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l��� <br /> DE�D RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � 32841^7HEAUGUSSiNEC0.6AAND75LAND,NEBR. � <br /> To�ether with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> T(3 HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed ?�remises unLo the said Robert L. Hoye, his heirs <br /> and assigns; so that neither the said gran'�or, nor any p�rson in his name and behalf, shall <br /> or will herea,f ter clal.m or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, <br /> I but they and every one of them sha11 by these presents be �xcluded and f orever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the firs� part hag hereunto set his hand and seal <br /> the day and year above wri'�t�n. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Hernard J. Hoye <br /> Wm Suhr <br /> S`�ATE OF NEBRASKA } <br /> )SS. On �h3.s 4� day of April, A.D. 1950, before me, the undergigned <br /> Ha11 County ) a Notary Public, duly eommissioned and qual.if ied f or and residing <br /> in eaid county, came Bernard J. Hoye, single, to me known <br /> to be thc identical person whose i� affixed to the f oregoing inatrument as grantor and <br /> aeknowledged the same '�o be his volun�ary aet and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal th� day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) . Wm. Suhr <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My Commission expires the 17th day of February, 1951 <br /> F�.led for record this 13 day of May, 19;0, at 10:�5 0� clock A.M. <br /> ��� �� <br /> REGTSTER OF DEEDS �/ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-r0= <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 17th day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, between <br /> Mary E. Grlmminger Lewi.a and L. L. Lewis, wife and husband, partiea of the firs'G part, and Celia <br /> Morrison party o�' the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said pa.rties of the firat part, in con- <br /> sideration of the sum of One Dol,lar and othEr valuable cons�.deration- - - -DOLLARS, to them duly <br /> paid, �he receipt wh�reof is hereby acknowledged remised, released, and, and by these <br /> presents do for thems�lves �heir heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever <br /> quit-clsim and convey unto the said par'�y of the second par'�, and to her heirs and aBSigna forever, <br /> all their right, title, interest, estate elaim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and <br /> �o all <br /> Lot Five (5) , in Block Thirteen (13) , in Ruseell Wheeler �s Addition to the City oY arand <br /> Island, Nebraska � <br /> Together w�th all and singular the hereditaments �hereunto belon�ing. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t�he above deseribed premises unto the said Gelia Morrison her heira and <br /> assigns; ao that neither the said grantors, nor any person in their name and behal�, shall or wi11 <br /> hereaft�r claim or demand any right or �itle to the said premises or any part thereoY, but they <br /> and every one of them shall by these presents be exeluded and fvrever barred. <br /> IN WITNE5S WHEREOF, th� said parties o�' the Pirst part have hereunto set their hands and <br /> seal the day and year above wrl��en. <br /> Signed, sealed and dellvered in presence of Mar E. Grimmin er Lewis <br /> Harry Grimminger . . Lewis <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ss. On th�.s 17th day of May, A. D. 1950, before me, the underaigned Harry <br /> HALL County Grimminger a Notary Public, duly commi�sioned and qualified for and re- <br /> siding �.n said coun�y, personally came Mary E. arimminger Lewis and <br /> L. L. Lewis, wif e and husband, 'Go me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to <br /> the foregoing inatrument as grantors .and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarlal Seal �he da.y and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Harr Grimmin&er <br /> otary Pub11c. <br /> My aommiss�.on expires the lst day of August, 1951. <br /> Filed for recard this 1� day oY May, 1950, at 11:20 o � clock A.M. <br /> e <br /> Reg ster oP Deeda �/ <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o <br /> �•-QUIT CLAIM DEED--Corpora'�ion <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 2�th day of March 1950, between GRAND TsLAND LAND COMPANY a corporation <br /> organized and �xisting under a.nd by vir'�ue of the laws of the State of Nebraska party of �he first <br /> part, and Don 0. Kenainger and M. Josephine Kenainger, as �oint tenants and no� as tenants in com- <br /> mon o�' the County of Hall and S'�ate of Nebraska, part_of the second part. <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in Qonaiderat3.on o,f the sum of Two <br /> Hundred and Twenty Five (�225) DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereoP is hereby acknowledged, has <br /> I� sold and by these presents does qu�.t-claim, ant, convey and confirm unto the said ar'�ies of the <br /> �' P <br /> �econd part, the following descr].bed premisea, situated in (�rand Island Ha11 County, and 3tate of <br /> Nebraska, to-wits <br /> A1.1 of Lots Six (6) Seven (7) and Eight (�) in Blvck Twelve (12 ) in Boggs & Hill�s <br /> Addition, as surveyed, platted an d recorded. <br /> IT BETNG THE INTENTION OF ALL PAA.TIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF <br /> SAID (�RANTEE3, THE ENTIRE TITLE HEREBY CONVEYED AND DE3CRIBED HEREIN SHALL VE3T IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. � � <br />