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;:• <br /> ,> - <br /> ,,`, � ��'i�i <br /> � � DEED R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> � � 32641-'fNEAUGU871NEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � � <br /> � WAF3.RANTY DEED <br /> KN�W ALL A2EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Esther Buechler, a widow, of Ha11 County, Nebraska; <br /> Theodore E. Buechler and Mary Buechler, husband and wife, of Cook County, I11ino3s; and Ethel <br /> Roeser, a widow, Walter E. Buechler and Margaret Buechl�r, husban� and wif e, and Catharine Huenz <br />� and Harold Buenz, wif e and husband, of Keith County, state of Nebraska, for and in consideration <br />'' af the sum of Two Tnousand Do�lars (�2Q00.�0) in hand pz3.d, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, <br />� convey and conf irm unto Abrahamson-Lacy Co. , of tne County of Hall and state of Nebraska, the <br /> I f ollowing described real estate situated in Hal1 County and Stat� of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />'� <br /> The nor�h half and the south half of the east half of Lot Eight (8) , the north half <br /> and �he south Yia7.f of the east half of Lot Ten (10) , and the �aat half and the south <br /> half of the wes� half of Lot Nine (9) , a11 in� s Subdivision located on a par� <br /> of �he no�thwest quarter of Section 22, in Township 11 North, Range 9 Wes� of 6th P.M. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deserib�d, together with all �he tenements, here- <br /> dl�aments and appurtenances tnereun�o belonging, unto the �aid Abrahamson-Lacy Co. , and to its <br /> succ�ssora and assigns f or�ver. <br /> And we do hereby covenant with the said grantee and with its �ucc�saors and ass3.gns, that <br /> we ar� lawfully �eized of said premises; that. they are free from e neumbranc�; that we have good <br /> right and lawful authority to s�ll the same; and we do hereby covenant �o warrant and defend <br /> the ti'Gle to said prEmises against the lawful claima of all persons whomso�ver. <br /> And the grantors aforesaid hereby relinquish all their right, tit1E, and intereat in and <br /> to �he above descr3.bed premises. � <br /> 5IGNED this 9�h day of March, 1950. <br /> In presenee of : ( 2.20 I. R. STAMPS) <br /> (Cancell�d ) <br /> Esther Buechler <br /> Theodore E. Buechler <br /> Mary Buechler <br /> - Ethel Roeser <br /> Wa].ter E. Bueehler <br /> Mar�are� Huechl�r <br /> Cathe,rine Buenz <br /> Harold Buenz <br />� STATE OF NEBR.ASKA, ) . 2 <br /> ) ss. On �his 1st day of May, 1950, before the undersigned, a notary <br /> HALL COUNTY. ) public duly commissloned and qualified f or and residing in said <br /> county, personally came Esth�r Buechler, a widow, to me known �o <br /> be th� id�n�ical p�rson whose name is affixed to �he for�going instrument as grantor, and <br /> acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> tidITNESS my hand and notarial s�al the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL} Bernice E. Matthews <br /> Notary Public <br /> My commiasion expires 2--7-�6 <br /> STATE OF iLLINOIS, ) <br /> ) SS. On this 29th day af Apri1., 1954, before tr�e undersigned, a notary <br /> Lak.e COUNTY ) public, du1,y commissioned and qualified for and r�siding in said <br /> county, personally came TheodorE E. Buechl�r and Mary Bueehler, <br /> husband and wif�, to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the f ore- <br /> �oing instrument as grantors, and severally aeknowledged the same to b� their voluntary act <br /> and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above wrl�t�n. <br /> (SEAL) J. E. En�;uist <br /> Notary Public <br /> My commission �xpires March �, 195� <br /> STATE OF NEBRA.SKA, ) <br /> )SS. On this 10 day af March, 19,�0, bef ore the undersigned, a notary <br /> KETTH COUNTY. ) public, duly commissioned and qualified for and reaiding in said ; <br /> • county, per�onally came Ethel Roeser, a widow, Wa1 ter E. Bueehler <br /> and Margaret Bueehler, husband and wife, and Catharine Bu�nz and Harold Buenz, wife and huaband, <br /> to me known to be the id�n�ical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as <br /> grantors, � and severall.y ackncjwledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and notar3.a1 seal t�.e day and year las� above written. <br /> I . (SE,AL) Sylvia Brown <br /> Notary Publie <br /> My comm�.ssion expires June 9, 19�4 <br /> Fi1ed for record. this 1� day of May, 1950, at 3 :00 o� clock P.M. <br /> ��.ai V�a�,.r✓ <br /> I <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS ,ivr <br /> fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />