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f�� �� <br /> DEED R�CURD NO. 96 <br /> � ; <br /> 92841�XfAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,NEBR. � <br /> • I <br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA ) <br /> ) SS. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) � <br /> On this 21st day of March A.D. , 1950, before me the und�rsigned, a Notary PubliQ, duly <br /> commiss�.oned and qualified �'or and resid�ng in said county, personally* came B. J. Cunningham, <br /> Mayor of the City of Grand Igland, Nebra�ka, and Floyd �. Whi'�e, City C�er� af said City �o me <br /> personally known to be .the identieal persons whos� names are affixed to the above instrument aa <br /> Mayor a.nd City Clerk of �he Grantor, �h� City of Grand I�1and, and '�o me personally known to <br /> be such officers of said C�.ty and they severally acknowledg�d the execution of sa�.d in.strument <br /> '�o be .their voluntary act and deed and �ize official act and deed on th� part of said City of <br />� Grand Island. <br /> S�V3tness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island in �aid County the day and year f irst . <br /> I <br /> above written. <br /> i (SEAL) A. �. Larson <br /> Nvtary Public <br /> My commis�3on expires the 23rd day of Dec. 1955» <br /> ORDTNANCE N0. 23�� <br /> AN ORDINANCE authoriz3ng and d3.recting the sale of cer�ain real �sta�e b�l.onging to theC3.ty <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the mann�r in which the sam� shall be sold and th� terms of <br /> said sale; providing f or the giving of notice of the sal� o�' said real e�tate and the �erms <br /> thereof; and, providin� f or the right to file a remonstrance against the sale �hereof �ign�d by <br /> 1�ga1 electors of the Ci�y of Grand Tsland, Nebraska, equal. in number �o thirty per eent (30� <br /> of �h� electors of said Ci�y, voting at �Ghe las� regular}��.1 election held 3.n said City. <br /> WHEREAS, on the 9th day af February, 1950, <br /> Lot One (1) , Block One (1) , Lamberts 2nd Addition, belonging to �he sa3.d City <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> was p�trsuant to the action of the Mayor and City Council off'ered for sa1� at a public auct3.on �a <br /> the h�.ghe�t bidder and W�.11ia� Brady, of the C�ty of Grand IsZand, N�braska, bid �he sum of Fifty <br /> Dollars (�5Q.00) therefore, said amount being '�he high�st b3.d ogfer�d. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED B� THE Mp,YOR AND CITY COUNCSL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TSLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTTON l. The sale of' the real estate described as Lot �ne (1.) , Block One (1) , Lamberts <br /> �?�nd Addition to the City of Grand Ssland, Nebra�ka, to W3.11iam Brady Qf sa3d City of Grand Island, <br /> b� and �he �same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed. <br /> SECTTON 2. The manner a,nd terma of said sale ofi' sueh r�al estate ar� as follows: The <br /> purchaser, Brady, bid �he sum of Fifty Do3.3ars . (��O.Da) for said real es�a�e and has <br /> paid th� amount of his bid in full. The City of Grand �sland sha11. make, executed and deliver <br /> to said buyer a Quit Claim Deed f or sa3d premises and the said City sha.11 no� be requir�d to <br /> furnish an Ab�tract of Title, <br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sa.l� and the terms thereof shall be publ�.�hed <br /> f or three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Tndependent, a newspap�r publiahed 3n and <br /> of gen�ral circulation 3n th� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately a,f'�er the passage and <br /> publieation of this ordinance; and the City Clerk i� hereby d�.rected and instructed �o prepare and <br /> publish �aid notic�. <br /> SECTION 4. Author�ty is h�reby grant�d to the eleetars of the City nf Qrand Island, Nebra$ka, <br /> �o f31e a r�mons�rance again�t �h� sale of the within described real estatE; and if a remonstranc� <br /> agains.t the sale signed by legal electors of said City equal. in number to thirty per cent (30�) <br /> of the electors of the City of Grand I�land, vo'�ing at �h� last r�gular election h�ld in �aid <br />� City be filcd with the Mayor and Ci'�y Council w�.thin thir�y days after the passa,�e and publicsation <br /> of this ordinanc�, such proper�y sha1.Z not. �h�n, nor wi�h3.n one y�ar �her�after be sold. <br /> I� SECTION .5. The sale of said real. estate is hereby d3.rec�ed, authorized and conf irmed; and <br /> I if no remonstrance be filed agains� such sal�, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execut�, and <br />, deliv�r to Williaxn Brady, a Quit Claim Deed for said proper'Gy and the execution of said de�d is <br /> hereby authorized without �'urth�r action on beha2f of th� Ci'�y �ounc3l. <br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance sha.11 be in force and tak� effect from and aftEr its passage, <br /> approval and publication as provided by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED �his 15th day of February, lq5o. <br /> _ �. J. Cu�nin,�ham <br /> ATTEST: Mayor <br /> Fio.yd 8. White <br /> C�.ty Clerk - <br /> Filed for record �his � day of May 19�0, a� �:00 o� cloek P.M. <br /> �,��� �l� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS � <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0- 0- <br /> I <br />- I <br />