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�'��'�c� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> _ � 92841-KpEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDIBLAND,NEBR. ' <br /> ab ove written. <br /> (SEAL) A. W. Larson <br /> My aommission expires the 23rd day of Dee. 1955. Notary Publi.e <br /> - OR�INANCE N0. 2356 _ <br /> i :I �, <br /> AN �RT>INANCE authoriz�.ng and directing the sale of aertain rea,l estate b�longing to the <br /> Gity of Grand T�land, Nebraska; providirig the manner in whieh the same shall be sold ard the <br /> t�rms of said sale• providing for tn� gi,ving of no�ice of the sale of said real estate and th� <br /> terms th�reof; and, proyiding for the right to file a re��nstrance against the gale ther�of <br /> signed by legal electors of th� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per <br /> e�nt (30�) of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal eleetion held in <br /> said Cit'y. <br /> WHEREAS, on the 9th day of February, T95�, Lot Eigh'� (8) , Block Eight (8) , Voitles Addition, <br /> belonging to the said City of Grand Island, Nebraska and Lot Two Hundred Seventy-two (272) , <br /> " W�s� La�n. Addi�ion, belonging to the said City of Grand Island, Nebraska, were pursuant �o the <br /> action of�he l�.yor and City Council offered f or sale at a public auction to the high�st bidder <br /> and �'rank Lurmey, of the City of Grand Island, 1tIebraaka, bi.d the aum of Two Hundred Si�ty Dollars <br /> (�260.00) f or said Lot Eight (8) , B1ock Eight (8) , Voitles Addition and bid �he sum of One Hundr�d <br /> Eighty Dollars� (�18�.00) f or Lot Two Hundred Seven�y-two (272) , West Lawn Addition, said bids <br /> being the highest bids offered. <br /> 1 THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTION 1. The sale of the r�al estat� described as Lot Eight (8) , H1ock Eight (8) , Voitles <br /> Addition �o the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska and Lot Two Hundred 8eventy-two (272) <br /> West Lawn, an Addition to the .City of Grand Tsland, Ha1.1 County, Nebraska, to Frank Lunney of said <br />. <br />� City of Grand Island, be and '�he samae is hereby directed, authorized and eonfirmed. <br /> '� SECTION 2. The _m�.nner and terms of said sale of such rea1. esta�� are as followa: The said <br /> Frank Lunney, the bidder, has agreed �o pay '�he sum of Two Hundred Sixty Dollars (�260.00) for <br /> - • said Lot Eight, B1ock �ight (8), Voitles Addition, and has made a down payment thereon in th� <br /> ` sum of Fif�y-two Dollara ($�52.04) and said purchaser bid th� sum of One Hundred Eighty Dollars <br /> (�180.00) for Lot T��ro Hundred Seventy-�wo (272) , West Lawn Addition, arrl paid the $um of Thirty- <br /> six Dol.lars (�36.00) as a down payment thereon; that the total sum of Three hundred Fifty-�wb <br /> Dollars i��52.00) the unpaid ba�.anc� 'due on said lots, tracts and parcels of land will be paid <br /> 3,n full upon the execution and de�.ivery of a Quit C1aim D�ed by the City to said purahaser and <br /> the City ehall not be required to furnish an Abs�raet of Title. <br /> � <br /> 3ECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the term8 thereof shall be publish�d <br /> f or �hree consecutive week$ in �he Grand Tsland Daily Independent, a ne�spaper published in and <br /> of general e3.rculat3.on in the �ity of Grand Island, Nebraska, imm�diately af��r the passage and <br /> publica�ion of t�is ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare <br /> and publish said notice. <br /> SECTION �. Authority 3,s hereby granted to the el�ctora of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> to f ile a remonstrance agains� the sal� of the wi�hin described real esta�e; and if a remonstrance <br /> a�ainst �he sale �igned by legal eleetors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30�) of <br /> the elec�ora of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City <br /> � be filed with the Mayor �and Czty Council within �h3.rty days aPter the passage and publication of <br /> ' this ordinance, sueh property shall not th�n, nor within one year �hereafter be so1d. <br /> SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate ls hereby direc�ed, authorized and confirmed; and <br /> if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, �he Ma.yor and City Clerk sha.11 make, Exsau��, and <br /> deliver to Frank Lunney, a Quit C1aim Deed for said property and �he execution of said deed is <br /> her�by authorized without further action on behalf of the City Councll. <br /> SECTIDN 6. This ordinanee shall be in force and take effec� from and after its passage, <br /> approval ar�d publication as provided -by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th da.y of February, 1950. <br /> ATTEST: B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> ' � �Flo d_S: Whit� Mayor <br /> iC ty G1erk <br /> Filed f or record this 8 day of May, 1950, at 3 :00 o� clock P.M. ��-� �� <br /> Register oP Deeda /✓ <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0=0-0-0-0=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-d o- <br /> ''�J�T CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS xN1�ENTURE, this 8th day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Fifty, b�tween <br /> Frank Lunney, a single man, of the firs� pa.r� and William E. Hrady and Mabel E. Brady, as Joint <br /> Tenant� and no� as tenant� 3.n c ommon, of the second part, <br /> WTTNESSETH, '�hat the said -party of �he first part, in congideration of the sum of One Dollar and <br /> o�her valuable consideration DOLLARS, '�o duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged <br /> has remised, r�leased, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does f or himself his heirs, <br /> execu�ors and adminis�ra'tors, remise, releaae and f orever qui'�-claim and convey unto the �aid <br />' - parties of the second part, and �o their heirs and assigng forever, all his right, title, interest, <br /> esta�e cla3.m and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to a11 <br /> Lo�G Two Hundred Seventy-Two (272) , West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Zal.and, <br /> . <br /> N�braska. � <br /> ' IT BEING T?-IE INTENT�ON OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF ESTHER <br /> � OF SAID GRANTEE3, THE ENTIAE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL <br /> VEST IN THE SURVIV2NG GRANTEE. <br /> � Together with a11 and singular �he heredi�aments thereunto belonging. <br />