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�' �+�.9� <br /> D��D R�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92E4T-}N[AUGUSTINEC0.6RANOISLAND,NEBR. � � � <br /> in the Grand I51and Dai1y Independent, a legal newspaper, prin�ed and in general circula'�ion in ! <br /> said County of Hall, se11. said premises at public auction to C3.ty of Grand I�land for the sum , <br /> of One Hundred and Twenty-f ive and no/104 '��, (the �ota1 acerued costs of .�ui�G and sale <br /> being �95.�3 ) , which sale was afterw�.rds an the l�th day of March, 1q�0, �xam3.ned and �onfirmed <br /> by the said Court and the said E. H. 5tobbe as sueh Sheriff, ordered to convey �he gaid premise� <br /> in fee simple to the said City of Grand Isl.and, <br /> N�W, THEREFORE, I, the �a+�d Sheriff of the County of Ha1l as aforesaid, in consid�ration of <br /> the pr�mises and by virtue of the �ower ves'��d in me by Iaw and the decree of said Court, do <br /> h.ereby give , grant, and eonvey �o the said City �' Grand Island, its assigns, �he premises ao as <br /> aforesaid sold, to-wi�: <br /> I Lo� Thirty-three (33 ) , except t'rle South Fif ty Feet (50' j �hereof, in the C�e�r Sub-division <br /> nd Ei ht <br /> 6 & 8 of Garret� s Sub-divis�.on of the Northeast Quart�r <br /> of Lots Six Seven a � 7 ) <br /> � <br /> g <br /> (NE�) of Sect�on (9) , Township Eleven (11) , North Range Nine (9) , Wes� of the 6�h <br /> P. M. , Grand Islanfl, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, as survey�d, platted, and reeord�d. <br /> with the appur��nances. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said City of Grand Island and its a�signs f orever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such SheriPf her�unto s�t my hand this 20th day of Maroh, <br /> �9So. <br /> � Ex�cut�d and de3ivered in the preseMCe of E. H. S�obb� <br /> , Therese A. Muchow Sh�riff of Hall ounty, Nebraska <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS On this 20�h day of March, 1g�0, be�ore m�, M. E. Moses personal3y <br /> County of Hall ) apP�ared �he sa�.d E, H. Stobbe as sheriff of said County to me, personally <br /> known to be th� idcntical person who signed the foregoing ins�rumen'G <br /> as grantor, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary ac'� and de�d, as s�zch sheriff, �far the <br /> u��� and purposes there3.n set f or�h. <br /> WITNE5S my hand and official seal �he day and year above written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT <br /> F�3�.ed for record this 9 day of May, 1g�0, at 3:00 0� clock P.M. - <br /> �� �� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> SPECTAL WARRANTY DEED (Corp. to Ind. ) <br /> THTS INDENTURE, made this �wenty-first (21st ) day of Oc�ober, A.D. lg�$ between THE S.�LVATION <br /> ARMY a corporation created and exigting under and by virtu� of the laws of �he State of Illinois <br /> and duly authorized to transac� bu�inesa in the State of Nebraska, par�y of the f3rst part, and <br /> CITY OF GRAND 7SLAND af the City of Grand Island in �he County of Hall and State of Nebraska, <br /> party of the second part. ' <br /> WITNESSETH, Tnat the said party of the f3rst part, for and in considerat3.on of '�he sum of <br /> Fift�en Hundred and no/100 (�1,500.00) Dollar� in hand paid by �h� party of the second par�, <br /> th� ree�ipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and pursuant to authority of the Board of Tru�tees <br /> of said corporation has, and by �hese presents doe� REMISE, RELEASE, AL2EN AND CONVEY unto� the <br /> said party of the second part, and to i�s successors and assigna, FOREVER, al1 the f'ollowing <br /> described lot, piece or parcel, of 1.and, situate in the Coun�y of Hal1 and S'�a�e of Nebraska <br /> known and described as f ollows, to wit; � <br />� All of a triangular pareel of ground in the northeasterly corn�r of Lo� Eight ($) in <br />' B1vck Fifty-four (54�) of the Original Town, naw City, of Grand S�land, Nebraska., more <br /> I� particularly described as follo�rs, to-wi�: � <br /> Commencing at the northeasterly corner of said Lot E3.ght (8) , running thenee west�rly <br /> along th� southerly line of the all�y in said Block Fif�y-four (s4�) a dis�anee of fif��er� <br /> (15) feet, thenc� in a aoutheasterZy dir�et3.on to a point on the easterly line of said <br /> Lot Eight (8) fiftee�i (15) f�et southerly of the northeasterly corner of gaid Lot Eigh� <br /> (8) , thence northerly along the easterly lin� of said Lot Eight (8) fifteen (15) feet <br /> to th� place of beginning. <br /> Together wi�h a11 and singul�,r the heredita.ments and appurtenanaes thereunto belongin�, or <br /> in appertaining, and the r�version and reversions, remainder and r�mainders, ren�s, iseu�s <br /> and profits '�hereof, and all the estat�, right , title, �.nterest, claim or demand whataoever, of <br /> the sa3.d party of �he firs'� part, �ith�r in 1aw or equity, of, in and to the above described <br /> premises, with th� her�ditam�nts and ap?�urtenances: T�:) HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premise8 as <br /> above described, with the appurtenances, un�o the said party of the second par�, it� suce�ssors <br /> and asaigns f orever. <br /> And th� said THE SALVATTON ARMY, an Tllinois Corporation, par�y of the first part, for <br /> i�Gaelf, and its suecessors, does covena,n�, promis� and agre�, to and witn '�he said party of the <br /> seeond part, its suceessors and assigns, tha'G 3t has not done or suff�red �o be done, anything <br /> wher�by the sa9.d h�reby granted are, or may be, in any manner incumbered or charg�d, <br /> except as herein rec3.ted; and that the said prem�ses, aga9.nst all peraong lawfully claiming, or <br /> to claim the same, by, through or under it, �.t WILL WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. <br /> ;'.TN WTTNESS �THEREOF, saia party of �he� part has caused its corporate seal to be hereta <br /> affixed, and has caused its nazne to be sign�d to these presents by its F3rst V3ce-President, and <br /> attested by its Secretary, this twenty-first day of Oc'�ober A.D. 19��. <br /> (COR�) T� SALVATION ARMY <br /> (SEAL) By N. S. Ma.rshall <br /> ].s� Vice--President I <br /> 1 <br /> ATTEST Maude Hans�n <br /> , �. : <br /> - Secretary � <br />