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e��C=' <br /> DEE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> 32641�THlAUOU571NEC0.68AN018LAND,NEBR. 'i, <br /> ,� WARRANTY I7EED--Cor�oration Vesting Entire Title in survivor ' <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 25th day of April A. D. , 1950 between PLATTE VALLEY DEVEL�PMENT CO. , <br /> a corporation organized and existing under anc� by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska <br /> party of the first part, and JAMES L. HOROWSKI and HONNIE E. BOKOWSKI of the County of Hall, and <br /> State of Nebraska, par�ies of the second part, WITNESSETH. Tha� the said �ar� o�' the Pirst part <br /> Por and in consideration of�he sum of ONE AND OTHER VALUABLE GONSIDERATION- - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> in hand pa�.d, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed, has sald and by these presents does grant, <br /> convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second r�art, the Pollowing described prem�.sea, <br /> s.ituated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to wit: . <br /> All of . <br /> ALL OF LOT THIRTEEN ( 13) , IN BLOCK TWO (2) , IN MEVES FIRST ADDITI�N,TN THE CITY <br /> OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBR,ASKA <br /> It being the intent3.on .of all partiea hereto, that in �he event of the death of eith�r of said <br /> grantees, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described herein sha21 vest in the surviving <br /> grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premis�s ab�ve deseribed, together wlth all the Tenements, Hered�ta- <br />� ments and Appurtenances thereunto be�onging unto �he said gran�ee� as Join� Tenan�s, and not as <br /> tenants in common, and to their assigns, or �o the heirs and as9igns of the surv�.vor of them, for- <br /> �ver, - <br /> And the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. for itself or its suceessors, does hereby covenant <br /> and agree to and with the said partlES of the second part and �heir. heirs and aasigns, that at '�he <br /> time of �he execution and delivery of the5e present� i't is lawfully seized oP said premise.s; �Ghat <br /> 1t has good right and ]awful authority to convey the same; that they are free from eneumbranc� and <br /> the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. does hereby covenant to tiaarrant and detend the sa3.d prem3.ges <br /> against the lawful claims of aIl persons whomsaever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. ha� hereunto eaused its corporat� <br /> seal '�o be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President the day a.nd year first above <br /> wr�tten. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ( CORP) PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. <br /> A. J. Guende]. �SEAL) By D. H. Meves <br /> � - res dent <br /> ( .� .R. amps) . <br /> ( Caneelled ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 25th day of April 19�0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> HALL Cour�ty ) Public in and Por said County, personally came D. H. MEVES, President o1' <br /> the PLAT`TE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. to me personally known to be the <br /> President and the identical person whose name is affixed to the above nvnveyanee, and acknowledged <br /> the execu'tion thereof to be his voluntary act and d�ed as sueh officer and the voluntary act and <br /> deed of the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. , and that the Corporate seal` of the said PLATTE <br /> VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C�. ��as thereto affixed by its au'�hority. <br /> Witneas my ha_nd and Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said county the day and year last above <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) Lida Dietz <br /> My Gommission expires the lOth day of November Zg54. o ary ub c. <br /> Filed for record this 26 day of May, 195o at 9:15 0 � cloe�C A.M. ���V <br />� Register of Deede <br /> i o-o-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o <br />� QUTT CLAIM DEED, ETC. <br /> I KNOV� ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That, the City of Grand Island, a munici.pal eorporation of the County of Hall, and �tate of Nebrask�,, <br />� for the consideration of the sum of Fcur Hundred Twelve Dollars and Fif ty Cents ( �412.50) , does <br /> hereby Quit C�aim and convey unto Harold Coz�.ne of the County of Ha11 and State of Nebra9ka, all its <br /> right, title and interest of wha'tsoever nature, in and to the following described real estate, <br /> situated in the County of Hal1 and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> Lot Six (6) , Block 5ixty-eight (6�) , Wheeler & Bennett�s Second Addition to the City of <br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> mhe Grantor, the City of Grand Island, ahall not be required to furnish an Abstrac'� of Title. <br /> TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor, the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> �hese presen�e to be signed by its President oP the City Councll and attested to by the City Clerk ' <br /> and haa eau�ed the off'i.cial seal of s�.id City to be hereunto affixed t�iis the lOth day of May A. D. , <br /> 1950. <br /> CITY OF t�R,AND TSLAND <br /> Marie Blain � C�Rp� - BY: 0. W. John�on <br /> ���s8 (5�,� resi ent of t e C ty ounc <br /> Marie �31ain ATTEST: F. S. Wriite <br /> itness y C1.erk <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this i5 day vf May A.D. , 19�j0, before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Public, duly commissioned for anrl residing in said county, personally <br /> came 0. W. Johnson, Pr�sident of the City Council of the City of Grand <br /> Island, Nebraska, �,nd Floyd S. �Ahite, Ci�y Clerk of said City to me personally known to be such <br /> identical persons and such qual�.f ied and ac�ing officers of said City and they severally acknowledged <br /> the ex�cution of said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the official. act and deed <br /> on the par� of said City of Grand Island. , <br /> wr�.tt�ntness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, in said County the day and year Pirst above i <br /> ��E�) Paul C. Holmberg I <br /> M o ary u c � <br /> y commissi.on expires the 9th day of May, 19�j1. <br />� . _.��, I <br />