- ___ ,
<br /> _ ����
<br /> DE�D RECO�.D NO. 96
<br /> 92641�iHlI1UGUEi1NECO.ORAXDISLl1ND,NEBR. -
<br /> Lot Twelve (12) in Block Two (2) �.n Lambert 's Second Addition to the City oY f�rand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, ae surveyed, platted, and recor d�d.
<br /> with �he appurtenances. -
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME un�o the sa�.d Howard S. Hinman and Hie heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as such Sheri�f her�un�a set my hand this 2t?th day of April, 1950.
<br /> Execut�d and d�livered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe
<br />� Th�rese A. Muchow 8 er P o Z vunty, � ras a
<br /> ) as. On fi,�is 20'�h day oP Apri1, 1950, before me, M. E. Moses personally
<br />' County of Hall ) appeared the sa�.d E. H. Stobb�, as sheriff oP said Gounty to me, pe�-
<br /> sonall known to be the 3.d ntical erson who si n h
<br /> y e p � ed t e foregoing
<br /> 3nstrument a.s grantor, an d acknowledged �he same �o be his voluntary aet and d��d, as such sher.if�,
<br /> Por the uses and purposes �Gherein set forth.
<br />�
<br /> WITNESS my hand and off�.cia1 seal the day and year above writt�n.
<br /> (SEAL) M. E. Moses
<br /> C OF HE D R
<br /> COURT
<br /> Filed Por recor d this 2� day oP April, 19�0, at 10:25 o 'clock A.M.
<br /> �.N/ t"
<br /> Reg ster of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0..0-0-�-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> Warranty Deed
<br /> FROM
<br /> Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association of Hall Cvunty, Nebr
<br /> This Sndenture, Made this l�th day o1' Sept. , in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred
<br /> and 4�, between Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Asgocia�ion, oP Hall County, Nebr. , a corpora�ion organized
<br /> and existing under and by virtue of the lawa of the State of Nebr, party of the f irst part, and
<br /> Sadie Maye Schroeder of the County of Hall, and State of N�br, party oP th� second part: Witnesaeth,
<br /> that the said party oP the first part, for and in consideration of the Bum of Twenty Five DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, rec�ipt whereof is hereby acknowledged., has sold and by theae pre�ents do�s grant,
<br /> convey and eonfirm unto the said part of the second part, th� following described premises, to-wit ;
<br /> Lo'� No 2 (Two) in Division 2, oP Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Hall County, Nebr. , �ogether with all
<br /> appurtenan�es thereuntv belonging: Sub�jeet, however, to �,11 Articl�s, By-Laws, Rules and Regula-
<br /> tions QP said Cemetery Association, as they now exist or may hereaPter be ehan�ed, modiPied or
<br /> �nlarged. And the said Mt. Pleasant C�met�ry Association for itself or its successors, does
<br /> hereby cov�nant to and w3.th the said parties of the secon.d part and Her heirs and assigns, �hat
<br /> at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized o� said pr�mises;
<br /> that it has good right and lawful authorlty to convey the same; that th�y are �ree from encumbranc�
<br /> and does hereby covenan'G to warrant and dePend the 5aid pr�mises against the lawful claims oP a11
<br /> persons �vhomsoever. In w3tness wY�ereoP, the said M�. Cemetery Cemetery Association has her�unto
<br /> caused its aorporate seal to be affixed and these pr�sents to be�s gn`ed by its President and C1erk
<br /> the day and year first above w�itten.
<br /> Signed and sealed and delivered in the presence of Mt. Pleasan� CEMETERY A3SOCIATION
<br /> By Harry D. Turner
<br /> resi ent.
<br /> By C. E. McCormick
<br /> er . .
<br /> STATE OF Nebr )
<br /> ) ss. �n this l��h day o� September, A. D. lg , before me, the underaigned, a Notary
<br /> Hall County ) Public in and for said County, persoMa3�Ly appeared Harry D. Turr�er, Pr�Bident,
<br /> li and C. E. McCarmick, Clerk, of the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association, to me
<br /> personally known to be the sai d President and Clerk and the 3 dentical persons whose namea are affixed
<br />'I to the above instrument and acknowledged the execution �Ghereof to be their volun�ary act and deed a�
<br /> such oPficers, and the voluntary act and d�ed o� the sa3d Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association.
<br /> Wltnees my h�,nd and Notarial S�a1 at Cairo ln said County the d.ay and year last above wrftten.
<br /> �S��� W. E. Sor ens�n
<br /> My commissivn expires July 20, 19�+g No�ary Publ e.
<br /> Fil�d t'or record this 2� day of April, at 11:20 A.M. 195�. �
<br /> � o-fmi
<br /> R�gister of DeedB
<br /> 0-0-0-0-Q-�J_0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-�J-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0_p_p_p_r�_p_p_p_p-0-�-0_0
<br /> �++IARR.A�TTY DEED
<br /> Know A11 M�n by These Presents:
<br /> THAT M� Pleasant Cemetery Aasociatlon of Cairo af the County oP Hall, and State o�' Nebr. , for and
<br /> in consideration of the sum oP FiPteen (�15.00� DOLLARS in hand paid do her�by grant, bargain, sell,
<br /> eonvey and confirm unto W. H. Hodgson, of the County of and 3tate of Nebr. , th� Pollowing
<br /> described real estate situated in 3�n Hall County, and 8�'�e aP N�br. , to-Wit:
<br /> Lo� 3, in Block 30
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deseribed, together with a11 the Ten�ments, Heredita-
<br /> ments and Appurtenarices thereunto belonging, unto the sa,�d W. H. Hodgson and �o his heirs and as-
<br /> signs, Porever. And they do hereb� covenant wlth the said arantee, and with his heirs and aes�gns
<br /> tha� �hey lawfully seized of said premisee; �hat they are free Prom encumbrance tha.t �hey have
<br /> �ood right and lawful authority to se11 the same; and th�y do hereby covenant to wa,x►rant and def�nd
<br /> th� title to said premises against the lawful elaims oP all persons whomsoever. �d the �aid
<br /> Mt PleasaMt Cemetery Association hereby relinquishes alI in and to the abovQ deseribed
<br /> premises.
<br /> . � � �
<br /> �.
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