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_ .; � <br /> ��� <br /> DEED I�.ECORD NO. 96 <br /> 32E41�TNlAU6U5TINECO.�R�NDISLAND,NEBR. ��� , <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE S,AME unto the said Casper and Marie M�y�r as JOTNT TENANTS WI�H <br /> SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON, and their h�irs and asgigns forever., <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have as sueh Sheriff her�unto set my hand this 20th day of March 19��. <br /> Execu�ed and deliver�d in the presenae of �. H. Stobbe <br /> Sh�riff of Hall County, <br /> There�e A. �uchow . N�braska. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On thie 20th day of March, 1950, befo�e me,, M. E. Mo.s�s p�rsonally <br /> County of Hall ) ap�eared t�}� sa�►d �. H. Stobbe as ahex�iff of' sa3d County to me, <br /> personally known to b� the identica7. p�rson who signed the f oregoin� <br /> inatrumen� as gran�or, and acknowledged the game to b� hig volun'tary ac� and deed, as �uch sheriff, <br /> for the uses and purposes th�rein set f orth. <br /> WITNESS MY hana arid official s�al the day and year above written. <br /> (SEAL) M. E. Mos�s <br /> CLERK OF �HE DISTRZCT COURT <br /> Fil�d f or record this 25 day of April, 195a, a� 3 .30 otclock P.M. <br /> ___.��:�--�C_��� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> By —,� C°-�.,� <br /> D�puty ,� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-ao-ao-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-a-o <br /> �WARRANTY DEED - VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIV�R <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: <br />� That JoY�n C. Tagge and Mary Ta,gg�, his wiYe, of Perkins Coun'ty, Nebraska, Claus A. Tagge and <br /> Mina A. Tagge, his wife, Edward H. Ta�ge and Edith Ta�ge, his wi�'e, Qus�av P. Tagge, unmarried, <br /> Anna M. Palmer, a widow, Alvina (�iesenhagen and George Giesenhagen, her husband, of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, for and in eonsideration of the sum oY ���00.04 in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bargain, <br /> se11, convey and confirm unto Oreman W. Thorn an d Jean Winterg�eer� Thorn, husband and wi�'e, aa <br /> JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, Lot 6, Block 11, Gilbert 's <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Nebraska, �ogether with all the tenements, heredl�aments, <br /> and appurtenances to '�he same belonging, and all the es'Gate, titie, dower, right of homeetQad, <br /> claim or demand whatsoever of the said $rantors, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TT BEINQ THE INTENTION OF ALL PAR.TIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTTRE F'EE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRTBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR�- <br /> VIVTNG aRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with 'Ghe appurtenances, unto the said <br /> gran�Gees as J�TNT TENANTS, and not as tenants in cvmmon, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and <br /> assigns of the survivor oY them, forever, and they, the grantors herein, for themaelves and <br /> their heirg, executors, and adminis�ra�ors, do covenant wi�h the grantees named here�n and with <br /> their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the survivor of �hem, that they are lawfully seized <br /> of said premises; that they are free from encumbra.nce, and that they, the said grantors, have good <br /> right and lawPul autharity to sell �he same, and that they wi11, and their heira, executors and <br /> adminis�rators shall warrant and defend the same unto the �rantees herein and unto their <br /> assigns and unto the heirs and assigns oY the surnivar of them, �'orever, againat the lawful claims <br /> oP all persons whomsoever. <br /> And the gaid Mary Tagge, Mina A. Tagge, Edi�h Taggs and George Giesenhagen do h�reby eonvey <br /> all. their right, title and interest in and to the above described premiaes. <br /> Si ed thia 12th da of A ril A.D. 2 0. � ' <br /> � <br /> Y P > > 9� <br /> John C. Ta e Edith Ta e <br /> ( . . . amps} ��, �_..,. . u�s a�a e � <br /> (Cancelled ) aus . a' � Ma . �aer <br /> '�na"�" a e v n� ese a en <br /> �-�r-.�ge � <br /> George a Gi�senha�;en � <br /> mark <br /> WITNESSES T� IKARK �F C#E�R(�E <br /> QIESENHAGEN: <br /> Mre Schaf er <br /> Geo. F. S at'er <br /> ��ate oP Nebraska ) - , <br /> ) ss. On this l�th day of April, A.D. , Z95o, before me, the undersigned, a <br /> Perkin� County ) Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified For and residing in said <br /> County, personally eame John C. Tagge and Mary Tagge, his wif�, to me <br /> known to be the identical persons who executed th� foregoing Deed, in my preaence, and aeknowledged <br /> the same �o be the3.r voluntary act� and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and No'�arial Seal on the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) C. E. Jackma,n _ <br /> -2- My Commission expiree: 1-2�-�3 Notary Pu'�lic <br /> S�ate of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ss. On �his 12th day of Apr�.l, A.D. , 1950, before me, the undersigned, a <br /> Hall County ) Notary Publlc, duly eommissioned and qualified Par and residing in said <br /> County, personally came Edward H. Tagge and Ed1th Tag�e, his wiPe, Anna M. <br /> Palmer wi ow and vina G n nd <br /> a d , Al iesenha e a Gear e Qiesenha en her husband to m knv <br /> , e wn '�o b t <br /> g � � , , e he <br /> identical peraons who executed the foregoing Deed, in my presenee, and acknowledged the same to be <br /> their vQluntary act and deed. <br /> t+1ZTNE88 �ny hand and Notarial Seal on the day and year last above written. <br /> �gE�) H. G. Wellen�i�k <br /> Mq Commisaion expir es September I., 1954. o ary ublic <br />