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� <br /> �lD�l <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> � <br /> i <br /> a <br /> 32E41-7XE�UOUSTINEC0,6RANUIS��ND.NEBR. 'i <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abov� deseribed premises unto the sa�.d Grantees their �heirs and a�si�ns; <br /> �o tha� neither of' the said Grantor, nor any per�eon in his n�rn� and behalf, sha11 or W�.ii hereafter <br />` claim or demand any right or tit7.e to the said pr�mi��s or any part thereof, but they and every on� <br /> of th�m shall by these presents be excluded and f orever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS �THEREOF, �he said par�y of the first part has hereunto set his hand and aeal the <br /> day and year above written. ( ..55 Z. R. STAMPS) <br /> (Caneelled ) <br /> Signed, �ealed and delivered in pr�senee of Frank Lunney <br /> ' STATE OF Nebraska ) � A.D. 1950 b�fore me the und�rsi n�d Mar ori� <br /> )ss. On this 9th da,� of May, , , g � <br /> Hall County � Griff3.n a Notary Public, duly commisaion�d and qual3.f�.cd for and <br /> residing in said county, personally camc Frank Lunney to me known to <br />�I be the identical per�on wha5e name is affixed to the f oregoing ins�rument as grantor and acknow- <br /> l�dged the same '�o be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Wi�ness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> II . <br /> (SEAL) Mar 1 ori� Gr�.ff in <br /> ' Notary Public. <br /> My Commission expires the '�th day of O�tober, 195�• <br /> F�.led for record this 9 day of May, 1950, at 2:,�5 0� cloek P.M. <br /> ���� <br /> ��TEROF DEEDS <br /> I <br /> 0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0- -0 <br /> SHERIFF� S DEr�D <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: • <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in the Distr3.ct Cour� of the �lev�nth Judic�.al Distric� of the <br /> State of Nebra�ka, within and for the County of Hall, wherein Coun�y of Hall, Hall County, 'Nebraska, <br /> a munic3.pa1 corporation, is ?�laintiff and Rosa Etting et al. , are defendants, No. 10, Doc. 1, Page <br /> 97-108, the plaintiff did on the 16th day of Septemb�r, z9�g, obtain a decree findfi�ng there �o be <br /> due from �he defendanta for general and special im�rovement taxes upon a Certifica,te of Tax Sale <br /> and subsequerlt taxes in Causea of `Action No. 1-�-.5-7-8-9, the sum of �`��2.E9, accruing in'�erest <br /> and cos�s of t'�e 5ui'G and whereas, it was then and there further order�d �.n the said action tha'� <br /> in def ault of the payment of the sum sa found du� from th� �aid def�nda.n�s that the Sheriff of <br /> said Coun�y of Hall shou�.d cause th� 3ands and� �enements hereinaf ter described to b� advertised <br /> and sold according �0 1aw to pay the same and, whereas, default ha,ving been made therein, th� <br /> said Sherifi'f' of said Coun�y, under and by virtue o�' the sa3.d decres and the order of sale to him <br /> duly directed, did, on the 30th day of Nov�mber, lq�g, at �he North Fron� Door of the Court House <br /> in th� Qity of Grand Ssland, in s�.id County of Hall having fir�� given du� and legal not3.ce of the <br /> and pla.ce of said sa1.e for not less than thirty da,ys pr3.or th�reto in �h� Gra.nd Island, Daily <br /> Ind�penden�, a legal newspap�r, printed and in generaa. circulation in said County of Hal1, sell <br /> said premi5es at x�ublic auction to The Ci�y of Grand Tqland, f or �he gum of Two Hundred and forty <br /> a.nd no/100 Dollars, (the �otal accrued costs of suit and sale being .:�833.29) , which sale was <br /> afterwards on �he 20th day of December, Z9�g, exam3.ned and confirmed by the sa.�.d Cou�t and the <br /> Said E. H. 5tobbe as such Sheriff, ordered �o convey the said pr� in f�e simple to the sald <br /> City of Grand Island. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, T, the said Sheriff of the County of Hall, as �.f'oresaid, in consider�<, <br /> of the pr� and by v3.rtue of the power vested in me by 1aw and the decree of sa3d Court, do <br /> h�r�by give, grant, and convey to �he said City of Grand Ssland, its heirs and assigns, the <br /> premises so as afor�said sold, to-w3.t : <br />� Lot Five (,� ) in B1ock �hirteen (13 ) in Walliehs� Addition to the City of Grand T�land, <br /> Ha1.l County, Nebraska, as surveyed, plat�ed, and reeorded. <br />�� Lot Three (3 ) in Block Seventy-nine ('�9} in Wh�eler and Benn�t'�� s Third Addi�ion �o <br />'i the City of Grand Tsland, Hall Coun�y, Nebras�a, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Four (4) in B1ock Seven�y N3ne (79) 3n Wheel�r a.nd Bennett� s Third Addit�.on to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Sixteen (1b) in Block Ten (10} in Boggs and Hill� � Addition to �he City of arand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, p2at�ed, and recorded. <br /> Lot Tw�lv� (12) in Block Ten (10) in Boggs and Hill� s Add�.�ion �o the City of Grand <br /> Taland, Ha].I County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and record�d. <br /> Lot Trlirteen (13 ) in'Slock Ten �10) in Bog�s and Hill� s Addition �Go ti�e Ci'Gy of Grand <br /> Ssland, H�.� County, Nebraska, as surveyed, pZatted, and recorded. <br /> with the apl�artenances. , <br /> �0 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said C3.�y of Grand Island, and i� heirs and assigns for� : � <br /> ever. <br /> �N TESTIMONY WfiEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand thia 20�h day of January, <br /> 1�50. <br /> Executed and delivered in the pre�enee of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Ther�se A. Muchow <br /> . � <br />__ � <br />