<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96
<br /> 32841-TN8AU6USTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. . �� � � �
<br /> RNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Dent Z. Holcomb and H�len Holcomb, eaeh in his and
<br /> her o�rn right and as gpouse of each other in evnsi deratian of One Do11ar and Other Valuable Con-
<br /> sideration - - - DOLLARS, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> O�Gis B. Thompaon and Mary E. Thomgson, His WiPe as JOINT TENANT3, and no� as tenants in common, the
<br /> following described real eatate si'�uate in �he County of Hall and State oP Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Two (2� in "HOLCOMB'S HIG WAY OMES" , a Sub-division of a ar� of the Northeast Quar�er
<br />� h o
<br /> oP t e N rtheast uarter (NE1�4�NE1 4 and a art oP Lot F ur � inl n
<br /> Q � ) p o ( ) (M a a d) a l l i n S e e t i o n
<br /> Twenty-e�.ght (2�) , in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , �lest oP the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> aacord�ng to the reeorded plat thereof,
<br /> sub�ect to the following conditioMS and re$'Grictions, each and a11 oP which shall be and rema.in in
<br /> full fores and efPect as covenants running with the land for the time hereinaPter set forth, na,m�ly:
<br /> 1. Lots 1 to 10 inclusive ahall be known and descrlbed as, used and sold only for residential
<br /> purposes.
<br /> 2. No building shall be moved onto any oP said Lo�s numbered 1 to 26 inclusive, without the
<br /> owner of sueh 1ot �irat procuring �he written consent of all ownere of a11 lo�s in "Holcomb�s Hi�h-
<br /> way Home�" Sub-Division. .
<br /> 3. No building sha11 be erected or placed on any oP Lo�s 1 to 27 incluslve in said Sub-
<br /> division closer �han 35 feet �rom the front of the Lot on which sueh building ls �o be erected or
<br /> moved, front meaning the side of said Lot facing North so far as Lote 1 to 10 inelusive are con-
<br /> cerned, and front meaning the side oP said Lot Pacing East so far as Lots 11 to 27 are concerned. �
<br /> �-. No noxious or offensive trade or ac�ivity shall be carried an upon any Lot in said Sub- �
<br /> divlsion nor sha11 anything b� done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nui.sance 'Go the �
<br /> neighborhood. I
<br /> �j. No basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building placed upon or ereeted in I
<br /> said Sub-division shall at any time be used as a res].dence temporarily or permanently. I
<br /> 6. No dwelling costing less than �6, 500 shall be permitted on any of. th� Lots numbered l �o '�
<br /> 10 inclusive in �aid Sub-division.
<br /> 7 �
<br /> I
<br /> � • I
<br /> 8. No swine nor sheep shall be kept or maintained on any of the premises in said Sub-divigion. I
<br /> I
<br /> 9. No cesspoola shall be permitted on any of the premises in said Sub-division, and all ownere
<br /> of said premises sha11 dispose oP sew�rage on their respective premises in �aid Sub-divis�on only I
<br /> by the uae of septic tanks or other enclosed chemical diaposition of sewerag�.
<br /> 10. All sidewalks built on any of ths premises in thi.s 5ub-division running along the Pront �
<br /> o�' any 1ot in said Sub-division shall be construet�d along the front edge thereof. �
<br /> 11. These covenants are to run w��h the land and shall be binding on all parties and all p�,r-(2)
<br /> sons claiming under �hem until May l, Zg63, at which time said covenants shall be automatica.11y
<br /> extendecl for successlve periods of ten years each, unlesa by vote oP a ma�ority of the then ownera
<br /> of the Lots in said Sub-division it 3.s agreed to ehange $aid covenants in whole or in part.
<br /> 12. I�' any owner oP any of the Lots in said Sub-division, or their heirs or assigns, shall
<br /> violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, it �hall be lawful for any other person
<br /> or persons owning any real property situated within said 8ub-division to prosecute any proceedings
<br /> a� 1aw or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such
<br /> covenants and either prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for su�h
<br /> vlolation.
<br /> � �,
<br /> 13. Invalidation of any on� of �hese covenants by ,�udgment or Court Ord�r shall in no wise
<br /> `affect any of the other pravisions and covenants herein con�ained, whieh shall remain in full force
<br /> and effect.
<br /> TO HA.VE AND TO HOLD t�e above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the aaid grantees
<br /> as JOSNT TEIVANTB, and not ae tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and asaigns oY
<br /> the survivor oP �hem, forever, and we the grantors named herein for us an d our heirs, execu�ors, and
<br /> administratora, do covenant with the gra.nteeg named herein and with their aasigns and with the heirs
<br /> and assigns of' the survivor of them, �hat we are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are Yree
<br /> Prom incumbrance except as stated herein, and that we the said grantors have good right and lawful
<br /> authority to se11 the same, and tha� we w3.11 and our heira, execu�Cors and administrators ahall war-
<br /> rant and defend the same un�o the grantees named herel.n and unto their assigns and unto the heire and
<br /> agsigns of the survivor of them, forever, agalnst the lawful claima oP all peraons whomsoever, ex-
<br /> eluding the exceptions named herein.
<br /> IN WITNEBS 1+dHEREOF we have hereunto se� our hands this 1�-th day of April, A.D. , 1950
<br /> In p�esenee of': � • ' ' �pg} Dent Z. Holaomb
<br /> F. Vivian Roark �Caneelled ) s. e en o eom
<br /> �TATE OF NEBRA3KA )
<br /> ) ss: On this l�th day of April, A.D. , 195o bet'ore me, a, Notary Publie in and
<br /> COUNTY �F HALL ) �or said County, personally came th� above named Dent Z. Holcomb and Helen
<br /> Holeomb, each in his and her own right and as spouse oP each other, who
<br /> are personally known to me to be the identica.l per�ons whose name� are afYixed to th� a.bove instru-
<br /> ment as grantors, and they acknowledged the said inetrument to be their voluntaxy act and d�ed.
<br />