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����� i <br /> DE�ED RE�COI�.D NO. 96 � <br /> 8284��(NFAUfiU3TIHEC0.6BANDi8LAN0,N[BR. I� <br /> STATE OF Nebraska ) <br /> )ss. On this 13 c�ay of April A.D. , 19�0 before me, the unders�.gn�d <br /> Buffalo Coun�y ) C. J. Mingu.s a Notary Public, duly commiss�.oned and qualified for <br /> and resid�:ng �.n said count3�, personally came Carl W. Link. and Marla <br /> V. Link, husband and wif e to me known to be '�he identical persone whose nam�s are a�'fixed to the <br /> f'oregoing ins�rument as grantors and acknowledged th� same to be th�ir voluntary aat and d�ed. <br /> Witneas my hand and Notaria� 5ea1 the day and year last above wri�ten. <br /> (SEAL) C. J. Minp;u� <br /> Notary Publie <br /> My eommission expires the lOth day of Nvv, , 195�• <br /> Filed f or record th�.s 24 day of April 1950, a� 8;30 o�clock A.M. <br /> �� �� <br /> RE(�ISTER OF DEEDS�� <br /> o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—a—o—o—o—o—a—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o-o—o—o—o—o-.o—o—o—o—a a <br /> PLAT ETC. , BUENAVISTA SUBDIVTSI0�1 <br /> DEDICATZON <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that w�, N. P. Dodge Corpora'tion, a corpora�ion organized �nd <br /> opera'�ed u.rlder �he laws of the S�ate of D�laware, by N. P. Dodge Jr. , Vice-President and Elizabeth <br /> C. D111on, 5eer�tary, ae proprietor, hav� caused the land deaeribed below �o be survey�d, laid <br /> ou�, subdivided and designated as "Buenavista Subd�vision" as on th� pla�; and we <br /> do h�reby d�dicate the str��t� as th�r�on shown, to the public for highway use forever, and th� <br /> eas�ments as thereon shown, for the loca�ion, construction and m�.int�nana� of public serviae <br /> utilities. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Id. P. Dodge Corporation, has aaused i�Gs offie3.als� aignatures and eorporate <br /> Seal ta b� af'fix�d hereto by its au�hority, at Omaha, Nebraska, �hia 29th day of March, 195�• <br /> Signed and �ealcd �,n (CORP) N, P. �D��r� CORPORATIOAT <br /> the presene� of (SEAL) <br /> BY N. P. Dod�e Jr. , <br /> R. H. Abernathy, Jr, Vice-President <br /> J. A. Carle��_ Elizabeth C. D311on <br /> S�cretary <br /> h <br /> ACKNOWLEDGMENT � <br />'� THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> �58. <br /> COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) <br /> On the 29th day of Mareh 19�0 befare m�, M. S. Bern�r, a No�ary Public, within and �'or said <br />� County, personally app�ared N. P. Dodge Jr. , Vice-President, and Elizabeth C. Dillon, Seer��ar3r, <br /> of the A1. P. Dodge Corporation, a Delawar� Corporation, to me personally known to be th� Viee- <br /> President and S�aretary respeativ�ly af the N. P. Dodge Corporation, and �hat the seal afPixeed <br /> II to said inatrument is the Corporate 3eal of sa3.d Corporation, and tha'� the sald N. P. Dodge� Jr. <br />, and Elizab�th C . Di11on acknc�wledged e�id ina'�rument to be th� fre� aet and deed of $aid corp- <br /> oration. � <br />�; IN WI`TNESS WHEREOF, I have h�reun�o subscribed my name and affixed my officia.l seal at Omaha <br /> on th� da�� last above wri�t�n. <br /> (SEAL) M. 3. Boner <br /> Not�ry Public <br />� My commission expires Oct. 27, 1952 <br />' DESCRIPTION <br /> Situated in the Coun�y of Hal.l and State of N�braska, tow3t: <br /> A certai.n part oP th� Northwegt Quar�er (N.W.I/�) of Seation Twenty--two (22) , Township Eleve� <br /> (11� North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�h P.M. being more par'�ieularly describ�d as followst <br /> Beginning at a paint on th� sou�h lin� af said Quar�er Sec�lon 720.0 feet Eas� o�' the southw�st <br /> corner of said Quart�r See�ion; running th�nee North, parallel to the i��gt line of �ald Quarter <br /> �ec�ion, 1226.7 feet, to the south l�.n� of "Hawthorne Place"; running thence East, along the <br /> �outh 2ine of "Hawthorne Place" and "Claussen� s Countx�y V3.ew Subdivision" , 133$.5 fee�, to a <br /> point on th� cen�er line of original �'Memorial Drive" , now Vine Stre�t; running �hene� 5ou�h, <br /> along bhe southern prolongation of the center line of Vine Street, 483.0 feet• �hence d�f'l�eting <br /> 10° 30' to the righ� and running ��7.� fe�t, to a point on the �iorth line of �he Grand Island <br /> Ci�y Pum Tract• thenee defl�cting 80 09' �o the righ'� and running 132.,� feet• thence defl�cting <br /> 9p 00' �o the �eft and running 2t30.0 fe�t, to a point on the south Zine of ea�.d f3ret m�ntiortc�d <br /> Quarter Seetion; �hence deflt�eting 90° 08' �o the r3.ght and running W�st, along the �ou'�h line <br /> of said Quarter Section, 1099.9 feet, to the point of beginning; aontaining 35.93� acres, more <br /> or less; and bein� sub,��c� to th� terms of an "Agre�ment for Restriction and Permit" recorded <br /> in Hook V on �'age 14� of Miscellaneous Reaords, in �he Register of D�eds 01'fiae of Ha11 County, � <br /> Nebraska. <br /> SURVEYORS CERTZFIGATE � <br /> I hereby eertify, that, on April 3, 1950, I completed a survey of "BUENAVI5TA SUBDIVISTONr' as <br /> shown on th� accompanying plat ther�of; tha� iron rod markers were placed at all lca� Qorn�rs; <br /> that th� dimensions of each 1.ot are as �hown on the pla'�; that each 1ot bears� its own ntamber; <br /> and tha� said surv�y was made with refere�ce to known and reaord�d monumen�s. <br /> L. R. Rudd <br /> (SEAL) County Survey�r of <br /> xa11 County, Nebra�ka <br /> Acc�pt�d and approved, by th� Mayor and Clty Council this 12 day of Apri1 1950 <br /> FloYd S. White (CITY) Oscar W. Johnson <br /> Clerk (SEAL) 1Kayor �� _ -- -� <br /> Filed for reaord th�.s 2� day of Apri1 19�0, at 10:�0 0� clock A. . � S <br /> -e-.. �.��_ti-� .�a.�.4,� � <br />