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_ _ <br /> � �� � <br /> � � <br /> DEED RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841�TXl�UCUOTINEC0.6RAXD18�AND.NEBR. <br /> payment thereon in the sum o�' Eighty-on� Dollars (��1.00) and said purehaser bid the sum of Five <br /> Hundred Ten Dollars (�510.00) �'or Lot Eight (S) , Block Eight (�) , Scarffs Addition, and paid the <br /> sum of One Hundred Two (�102.�0) as a down payment thereon; that the total sum of Sev�n <br /> Hundred Thirty-two Dollars (�732.00) th� unpaid balance due on said lots, tracts and parcels of <br /> Iand will be paid in full upon the �xecution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to said <br /> purchaser and the City shall not be tv furni�h an Abstract of Title. <br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof �hall be published <br /> for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Tsland Daily Indeper�dent, a newspaper published in and of <br /> �eneral circulat3on 3n the City of (�rand Tsland, Nebraska, i.mmediately �.fter the passage and pub- <br /> lication o�' thia ordinance; and the City Clerk is her�by directed and lnstructed to prepare and <br /> publish said notice. _ <br /> SECTION �+. Authority is hereby granted ta the electors of �he City oP arand I�1and, Nebraska, <br /> to fi].e a remon5trance agalnat the sale of the within deacribed real es�a'Ge; and if a remonstrance <br /> against �he sale signed by legal electors o�' said City equal in number to thirty per cen� (30�y oY <br />� the electors of the City of Grand Tsland, voting at the last regular eleetion held in said City be <br /> h t M or and Cit Caunci2 within th3.rt da e aPter the assa e and ubl�.cation of' '�his <br /> Piled wit he a. <br /> Y Y Y Y P g p <br />� ordinance, such property sha11. not then, nor within one year th�rea,fter be sold. <br /> I <br />� SECTZON 5. The sale o�' said rea1. estate is hereby d�.r�cted, authorized and eontirmed; and iP <br />� no remons�rance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and Gi�y C1erk, shal2 make, execute and <br /> i deliver to J. F. Nitzel, a Qu3t Cla1.m Deed Por said property and the �xecution of said deed is <br /> hereby authorized without further action on behalP of th� City Couneil. <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinanc� shall b� in force and take eP�`ect PrQm and after 3ts passage, <br /> approval and publication as provided by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of F�bruary, a.95o. <br /> ATTEST: B. J. Cunni� <br /> Flo d S. White �ayor- <br /> Gf- y 1er s�—` <br /> Filed for record this 9 day of Ma3� 1950, at �F:20 o 'alock P.M. <br /> ���� <br /> eg Dee <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0--0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> I THIS INDENTURE, Mad� thi� 1s� day of N�.y i.n '�he year one thousand nine hundred and fifty, <br /> between M. H. F3nnie and Ma.ude J. Finnie, spouse of ea,ch other, M. H. F�.nnie having been a former <br /> partner of grantee in the McElroy Company, of the f irst part, and Francis E. McElroy of th� second <br />� part. <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said of the firs� par�, �.n consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> and other va�uable conei�.eration, to us duly paid, th� receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hav� <br />'i rem3.sed, rele�,sed, and. quit-claimed, and by these present� do f or ourselves, our heirs, ex�cutors a nd <br /> administrators, remis�, release and forever qui�-claim and convey un�o the said par�y of the second <br /> part, and to his heirs and a�signs forever, all our rigl�t, ti'�Ze, in�erest, estate elaim and d�mand <br />,i <br /> both at and in equity, of, 3.n and to all <br /> i Lot Three (3) in B1.ock Three (3) of West� s Subdivis3.on, being a part of �he Nor�hw�st Quarter of <br /> the IVortheas� QuArter (NW4NE�) of Section Twen'ty {20) , Townsh3.p ElevEn (11) , Range Nine (9) , West <br />' of �:n� Sixtn P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> I <br />� Together with al1 and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> I;I TO HAVE A�D TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Franc�.s E. MeElroy his he�rs <br /> and assi�ns; so '�ha'� neither we tne sa�,d gran�ors nor any person in our name and behalf, sha11 or <br /> II will hereafter claim or demand any ri.ght or titl� to the said or any part �here�-�f, bu� <br /> they and every one of them shal 1 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said art3,es of the first art have hereunto set our hand and seals <br /> , � <br /> P <br /> the day and year above written, <br /> , <br /> 0 <br /> Signed, seal�d and delivered �.n pr�sence f M. H. Finnie <br /> Maude J. F�.nnie <br /> ST��E OF NEBRASKA )SS. On this lst day of MayA.D. 1950, bef ore me, the undersi�ned, Arthur C. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Mayer, a No�ary Publie, duly co mnissioned and qualified for and res�d�.ng <br /> in said eounty, personally eame M. H. Finnie and Maude �'. Finney, spouse of' each other, '�o me <br /> known to be th� identi,cal persona whose narres --- affixed to the f oregoing instrument ag grantors <br /> and severally acknowled�ed �he same to be their voluntary aet and deed. <br /> Wi�n�,ss my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writt�n. <br /> Ar�hur C. Ma.yer <br /> (SEAL) N o t ary PufiO�i c <br /> My Commisgion expires the ��h day of February, 195� <br /> Fi1ed for record th3.s 10 day of Ma,y, 1950, at 1:25 o'clock P.M. - � ������� <br /> Regis�er of D�eds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0- <br /> � <br /> ; . � <br />