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l- i ,� <br /> R ���_. <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />� <br />�I 92841-THEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � <br />� STATE OF Illino3.s ) � <br />' )S�. S, Elsie Cupp, a Notary Public 3.n and for sa�.d County, in the State <br /> COUNTY OF Cook ) �f'oresaid, DO HEREHY CERTIFY that N. S. Marshall, personally known <br /> to me to be �he 1st Vice-President of the THE SALVATION ARMY, an <br />, Illinois corporation, and Maude Hansen personally known ta me �o be the Secretary of aaid corpora- <br /> �3,on, and p�rsonally known to me to be the game persons whose names are aubscribed �o th� fore-- <br /> �oing ins�rument, a,ppeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that a� such <br /> lst Vice Presid�nt and ----5ecr�tary, they signed and delivered �he said instrumen� as lst Vic� <br /> President and - - - - 5ecretary of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of' said <br /> eorporation �o be affixed thEreto, pursuant tio authority, given by the Board of Trus��,es of said <br /> corpora'�ion as th�ir free and voluntary ac�, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said <br /> corporation, f or �he uses and purposes therein ae'G forth. <br /> GIVEN under my hand and notarial seal this 21st day of �ctober A.D. 1948 <br /> (SEAL) Elsie Cupp <br /> Notary Public <br /> NOTARY PUBLZC, COOK COUNTY, TLLINOIS <br /> MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRTL 7, 1951 <br /> F11�d f or record this 9 day of May, 1950, at 3 :00 o� clock P.M. <br /> ��,� �%���/ <br /> RE(�ISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-d-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: � <br /> Tha,t, the City of arand Island, a municipal corporation, of the County of Hall, and State oY <br /> Nebraaka, for the consideration of the sum of N1ne Hundred Fif teen Dollars (�915.00) does hereby <br /> Quit Claim and cvnney unto Nitzel and Company of the County of Hall and State oP Nebraska, all its <br /> right, title and interest of' whatsoever nature, in and to the following described real estate, <br /> situa�ed in the County of Hal1 and State of Nebra�ka, �o-wit: <br /> Lot Eight (�) , Bloek Twenty-five (25), College Addition to West La.wn, an Addition to the <br /> City af arand Island, Ha.11 County, Nebraska and Lot Eigh'� ( �) , Block E�.ght (�) , �carffs <br /> Addition to the City of C�rand Island, Hall County, Nebraeka. <br /> The Grantor, the City of Grand Island, shall not be required to furnish an Abgtract of Title. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor, the City of Grand Island, in Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, hae caused <br /> these presents to be signed by �its Mayor and attested to by the City C1erk and has caused the <br /> oPficial seal oP said City to be hereunto affixed this the 21st day of March A.D. , 1950. <br /> CITY OF aRAND ISLAND <br /> Francee Searson ( CORP) BY: B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> tness � SE�� Mayor <br /> Frances Searson ATTEST: F. S. White <br /> tness y er <br /> STATE QF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 21�t da,y of March A. D. , 1950, bePore me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) Public, duly commiasloned and qual3.Pied Por and reaiding in said county, <br /> personally came B. J. Cunnin�ha,m, Mayor, of the City of Grand Island, ., <br /> Nebraska, and Floyd S. White, City Clerk of said Cit� to me pe_sonally known to be the identical <br /> persons whose narnes are affixed to the above instrument a$ Mayor and City C1erk oP the Gran�or, <br /> the City of Grand I'sland, and to mE personally known -to be euch offiaers of said City and th ey <br /> aeverally acknowl�dged the execution o� said instrumen� to be their voluntary act and deed and the <br /> ofPicial act and deed on the part of said City of Grand Tsland. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said County, the da,y and year first above <br /> w�ltten. - <br /> ( 9EAL� A. W. Larson <br /> o�axy ub ic <br /> My commiasion expires the 23rd day ot' Dec, 1955• � <br /> - ORDTNANCE N0. .� <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizing �.nd diree�Ging the sale of cer�aln real estate belonging to the City <br /> of (�rand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the sam� shall be aold and the terma of <br /> ��ai d sale; providin� for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereo�'; <br /> �nd, providing for the right �o file a remons�rance against the sale thereot aign�d by legal el.ectors <br /> oP the City of Grand Taland, Nebraska, �qual in number to thir ty per cent t30�) of the electors oP <br /> said Clty, voting at the laat municipal electlon held in said C�ty. <br /> WHEREAS, on the day of February, 1950, Lo�G Eight (�) , B1ock (25) , Colle e <br /> Addition to West Lawn, belonging to the said City of arand Island, Nebraska and Lot Eight (��, <br /> B1aek Ei�ht (�) , Scaxffs Addition, belonging to the said City of Grand Island, Nebra�ka, Were pur- <br /> euant to the action oP the Mayor and City Council ofPered for sal� at a public auction to �he <br /> highest bidder and J. F. Ni�Czel, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, bid the sum of Four Hundred <br /> Five Dollars (��5.00) Por said Lo� Eight (�) , Block Twenty-�'ive �25) , College Addition to West <br /> Lawn and bid the sum oF Five Hundr ed Ten Dollars ($510.00) for Lot Eight (�) , Hlock Eight (�) , <br /> ScarfPs Addition, said bids being the highest bids offered. <br /> THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTTON 1. The �ale of the real estate described as Lot Ei�ht (�) , Block Twenty-�ine (25) , <br /> College Add�tion to West Lawn an Addition �o the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and <br /> Lot Eight (�) , Black Eight (�� , Searffs Addltion to the City of Grand Igland, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> to J. F. Nitz�I of said City of arand Island, be and the same is h@reby dlrected, authorized and <br /> confirmed. <br />� <br />� SECTION 2. The manner and terms oP said sale of such real es�ate are as fOa.1.flW8: The said <br /> J. F. Ni�zel, the bidder, has a�reed to pay the sum of Four Hundred Five Dollars (��5.00) for <br /> sa3.d Lot Eight (�) , Block Twenty-five (25), College Addition to West Lawn, and h�s made a down - <br />