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���� • <br /> DE�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 9264��XLAU6UfTINELO.CRAN0ISLAND,NE6R. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above d�scrib�d, togeth�r with all the Tenernents, <br /> Hereditaments and Appurte�anees thereunto belonging unto the said Don 0. Kenainger and M. Josephine <br /> Kensinger, as ,�oint tenants and not as tenants in common <br /> And the said Grand Island Land Company for itself or its successors, does hereby agree to and <br /> with the said parties of the second par'� and thelr heirs and assigns, that ne3.ther i� nor any person <br /> in its name and behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or demand any right or title to th� said <br /> premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presen�s be excluded <br /> and forever barred. . <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, �he sa3d Grand Island Land Company has eaused these presents to be <br /> executed by its president and its Corpora'�e Seal to be affixed hereto this 24th day of March 1950. <br /> Witnesa ( COAP) ( • • . axnps ) Qrand Island Land Company � <br /> Mildred M. Johnson (SEAL) (Cancelled ) by Ba�ard H. Paine , President " i <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) - - � <br /> ) ss. On '�his 24th day of March 1950, before me th� undersigned, a. Notary Publie I <br />� Hal� County ) in and for said County, persanally came Bayard H. Paine, President of th� I <br /> Grand Island Land Gompany to me peraonally known to be the President and � <br /> the identical person whose name 3.s affixed to the abov� conv�yance and acknowledged the execu�ion <br /> thereof to be his vol�zntary act and deed as such officer and the volantary act and deed oP �he said <br /> Grand Island Land Company, and that the Corporate seal of the said Grand Island Land Company was <br /> thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and No�ar3a1 Seal at Grand Isl.and in said county the day and year la�� above <br /> written. <br /> (SEAL) C. E. Grund,,�_ <br /> My commission expires tne 19th d�,y of June 1950 �1 otary�u�lic. <br /> Filed for record this 1� da.y of May, z95o, at 2:1�j o i clock P.M» <br /> Reg s�er�eede <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-0-.0_0-0-0-0-0-�-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-o-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0 <br /> REFEREE�S DEED <br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tha� whereas �.n an action of partition p�nding in the Distric'� <br /> Court of Hal1. County, Nebraska, whereln �iary I. Falldorf, also known as Marie Falldorf, is the <br /> plaintiPf; and E�nila Ehlers, a s�,ngle person; Henry H. FalldorY; Ed Sobieszyk, Pirst name unknt�wn, <br /> and �3obieszyk, ri�.s �rife are defendants; and where Augus�a Suck was intervene�, wherein <br /> being ca�e Number �152g, Docket �FO, Page 229, �or the part3.tion of �he premises here9.nafter <br /> described, the undergigned Referee appointed by sa�d Court to make parti'�ion of sa3.d real esta�e, <br /> made report ln writing, duly signed setting forth that partition of said lands cannot be made <br /> wi'�hout grea� pre,�udice to the owners thereoP, which report was duly e�,mined by the Cour� and the <br /> Court being satisfied therewith, con�'irmed the same, and thereupon made an order and caused th� <br /> same to be entered, me as said r�feree to s�ll said premises on the foZlowing terms, <br /> to wit: At public sale as upon execu�ion at the North Fron'� Door of the County Court House in '�he � <br /> Ci�y of Grand Island, Ha11 Cqun�y, Nebr�.ska., the terms of sale being 1�,� cash and balance upon <br /> cvnfirmation. <br /> And in pursuanee of said order S eaused a notiee to be published in the Grand Island Independen�, <br /> a legal. newspaper printed and in general circulation in Ha,ll County, Nebraska, that I would offer <br />� said lands for