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' �����.. <br /> DEED RECOI�.D NO. 96 <br /> 32641�(HEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND.NEBR. - ' <br /> '�TITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year above written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Mos�s <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT <br /> Filed f or record �his 1 day oP May, 1950:,_ at 2;30 o� clock P.M. <br /> _ �c�-� �� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS /V <br /> 0-0--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> SHERTFF' S DEED <br />� <br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of th� <br /> �'tate of Nebraska, within and for �he County of Hall wherein The County of Hall, State of <br /> - Nebraska, i� plalntiff and Harry S. Mack et al. are defendan�a, No. 16, Doc. 1, Page 165-175, <br /> �he plainti.ff did on the 9th day of December 19�9, obtain a d�cree finding th�re to be due from <br /> the defendants for general and special improvement tax�s upon a CertifiQate of Tax Sale and <br /> subsequent taxes, 3.n Cause of Aetion No. 2, the sum of �3�.09, accruing in�ereat and coats of <br /> the suit, and, wherea$, i� was th�n and there further ordered in the said action tha� in default <br /> of th� paym�nt of the sum so #'ound due from the eaid def�ndants that the Sheriff of said Coun�y <br /> of Hall should cause the lands and t�nem�n�s hereinaf�er d�scribed to be advertised and sold <br /> according to ].aw �o pay th� same, and, whereas, default having been made �ner�in, the said Sheriff <br /> of said County, under and by virtue of the said decre� and �he order of sale �o him duly direc�ed, <br /> did, on the 23rd day of February, 1950, �.t the North Front Door of the Court House in '�he City <br /> of. Grand Island, in said County of Hall, having first given due and legal notice of the ��.me and <br /> place of said sale for not less than thirty days prior �here�o in the Grand Island, Daily <br /> Independent, a 3.ega1 newspaper, printed and in gen�ral c3.rculation in said County of Hall, sell <br /> said premises at publie auction to W1111am J. and Mamie B. Baaon, as JOINT TENANTS WITH SURVIVORSHIP <br /> AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON; f or the sum of Twenty-two and no/100 DOLLARS, (the total accrued <br /> costg of suit and sale b�ing �3�.09), which sale was afterward� on the 17th day of March, 1g50, <br /> examined and �onfirmed by tihe said Court and �he eaid E. H. Stobbe as sueh �heriff, ordered to <br /> conv�y the said premiges in fee �imple �o �he William J. and Ma.mie B. Bacon, , <br /> . NOW, THEREFORE, I, th� said Sheriff of thE County o#' Hall, as af oresaid, in consideration <br /> of th� premises and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, <br /> do hereby give, grant, and convey to the said William J. and Mami� B. Bacon and the�.r heirs and ; <br /> agsigns, �he premises so as aforesaid sold, to-wit: <br /> Lot Eight (8) on Isla.nd in Sectian Twen�y-nine (29) , Township Nine (9) , North Rang� i <br /> 2welve (12� , Wes� of the 6th P.M. , Hal1 County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and <br /> r�corded. <br /> w3�h the appur'�enanees. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTIOAI OF ALL PARTTES HERETO, THAT IN �'HE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TTTLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVIVTNG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the sa3d �illiam J. and Mamie B. B acon, as JOINT TENANTS <br /> WITH SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON, and their heirs and assigns forever. <br /> • IN T ESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereun�o se� my hand this 20th day of April, <br /> l 9�0. <br /> Executed and delivere� in the presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sh�riff of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Therese A. Muchow <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On this 20th day �' April, 19,50, bef ore me, M. E. Moses p�rsonally <br /> County of Ha11 ) appeared th� said E. H. Stobbe as sheriff of said County to me, <br /> personally known �o be the identical p�rson who signed the f ore�oing <br /> instrument a�, grantor, and aaknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed, as sueh sher�.ff, <br /> f or the uses and purposes therein set f orth. <br /> WT�NESS my hand and offieial seal the day and year above written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> - CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT <br /> Filed for re cord the 1 day of May, 1950, at 2:30 o� �lock P.M. <br /> ��,�,�, C��� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS �` <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0'-0-0- <br /> QUIT C LASM DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That, the Ci�y of Grand Island, a municipal corporation, of the County of Hall, and S�ate of <br /> N�braska, for the cons3.d�rat9.on of the sum of Thir'Gy-two Dollars and Fifty CentB (�32.50) does <br /> hereby Qui� C1aim and conv�y unto I. J. Kalkowski of the County of Ha11 andStat� of Neb�'aska, <br /> a11 its right, titl� and intere8t of whatsoever nature, in and to the following deacribed real <br /> esta��, situated in the Coun�y of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Eighty-five (8�) in Belmont Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> The Grantor, 'Ghe City of Grand Ialand, ahall not be requir�d to furnish an Abstrac�G of Title. <br /> IN W�TNESS WHEREOF, The Grantor, th� City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, has caused <br /> th�s� presEnts to be sign�d by ita Maypr and attested �o by the Ci�y Cl�rk and has caueed the <br /> official seal of said City to be hereunto affixed this the 21st day of March A.D. , 1950. <br /> (SEAL) CITY OF GRAND ISLAND <br /> Frances Searson By: B. J. Cunningham <br /> Wi�ness Mayor <br /> Frances Searsvn ATTEST : F. S. White <br /> i ness i y er <br />