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� � <br /> �-��� . <br /> DEED RE�OR.D N�. 9G " <br /> � 32641�1'NLAU6USTINEC0.6R11NDISL�ND.NEBR. <br /> � <br /> SHEATFF�S DEED - <br /> KNOW ALL 1�A1 BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an a etion in the Distric� Court of the Eleve nth Jud.ieial Di�trict of the <br /> State of Nebraska, wi�hin and for the Coun�y of Hall, wherein County oY Hall, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> a municip�,l corporation is plain'�iff and Harry S. Mack et al. , are deY'endan�s, Pb. 16, Doc. l, Page _ _ <br /> 16�-1�5, the plain�iff did on the 9th d.a.y of December, �.g49, obtain a decree finding there to be <br /> due from the defendants for general and special improvement ta es upon a Certificate o� Tax Sal� R <br /> and subsea,uent taxes, in Gause of Action, Na. 5-6, the sum o�' �177.96, accru�.ng interest and eosts <br /> af the suit, and, whereas, it was then and there �urther order•ed in the said ae�ion that in dePault <br /> II; of the payment of the sUm so found due from tne said defendants that the SherifY of said Coun�y of <br /> Hall sh�uld cause '�he la nds and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised and sold accord�.ng <br /> ta law to pay the same, anc�, whereas, default hat�3ng been made therein, the sa3,d Sherifi' of said ' <br /> County, under and by virtue oP the sald decree and the order oP sale to him duly dj.recte,d, did, on <br /> the 23rd day of February, 1950, a�G �he� Narth Frorit Daor of the Cotzrt House in 'Che City, of C�rand <br /> Island, in said County of Hal.l having first given due and legaZ rDtice of the time and place 'of said <br /> sale for not less �han thirtyc�ays prior thereto in the �rand I�land Da11y Independent, a legal <br /> newspaper printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell said premises at• public <br /> auction to Aethur H. k'oten for the sum of E3.ghtg and no�100 Dollars, ( the 'total aco�ued cost� of <br /> su3t and sale being �177•96) � ���h sale was afterwards on the 17th day of Marah, i95o, examin�d <br /> and confirmed by the said Court a,nd the said E. H. Stobbe as such 9heriff, ordered to conv,�y th� <br /> said premises in Pee simple -to the sald Ar�kiur H. Woten <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the County of HaI1 as aforesaid, in con$idera'Gian of <br /> the premises and by vir�ue of the power vested in me by law and the decree of �aid Court, do <br /> hereby give, grant,and convey to the said Arthur H. W�oten, his heirs and assigns, the premises so as <br /> aforesaid sold, to-wit: � <br /> Lot NinE (9� in Bloc� Two (2� in Lambert's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hal1 County, <br /> Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded. � <br /> Lot Ten (1�) in Bloek Two (2) in Lamb�rt�s Second Adclition '�o the City of Grand Zsland, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, a5 surveyed, platted, and r�corded. <br /> with 'the appur�Genances. . <br /> TO HAVE AND TO �HOLD THE SAME unto the said Arthur H. Woten and his heirg and assigns forever. <br /> IN TESTIM�NY �idHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my har�d this 20th da� oP Apri1, 1950. <br /> Executed and delivered in the pr�sence of � <br /> Therese A. Muchow E. H. S�obbe <br /> er ff o a 1 oun'Gy, <br /> Nebraaka. <br /> STATE OF NEHRASKA ) On this 20th day o� Apri1, 1q50, be�'ore �, M. E. Moses, personally <br /> COUNTY OF HALL )ss' appeared the said E. H. Stabbe, as sheriPf of said County to me, perspnally <br /> knawn to be the 9.dent�.ca1 person who sign�d the faregoing instrument as grantor, and ackriowledged the <br /> same to be his vc��untary aet and deed, as •such Sheriff, Por th� usPs and purposes therein set forth. <br /> WTTNESS my hand and official seal the day and year above wri�ten, <br /> M. E. Moses <br /> ( SEAL) LER F HE S CT . . <br /> C�iTRT <br /> Filed for r �cord this 5 day of May, Z950, at 11:45 0� c1QCk A.M. ���C����� <br /> �egister of �f ede <br /> 0-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-C}--0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED ETC. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE�E PRE5ENTSZ <br /> I That, the City of Grand Island, a municipal corpora�ion, of th� County of Hal1, and St�ate of <br />� Nebraska, for the considerat3on of the swn of Four Hundred For'�y Do1,lars (�4�O.Q0) does hereby . ' <br />� Quit C1aim and convey unto Frank Lunney of' the Cou�ty of Ha11 and State of N�braska, a11 i�s <br />' r�ght, title and interest of whatgoev�r nature, in and �o the fol���ring deacrlbed .real estate, <br /> I' situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Eight (8) , Hloek Eight (8) , Voitle� Addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska and Lo'� TVro i�undred Seventy-'�wo (272) , ��T�st Lawn, an Additlon �o the City of . <br /> Grand IsZand, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> The Grantor, tr�e City of Grand Island, shall not be requir�d to furnish an Abstract of Title. <br /> IN WI'FNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor, the City of Grand Isla.nd, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> these presen�s to be signed by 3ts N.�,yor and at'�ested �o by �he City Clerk and has caused the <br /> o�'ficial seal of �a�d C3.ty to be hereunto a.ff3xed �his �he �lst day of Mareh, A.D. , 1q50. <br /> Frances Searson (CORP) CITY �F GRAND ISLAND <br /> Witness (SEAL) BYt B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> . Mayor <br /> Franc�s on <br /> Witness - ATTEST; F. S. White <br /> City Clerk <br /> . STATE OF NEBRASKA �ss. � <br /> CCUNTY OF HALL ) On this 21st day of March, A.D. , 1�50, b�for� me the undersigned, a <br /> Notary Public, duly commission�d and qual.�fied f or and resid3ng in said caun�Gy, personally came <br /> B. J. Cunnin�ham, Mayor, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and Floyd S. White, City C1erk of <br /> sa3.d City to me personally know n �o be �he identical persons who�e names are aff9.xed to �he above . <br /> ins�rument as Mayor and City Clerk aP the .Gra,ntor, the City of Grand Island, a.nd �o me personally <br /> known to be �uch off icerg o�' said City and they severalZy acknowledged the ,execu'�ion of said ; <br /> �nstrument to �e their volun�ary act and deed and the affieial aet and de�d on the part of said , <br /> ity of �rand sland. , <br /> Witness m� hartd and Notarial Seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year f irst . � <br /> � � � <br />