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����. <br /> DEED RECORD 1�0. 96 <br /> 32841�TH8AUGUS7INECO.GRANOISLAND.NEBR. <br /> After keeping said sale open for more than one hour, I sold the above descrlbed real estate to <br /> Irvin P. Meves and Ruby M. Meves, husband a.nd wife, as �oint tenants, for the sum of �23,100.00, <br /> they being the higheet and best bidder therefor. <br />� Afterwards the matter came on to be heard on the 12th day of May, �950, on the Ob,�ections to <br /> I 5a1e of the above describ�d real es�ate, which ob,�ections were filed on the 2�th day of April, <br /> 1950, by the plainti.ff herein. <br /> The plaint�.ff and def endant were represented in Court; the successful bidder at the ori�l.nal <br /> sa1e, to-wit: Irvin P. Meves and Ruby M. Meves were present in Court and represented by counsel. <br /> There was submi�ted to the Court at said time an oPPer of �2�,000. for the above described property, <br /> which amount represented an increase in the bid for the property of �900. which amount was sub- <br /> s�antial and warranted the Cvurt in setting aside the previous sale. <br /> � Upon consultation of a11 parties, �Ghe plainti�f, defendant, the successful bidder at the <br /> briginal sale above named and the bidder offering �he �um of �24,000.00, 1.t was agreed that it <br /> would bg f'or the best interests of .al], parties tha'G further bids be accepted in open Court and -2- <br /> �ha.t the successfu7. bidder have the sale confirmed and the referee ordered to e�ecute and deliver <br /> a deed upon payment. Whereupon, I prooeeded to accept further bids. T thEn sold the above <br /> described property in open court to IRVIN P. MEVES and RUBY M. MEVEB, husband and wif e, as �oint <br /> tenants, for the sum of �29,OOO.Q�O, they being the highest and best bidders therefor, which sa1� <br /> �aid Court approved and confirmed at that time in open court, and by an order directed me as said <br /> Re�eree, to execute and deliver to said Irvin P. Meves and Ruby M. Meves, husband and wiPe, as <br /> �oint tenan�ts, a deed in �ee simple to the a.bove described real estate. <br /> NOW, THEREF�RE, I, John R. Hi�gins, Referee, in consideration oP the premises and the awn of <br /> �29,OOO.C►0 so bid anc� paid by said Srvin P. Meves and Ruby M. Meves, husband and wife, as �oint <br /> �ena,nts, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do by these presents grant, sell, and <br /> convey unto the said Irvi.n P. Mevea and Ruby M. Meves, husband and wife, as �joint tenanta, the <br /> above described real estate, w ith all appurtenances thereunto belonging, sub�ect to the rights of <br /> the tenants Ed Sobi;eszyk, Hubertha Sobleszyk, and Augusta Suck �o remove certain peraonal property <br /> as set �'orth by th� Court in the Ju�dgment of Partition, �o have and to hold the same unto said <br /> granteea and to their heirs and assigns forever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand �his 23RD day of May, 1950. <br /> In presence of: ( � , � t�ps� John R. Hi ine <br /> R�.y M. Higgins (Cancelled ) �' E E� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA�ss <br /> COUN`PY OF HALL On this 23 day of May, 1950, bePore the undersigned, a Notary Publie in and <br /> for said County, personall.y appeared John R. Higgins, Referee in �he case <br /> referred to in the foregoing deed, to me p ersonally known to be the identical person whose is <br /> sub�cribed to the fo'regoing deed as grantor, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be hi.s vol- <br /> untary act and d�ed as sa�.d Referee for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Tsland in Ha11 County, the day and year last above <br /> SlITr1 L VQnw <br /> (SEAL) Ray M. H1_�_ins <br /> My commission expires Jan 2€f��--19�jj Notary Pu .��c. <br /> F11ed far record this 23 day of May 1950, at 2:45 o �clock P.M. � ? <br /> egister of ee t� <br /> 0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED--State Form <br /> Florence Ethel Montgomery, single Grantor, of Cuater County, State of South Dakota, Por and in <br /> consideration of One Dollar and other valuable considerations GRANT3, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS TO <br /> A].ice M. Freeland, grantee of Custer, S.D. P.O. , the following described real estate in the County <br /> of Ha11 in the State of Nebaraska: � • <br /> an undivided one-third (1�3) interest in and to the Northwest Quarter (NW�) and the West <br /> one-half of the Southwest Quarter (W�SVd�) of Section Thirty-five (35) in Township Ten (10), <br /> Ra,nge Twelve (12 ) in said County of Hall, State of Nebraska, with all improvements thereon <br /> of every kind and character and appurtenant thereto. <br /> The actual consideration for this conveyance is less than �100.00 <br /> Dated thia 1£� day of May, 1950 <br /> Florence Ethel Montgomery <br /> ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY INDIVIDUAL <br /> �� - STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, ) <br /> ) ss. On this the l�th day of May, 1950, before me, G. W. Corrington, the <br /> County of Custer � undersigned officer, personally appeared Florence Ethel Montgomery, <br /> single known to me or satisPactorily proven to be �he person whos�; <br /> name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same for the <br /> purposes therein contained. <br />, In witness whereof 2 hereunto set my hand and official seal. <br /> . _ <br />��� � ( °EAL) G. W. Corrin ton <br />� my commission expires Jan 5-1952 � o�ary u 1 c <br /> Ti�le of OffiQer <br /> F'lled for record this 26 day of May, A. D. i95o, at �:3� o � clock A.M. <br /> .cGy,.a� <br /> � � - egister of Deed� <br /> o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o_n_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o�'� <br />