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��,��`i� <br /> DEED R�COR.D NO. 96 <br /> 92641�1'HCAU6USTINECO.GR�N019LAND,NEBR. ' � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) QUT <br /> ) ss. ' <br /> C OUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> On this 2lst day of March A.D, , , 19�0, b�fore me �h� undexsigned, a Notary Public, duly <br /> commissioned and qualified for the residin�; in said county, personally came, B. J. Cunningha.m, <br /> Mayor, of' theC�,ty of Grand Island, N�braska, and F3oyd S. Whit�, C3.ty Clerk of said City �o me <br /> per�onally known to be �Ghe id�ntical persons whose names are affixed to the abov� inatrurn�nt as <br /> Mayor and City Clerk of �he Qratnor, the City of Grand Island, and �o m� p�rsonally known to be such <br /> officers of said City and th�y severally acknowledg�d th� execution of said ina�rument to be �h�ir <br /> volun'Gary ac� and deed and the off3.cia1 aet and deed on th� par'� of said city of Grand Island. <br /> W3.tness my hand and No�ar3.a1 Seal at Grand Island in said County, the day and year f3.rst <br /> above writ�cn. <br /> ( SEAL) A. W. Laraon <br /> Notary Public <br /> My commission expire� tn.� 23rd day of Dee. 1955• <br /> ORDTNANC� N0. 2348 <br /> AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the sale of certain real es�ate b�lon�ing to the� City <br /> oP Grand Island, Nebraska; providing themanner 3n which '�h� same sha.11 be �old and '�h� terms of �;, <br /> said sale; providing f or the givin� of notice of the sal� of said real e�tate and th� �erms <br /> ther�of, and, providing for the�righ� to file a r�monstrance aga,inst the �al� thereof signed by <br /> lega�. el�ctore of th� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to �h3r�y per cent (3Q`��) <br /> of the �lectors of' said City, vot�.ng a� the last regular municipal eleetion held in said City. <br /> WHEREAS, on the '9th day of February, 19.�0, <br /> Lot Eigh�y-f ive (B5):; Belmont Addi,tion, belonging �o the said Ci�y of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> wae pursuant to th� action oP the MayQr �,nd C3.ty Couneil offered for sale at a public auction �o <br /> the highest bidder a.nd I. J. Kalkow�ki, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, bid the sum of <br /> Thirty-two Dollars and Fifty Cents (�32.�0) therefor�, said. amount be�.ng the�st bid off�r�d. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY C OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br /> SECTI ON l. The sale of �Ghe real �sta�e de scribed ag Lot Eighty-f ive (8,5) , Belmont <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, HaI1 County, Nebraska, to I. J. Kalko�ski of said City of <br /> Grand Tsl.and, be and th� sazne is hereby direa�ed, authorized. and confirm�d. <br /> SECTION �, Th� manner and terme of said sale of �uch real es'�ate are as follow$t The said <br /> I. J. Kalkowski, the bidder, has agreed to pay the sum of Thirty-two Dollara and Fifty Centa <br /> � 32•5�) f'or the within described real �sta�e and ha.s paid the sum of Six Dollars and Fifty Cen'�8 <br /> ( 6.,5Q) as a down payment th�reon and the balance of Tw�n�y-six Dollars (�26.00) will be paid <br /> upon delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by �he City �o eaid purchas�r. �h� City of. Grand Island shall <br /> no� be required to furnish an Abg�ract of Title. <br /> SECTION 3. As provided by law, no�ie� of such sal� and the t�rms thereof aha11 be publi�h�d <br /> f'or three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Indep�ndent, a n�wspaper publish�d 9.n and <br /> of general circulation in th� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immedia��ly af�er the passa,ge and <br /> publication of this ordinance; and th� City C1erk is h�reby directed and instruct�d to prepa,r� <br /> and publish sa3.d not�.ce. <br /> SECTION 4. Authority is hereby gra,nt�d to th� elec�ors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> to file a remon�tranee against the sal� of th� within described real esta�e; and if a remons'Grance <br /> against the sale sign�d by l�ga1. electors of said City equal in number �Go thirty per esnt (30,�) <br /> of the el�etors of the City of Grand I�land, voting at th� last regular electi.on held in said <br /> City be fil�d with the Mayor and City Couneil within thirty days after th� passa�e and publication <br /> of this ordinance, such proper�y sha11 not �hen, T�or wi�hin one year thereaf�er be sold. <br /> li SECTION 5. The sale of said r�al estate i� hereby direct�d, authorized and confirmed; and <br /> if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, �he Mayor and C�.ty C].erk shall make, �xecute, and <br /> deliver to I. J. Kalkowski, a �uit Claim Deed f or said property and the ex�cution o�' said deed <br /> is hereby authorized witho�t furth�r action on behalf of the City Council. <br /> SECTION 6. Th3.s ord3.nance shall b� in force and take effect from and after its passag�, <br /> approval and publication as prvvided by law. <br /> PASSED AND APPROVED this l�th day of February, 19j0. <br /> ATTEST; B. J._ Cunn3.n�ham <br /> Mayor <br /> Floyd S. Whi�� <br /> Gity Clerk <br /> FilEd for record this 1 day of May 195�.,. at 3;�I-0 o� clock P.M. <br /> , ��,�..� �"�� <br /> REGISTER OF DEED� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-f7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> i <br /> i <br />