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_ � <br /> ����� <br /> D�ED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> i <br />,f 32641�HlAUGUSTINEC0.6R11NDISLAND,NElR. � � <br /> QUIT CLATM DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made �his 9�h day of May, in the year one �housand hundred and Fifty, <br /> W r n l E r d <br /> between H. J. Knickrehm, a single man, of the f irst part, and illiam E. B ady a d Mabe . H a y <br /> as Joint Tenents and not as tenant� in common, of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said <br /> par'�y of the first part, in consideration of �he sum of One Do11�r and o'�her valuable coneideration <br /> n led ed a remised rele se� and <br /> DOLL � to him c�ul aid the recei � whereof is h�reb ack ow h s a <br /> AR , <br /> , Y A � P y g , <br /> qui�G-claimed, and by tY1G'SE pregents does for himself his heirs, executors and ad.ministrator�, <br /> r�mise, release and f orever qui�-claim and convey unto the said pa.rties of the second part, and <br /> to their heirs and assigna forever, all his right, title, interest, estate claim and d�mand, <br /> both at law and in equity, of, in and to a11 <br /> LOT ONE (1) , BLOCK ONE (1) , LAMBERT� S SECOND ADDITI ON TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> IT BEZNG THE INTENTSON OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH QF EITHER OF <br /> SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTfiRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HERESN SHALL <br /> 3iE8T IN TH� SURVTVING GRA.NTEE. <br /> Tog��her with al3 and singular the hereditaments '�hereun�o belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above de�eribed prEmises unto the said Granteea their heirs and <br /> assigna; so tha� neither of the �aid Grantor, nor any person in his name and behalf, sha11 or <br /> w�.7.1 hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any par� thereof, but <br /> they and every one of �h�m shall by �hese presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the f irst part has hereunto set his hand ,and seal �he <br /> day and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of H. J. Knickrehm <br /> Ruth Swanson ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS On this 9" day of May, A.D. 1950, bef ore me, �he undersigned Ruth <br /> HALL �ounty ) Swanson, a Notary Public, duly commissioned a,nd qualified for and <br /> residing in said county, personall.y came H. J. Knickrehm, a singl� <br /> man, to me known to be tne identical person whose name is affixed to the f oregoing instrumen� <br /> as grantor and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and No�arial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Ruth Swanson <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> My Commission expires the 18" day of August, 1950. <br /> Filed for record this 10 clay of May, 19�0, at 3;�5 o�clock P.M. <br /> ��=� �'�,. <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 00-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-- <br /> �` WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN B� THESE PRESENTS: That Georg� Myers, also known as George A. Myers, and Ellen <br /> Myers, his wife, of Buffalo County, Nebraska; Edwin Myera, aleo known as Edwin W. Myers, and Mary <br /> Myers, his wife, oY Los Angeles County, CaliPornia; Agnes Klimper, formerly A�nes Myers, and Eldon <br /> � Rlimper, her husband, and Winifred Myers, al�o known as Winifred A. Myers, unmarried, all of Hall <br /> Coun�y, Nebraska, for and in consideration of the $um of Eighteen ThouSand Dollars (�1�,000.00) <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargair�, se11, convey and con�'irm unto Robert L. Vohland, o� the <br /> County oP Buffalo and �tate of Nebraska, the following described real estate situated in Ha11 <br /> County and the state of Nebraska, to-wit: All of their respective intereats in and to the northe�ly <br /> one hundred twenty (120) aeres o� the northwest quarter of Section Thirty �30), in Townahip Ten <br /> (10), North of Range Twelve (12) West oP 6th P.M. , � <br /> TO HAVE AND T� HOLD the premises above described, together with all the tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Robert L.Vohland, and to his heirs and assigns <br /> forever. ' <br /> And we do hereby coveriant with said �rantee and wi�h his heirs and assigns, that we are lawPully <br /> , seized of said premises; that �Ghey are free from encumbrance, that we have good right and lawful <br /> au�hority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to said <br /> premises against tk�e 1awPu1 claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> And the said �rantors hereby relinqulsh all their right, title, and interest in and �o the <br /> abov� clescribed premi8es. � <br /> Signed th�.s 24�h day of April, lg5o. <br /> Geor e M ers <br /> eorge Myer� also nown as <br /> ( . .R. tamps) Geor�e A. Myers) <br /> ( Cancelled ) E11en M ers <br /> en Myers <br /> Edwin W. M ers Edwin M ers <br /> Edwin Myers a so nown as <br /> Edwin W. Myers) <br /> Mary M ers <br /> ary yers <br /> A nes K11m er <br /> Agnes Klim er Yormerly Agnes <br /> Myera� <br /> . Eldon Klimper <br /> don mper <br /> Winifred Myers <br /> Winifred Myers a so known aa <br /> I� WiniPred A. Myers� _ _ <br />