which rules and regulations as herel� specified are made a part of <br /> this conveyance. <br />