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_ _ _ , <br /> e�`�C' � <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 82841-}XEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. � <br /> Sta�e. o�' Nebraska. ) <br /> )ss On this 26th da,y af April, A.D. , 1950, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) Publie, duly commissioned and qual�.fied for and resid,in� in said County, <br /> personally cam� Qustav P. Tag�e, unmarried, and C1aua A. Tagge and A. <br /> Tag�e, his wife, to me known to be the ident3cal persons who executed the Paregoing Deed, in my <br /> _ pre8enee, and acknowledged the to be th�ir voluntary act and deed. <br />� . WITNESS my hand and Notarial 3ea1 on the day and year last above writtex�. <br /> (SEAL) H. Q. Wellensiek <br /> My Commission expires September l, z95�4. o ary u e _3` <br /> Filed for r�cord thia 26 day of April 1950, at 4:00 o 'clock P.M. � <br /> �pa.o�1 <br /> � BL O . 8,@, ,S� ��� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� - - - -0.. - C1=��`0�' <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> Know A11 Men By These Presents: <br /> THAT Marquis L. Depue and Edith A. Depue Husband and Wife oP Hall Caunt�r, and State of <br /> Nebraska in consideration of the sum oP Sixty and no Hundre.,�hs (60.00) DOLLARS, in hand paid by <br /> Frank H. James oP Ha11 Cc,unty and State of Nebraska do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, e onvey, �.nd <br /> con�irm unto the said Frank H. �James the following d�scribed premiaes, situated in the Coun�y oP <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> All that part oP Broadwell. Avenue lying south of the :ioutherl,y line oP Howard �treet, AIVD NORTH <br /> FRONT STREET, to the A11ey connecting the Al1ey in Fractional Block Three �3) oP Kernohan & <br /> Decker �s Additlon to '�he City of Grand Island, Nebraska and the Center Twenty (20) Feet of Lot <br /> Three t3) 1n Block Seventeen (17) Packers & Barr�a Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska <br /> Toge�her with all the tenemen'�s, her�ditaments and appurtenances to the sa�►e belonging, and all <br /> the Estate, Right, Title, Intere�t, Cla3.m or D�mand whataoever; including Dower, Curtsey and <br /> Homestead Rights, aP th� said Marquis L. Depue his heirs, Executors Administrators and Aes3gns of, <br /> in, or to �he same, or an�r par� thereof. ' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above d�saribed premises, with the appurtenanaea, unto the said Frank <br /> H James and to his heirs and assigns �farever. And doee hereby covenant wi'�h txie said Frank H <br /> James that he holds said premisea by good and per�ect title; that he ha.s good right and lawful <br /> au�hori'Gy to sell and aon�ey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrancea <br /> wha,tsoever. And does covenant to warrant and defend �he said premisea againet �he lawPul claima <br /> of all persons whamsoever. <br /> Signed thls 2� day of November A.D. , 192�-. <br /> IN PRESENCE OF <br /> Perc F. James Mar�uis L�. De�ue <br /> rs e en ames cE�th A. e-�pue <br /> THE STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On this 29th day oP Novenber 192�F before me, C. T. Flower, a No�ary <br /> Hall COUNTY ) Public withln and Por said county, peraonally came Marquie L. Depue <br /> and Edith A. Depue, Husband and Wif�- to me personally known to be <br /> the identical per�ons whose names are affixed to the above ine�rument as �rantors, a,nd severally <br /> acknowled�ed the execution of tlle sam� to be their voluntary act and deed �or the pui�po�es therein <br /> expres sed. <br /> IN WITNES9 WHEREOF, T have hereunto subscribed my name and afflxed my of�icial seal at arand <br /> Island- on the date last above written. <br /> E SEAL) C. T. Flower <br />' My cot�mission expires August 27th, 1925. Notary u 1"'�c. <br /> Filed for record this 27 day of Apri1 1950, at q:30 o' clock A.M. � � �, <br /> � 0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0_0-0_0_0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�'`�' -s-�=0��`�i��'�� <br /> SHERZFF�S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT, WHEREAS, in an ac�ion in th� Distriet Court oY the Eleventh Judiaial Distriat of the <br /> �tate oP Nebraska, within and f'or the County of Ha1.1 wherein County of Hall, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> a, municipal corporatiQn, is plaintiff and Harry S. Mack et al. , are defendants, No. 16, Doc. 1, <br />, Page 165-175, the plainti�f did on the 9th day of DeQember, 1950, obtain a decree finding there to <br /> b� .due from the defendants for general. and special improvement taxes upon a Certificate of Tax Sa].e <br /> and subsequent tax�s, in Cause oP Aetion, No. �, the sum oP �89. 53, accruing in�ereat and co�ts oP <br /> the auit, and, wherea�, �t was then and there further ord�red in the aaid aotion that in dePault oP <br /> the payment of the sum so Pound du� from the said dePendants that the Sheriff of said County of <br /> Ha11 should cauae the lands and 'Genements hereinafter described to be advertised and sold according <br /> to ].aw to pay the same, and, whereas, dePault having been made therein, the said SheriPf of said <br /> County, under and by virtue of the said decree and the arder of sale to him duly direct�d, did, on <br /> the 23rd day oP February, 1950, at the North Front Door of the Court House in the City of t�rand <br />, Island, in said County of Hall having first �iv�n due and 1ega1 notice of the time and plaee oY <br /> said sale for not less than thirt� days prior there�o in the arand Island Da�ly Independent, a <br /> legal newspapez�, pr3nted and in general ciraulation in sald County of Hal.l, sell said premis�s at <br /> pubZic auction to Howard s. Hinman tar the eum of Forty and no�100 - - - - Dollars; ( the total <br /> accrued costs oP suit and eale being ��9.5j) , which sale was aPterwarda on �he 1.7th day oP March, <br /> 1 0 <br /> 95 , examin�d and eonfirmed by th� said Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as auch SheriPf, ordered <br /> to conv8y the said.premise8 in Pee simple to the said Howgrd S. Hinman <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, the said SheriPt' of the County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consid�ra.tion� or <br /> th� premise� and by virtue of the power vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, d4 her,eby <br /> give, grant, and convey to the aa�.d Howard S. Hinma.n, his heirs and assign�a, the prem�se8 eo ae <br /> aPoresaid sol.d, to-wit: <br />