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���� <br /> i <br /> DEED RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92E41�}NB�UGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND.NEBp. � <br /> 1 DEED--Corporat3.on <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT Grand Island Safe Deposit Company, a corporation, of the Coun�y .of Ha11, and State of <br /> Nebraska, in con�3.d�ra.tion of the sum of One Do11ar and other valuable consideration DOLLARS, in <br /> hand paid by Abrahamson-Lacy Company of Hall County, S.ta�e of Nebraska, do hereby sel.l and convey <br /> unto the said Abrahamson-Lacy Company the fallowirYg described pr�mi�es, situated 3.n Ha1.l County, <br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lots Seven ('�) , Eigh� (S) , Nine (g ) and Ten (10) , in Block Four (�F) , in Lambert� s <br /> Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, <br /> platt�d and recorded, <br />' together with all appurtenanees thereunto belonging, and <br /> and do covenant to warrant and defend the �a�.d premis�� against any acts of said par'�ies of �he <br />, fir�t par�. And th� said Grand Island Saf'e Deposit Company hereby r�linquishe� all r�.gh�, title <br /> and inter�st in and to the above described premi�es. <br /> Signed �his 28�h day of Apri7. 195�• <br /> ( .�S I. R. STAMPS) <br /> I'� In ��ie presence of (Cancelled ) <br />� Bernice �tuart (CORP) GRAND ISLAND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY <br /> (SEAL) <br /> By_ 0. �. Beltz�r Presid�n� <br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA ) . <br /> )SS. On th3.s 28th day of April 1950 bef are me, the und�rs�gned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) Public in and f or said County, pergonally cam� 0, A. Bel�zer, President <br /> of the Grand Island Safe Deposit �ompany to me personally known to b� <br /> the Presiden� and the id�ntical person whos� name is affixed to the above convEy�,nee, and acknow- <br /> ledged the execution thereof to be his volun�ary act and deed as sueh officer and the voluntary <br /> act and d�ed of �h� said Grand Is�.and Safe Deposit Company, and tha'� the Corporate seal of th� <br /> �aid Grand Island Safe Deposit Company was thereto affix�d by its author3.'Gy. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, N�br. in said county the day and year <br /> last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Berniee Stuart <br /> My Commission expires the 22nd day of Apri1 195� Notary Public <br /> i Fi1.�d for record this 10 day of May, 1g�0, at 3:00 Qiclock P.M. <br /> d,,,,,-� V°!� `� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS /� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-a o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DETD � _ <br /> I THIS INDENTURE, Mad� .�his qth day of P�2ay, in the year one thousand n3ne hundred and Fifty, be�ween <br /> � r w f e o t he f r t r nd H c <br /> W�.11iam ra.d and Mab�l E. B ad his i f i s pa � a . J. Kni krehm of the second <br /> Y yr � s <br /> part, WITNESSE2H, that the said par�i�s of the first part, in consideration of the s�.un of One <br /> Dollar and other valuable consi.deration DOLLARS, to thEm duly paid, �he r�aeipt whereof 3.s h�reby <br /> aeknowled ed have remised r�leased and quit-claimed, and by 'Ghese resents do for tYleII18E�V@8 <br /> g , , P <br />� and their heirs, executors and ad.ministrators, remise, release and f orever quit-c�.aim and convey <br /> unto th� said par�y of the second par'�, and to his heirs and assigns f orever, all their right, <br /> title, inter�st, esta�e claim and demand, bo�h at law a.nd in equity, of., in and to a7.1 <br /> II LOT ONE (1) , BLOCK ONE (1 ) , LAMBER2� S SEC OND ADDITTON TO THE CITY OF GRAND TSLAND, <br /> II NEHRASKA. <br /> Together with a11 and singular the hereditaments ther�un�o belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed r� unto the eaid Grantee h he n - <br /> P is 3rs a d assi ns <br />,I g � <br /> so that neither of the said grantors, nor any person in their name and behalf, shall or wi�.1 <br /> hereaft�r cla�.m or demand any right or title to th� said premises or any par� thereof, b!zt th�y <br /> and every one of them sha11 by these preg�nts be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WI�'NESS WHEREOF, the said partieg of the firs� part have hereunto �e� their hand and <br /> seal th� day and year above wr3.tten. <br />� S3gned, sealed and del�.vered in pr��ence of Wil�iam Brady , <br /> Ruth Swanson Mabe1 E. Brady <br /> STATE OF NEBRA.SKA ) <br /> )SS. On this 9th day of May, A.D. 1950, bePore me, the undersigned Ruth <br /> HALL County ) Swanson, a Notary Public, duly cornr�issioned and qualified for and <br /> residin� in said county, came William Brady and Mabel E. <br /> Brady, ��is �Tife to me known to be the identical person� whose na,mes are affixed to th� foregoing <br /> instrument as grantora and aeknowledged the same �o be their voluntary act and de�d. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) Ruth Swanson <br /> No�ary Public. <br /> My �ommiasion expires �he 18" day of Augu��, 19j0. <br /> Filed for record this 10 day of May, z95o, at � :45 o�clock P.M. <br /> �� ., ��-�.: <br /> REGTSTER OF DEEDS � <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- a- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />