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����� <br /> DEED RE�CO�.D NO. 96 <br /> , <br /> 82E41-THEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLAND,MElR: � ,'�. <br /> sale being �735.76) , which sale wae aftez'ward� on the 2nd d�y of ���c�mber 19�9, ex�nined and <br /> conf3.rmed by the said Court and th� said E. H. Stobbe as sueh Sher�.ff, ord�red �o conv�y the said <br /> premiees in fe� eimple to the said D. H. MEVES <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the sa�.d Sher3.ff oF the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in considerat�.on of <br /> �Ghe prernis�s and by virtu� of the power vested �n me by law and th� d�cree of � Court, do <br /> hereby give, grant, and convey �o �he said �D, H. M�ves His heir� and assigns, th� xr �mises so as <br /> aforesa3.d sold, to-wit: <br />' North 62� feet of Lot Two (2) in Block Twenty-six (2b) in �he Original Town of Wood Riv�r, <br /> Ha11 County, Nebragka, as surv�yed, platt�d and recarded. <br /> South 3'� 3/� feet of the Westerly E3.ght F�et of Lot Two (2) in Block Twsnty-six (26) and <br /> al�. of Lot Three (3 ) in Block Twen�y-s3.x (26) aIl 3.n th� original town of' �iood R�.ver, <br />� Hali County Nebraska, as surveyed, plat�ec�. and recorded. <br /> I <br /> with the app�zrt�nances. <br /> ► <br />� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said D. H. MEVES and HIS heirs and assigns f arever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY VdHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand th3.s 20th day of' Mareh, <br /> �-95Q• <br /> Executed and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff of Hall County, <br /> Therese A. Muchow Nebraska <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) � � <br /> )SS. On this 24th day of March,. 1950, befor� me, M. E . Mos�s pers.onally <br /> Gounty of Ha1l ) appeared the said E. H. Stobbe as sh�ri.ff of said County to m�, <br /> persona.2ly knQwn to b� �he iden�ical per�on who sign�d the f ore��oing <br /> instrument as grantor, and acknowledged th� same �o be his volun'�ary aet and de�d, as such sh�r�.S'f, <br /> f or �he uB�s and purpos�s th�rein s�t f arth. <br /> WZTNESS my hand and official seal �he day and year abovE written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Moses <br /> CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT <br /> �'iled for record this 1. day of May, 1950, at 2:�0 o�clock P.M. <br /> � �ti,.�, 1 �, <br /> R�GTSTER OF DEEDS /�/ <br /> `�--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-aa-o-a-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-� <br /> SHERTFF'S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an ac�ion in �he Distr�,ct Court of th� El�v�nth Judicial District of 'Ghe <br /> State of Nebraska, with�.n and for the Coun�y of Hall wh�rein The County of Ha11, S�ate of N�braslsa, <br /> is plaintiff and Harry S. Mack et al. , ar� defendants, No. 16, Doc.. I, Page 3.65-175, the plaintiff <br /> did Qn th� 9 day of Decemb�r 19�r9, ob�ain a d�cree finding there to be due from �he def�ndant� <br /> f or general and spe.cial improv�ment ta�es upon a Certificata of Tax Sa1e and subsequent tax�s, in <br /> Caus� of Action No. �-7, the sum of �177.9�, accruing inter�st and costs of the suit, and, wh�r�,as, <br /> it was then and there further ordered in the $aid act�.on that in default of th� paymen�G of the sum <br /> so found du� from th� said defendants that th� Sh�riff of said County of. Hall should cause th� <br /> ].ands and tenements hereinaft�r d�gcribed to be advertised and sold according to law '�o pay th� <br /> aame and wh�reas, default having b�en m�,de therein, the said 5heriff .of said County, under and b y <br /> vir�ue oP the said decree and the order of �ale to him duly direeted, did, on �h� 23rd day of <br /> Februa.ry, 1950, at the Nor�h Front Door og th� Court Hous� in �he City of Grand Island, in said <br /> County of Aall, having first given du� and legal no'�ice of the �ime and place of said sale far <br /> no� less than �hir�y days pr3or thereto in Th� arand I�land Daily Zndep�ndent a 1��a1 new�paPer, <br /> printed and in general circulation in �aid County of Ha11, sell said premises a'� public auction <br />� to William J. and B. Bacon, as JOZNT TENANTS WITH SURVIVORSHTP A1VD NOT AS TENANTS TN GOMMON; <br /> f or �he sum of Sixty-twa, and no/l00 Dollars, (�he �otal accru�d costs of suit and sal.� being <br /> li �177.96) , which sale was afterwards on the 17th day of Mareh, 1950, �xamin�d and confirm�d by th� , <br /> said Court and th� said E. H. Stobbe as �uch Sheriff, ord�red �o convey the sa.3d premi��s in fe� <br /> simple to� the said Wi,lliam J. and Mamie B. Bacon <br />� NOW, THEREFORE, I, �he said 5heriff of the Coun�y af Ha11., as afor�said, in considera�ion of <br /> �he premisea and by virtue of the powars ves�ed in m� by law and �h� deeree of said Court, do <br /> herEby giv�, gran'G, and convey to the said J. and Mami� B. Bacon, and their heir� and <br /> assigns, the premi�es so as aforeaaid sold, ter-wi�: <br /> Lot Eight (8) in Block Two {2) , in Lambert� s Second Addition to the Ci�y of Grand Iala.nd, <br /> Ha1.1 County, Nebraska, as surveyed, pla�ted, and recorded. <br /> Lot Eleven (11) in Block Two (2) in Lambert� s Second Addition to the Ci�y of Grand Tsland, <br /> Fiall County, Nebraska, a� surveyed, platt�d, and record�d. <br /> with the appurt�nances. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTTES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE STMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HERETN SHALL VE�T IN THE <br /> SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AI1D T� HOLD THE SAME unto �Ghe said William J. and Mamie B. Bacon as JOINT TENANTS <br /> WITH SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENAI�TS IN COMMON, and �heir heirs and assigns f orever. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand this 20th day of Apri2, <br /> 1.950. <br /> Ex_�cu�ted and del�.ver�d in �he presence of E. H. Stobbe <br /> Sheriff of Iia11 oun�y, <br /> The re se A. Muchow N�braska. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On this 20th day of Apri1, i9So, bef or� me, M. E. Mos�s personally <br /> COunty of Ha11 ) app�ared the said E. H. Stobbe, as sk�.eriff of said County �o m�, <br /> personally known to be the iden�ical person who sign�d �h� f <br /> in�trum�nt as grantor, and aeknowledged the same �o be his voluntary a,c� and deed, a� such, sherif'f'a ' <br /> f or th� uses and purposes ther�in set f orth. <br /> -- <br /> _ _ __ _ <br /> __ . ._ __ i <br />