sale a� the Nor�h Door of the Court House a� Hall County, in the Ci�y of Grand <br /> Island, Ha].l County, Nebraska, on the 1�Fth day of Apri1, 195d, at 2 0 �eZock P.M. , of said d.a,y and <br /> at the �ime and place stated in said notice and after said no�ice had been published for more <br /> than �hirty days as prescribed by law, I offered said land, for sale a� public auetion, 'Go-w3t: <br /> A21 of that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E�SE ) oP Sec'�ion Twen�Gy (2�) , <br /> I anc�all of that part of the West Half a� the Southwes� Quarter (W� SW�) of Section Twenty- <br /> one (21) , all in Township Eleven (11) North, of Rang� Nine �9) , West, in Ha11 Coun'�y, <br /> I Nebraska, which lies and is situate North of the Chicagot Burlington & Quincy Railroad <br />; Company�s railroad track through same (as is now lacated) and known a$ �he ��B. & M. Belt ' <br />, Line, " which said l�,nd is more par'�icu7a rly described as �ollows: Beginning at the � <br /> Northwest eorner o�' the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E� SF�) of said Section � i <br /> Twenty (20) , then,ce running South, along the West line of said East Half of the South- � <br /> east �uarter (E� 5E�) of said Section Twenty (20) , 1323.� feet to a point where said 13ne � <br /> -7.- � intersects the north line of �he right-of-way of said railroad company�, said point being <br /> marked by an iron stake, thenee, Easterly and Northeas'�erly, a.long the North l.ine of said � <br /> railroad ri�ht-oP-way, to a point where same intersects with the East boundary line of I, <br /> said West Half of the Southwes�G Quarter of sald Seetion Tw�enty-one (21) , thence, North, I <br /> along said Eas� boundary line, 1 1.� fee'� to the North boundary line of said Weat Half I <br /> of the Southwe5� Qua.rter (T�T� BW�� o� said °ection Twenty-one (21) , said point� bein __ - � <br /> g I <br /> marked by an iron s�ake; thence Z�Te�t, along th� north boundary line af said Wes� HaIP � <br /> of the Southwest Quarter af said Section Twenty-one (21) , and the North boundary line � i <br /> of said East Ha1f of the Sou�h�ast Quarter (E� SE�) of said Section Tw�nty (20) , to the i <br /> place of be�inning, and comprising 54.67 acres, a 13.tt1e more or less. A1so, a part of �� - <br /> the Northwest Quarter (NW�) of Sec�ion 'I'�aenty-one (21), �.n Township Eleven, (11) , North i <br /> oP Range Nine (9) , WeSt, in Hal1 County, Nebraska, described as fallows: <br /> Commencing at a point 511.2 Yeet East from �he Southwest corner of the Northwest <br /> Quarter of said Section Twenty-one (21) , running thence Eas'�, along the center line of <br /> said Section Twen�y-one (21� , 877.2 feet �o the �dest line of Logan Street (i�' same were <br /> eatended) ; thence, in a Northerly direction parallel with tYie said West �of said <br /> Logan S�reet, 521 feet to the point of its intersection with �he South line of Anna <br /> Street; thence, in a 5vuthwesterly direc'�ion along thg said Sou'Gh line af said Anna <br /> Street 770.� feet; 'Ghen�e, South, running parallel the Wes't line of Hutler Street <br /> (if same were �x�ended) , 95 f eet tv the place of beginning, and cantaining 5� aeres, <br /> a little more or less, except Beginning at a point where the Southe�ly line of Louise <br /> Street intersects the east west center line of Sectian Twenty (20) , going thence Sou�h� <br /> westerly along the south line o�' Louise Street, e�ctended a diatanae oY 45 f��t �hence <br /> westerly and paxallel to the east west center line of sa�.d Seetiqn Twenty (20) , to the <br /> Eas� Iine of B1.a�.ne Street, thence nor�h alon the eas'G Iin� of Blaine Street, to the <br /> east west center line of said Section Twenty �20), thence East a�ang the east west <br /> center line of safd Sect�.on Twenty (20) , tc� �-�Y�E plac� b�::beg�nn�ng. �ai.�1, 't�ac� '�ca -.,, <br /> cont�.in approx3mat�ly' 3,0�� sc}uaref�et car .�71 aer�s. , <br /> � w . <br />