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: -.,,�� - <br /> ;az'�` <br /> �,��� <br /> � DEED RE�CORD NO. 96 <br /> 92641�7HEAU6USTINEC0.6RANDISLANO.NEBR. . <br /> �- <br /> CORPORA.TION WARRANTY DEED--V�sting Entir� Title in Survivor <br /> KNOW AL�, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Grand Island Safe D�posit Company a corporation ar�anized <br /> and exis�ing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska, f or and in aoneideration <br /> of the sum of One Do11ar and other valuable Qonsideration DOLLARS in hand paid docs her�by <br />, grant, bargain, sell and conv�y unto Paul Abraha.mson and Haz�l L. Abrahameon, husband and wife, <br /> I� as JOINT TENANTS, and not as t�nants in common• the followin d�scribed real estate aituat�d <br /> , g , <br /> in �he County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, to-witt <br /> Lot Ninet�en (1.9) , in Block Sixt�en (lb) , i,n Ashton P1ace, an Additlon to �h� Clty <br /> of Grand Ssland, N�braska, a$ surv�yed, platted and reeorded. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF <br /> SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SZMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DES�RIBED HEREIN SHALL VES`� IN <br /> THE SURVIVTNG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H OLD the above describ�d premises, with the aforesaid appurtenances, unto <br /> the eaid granteea as JOINT TENANTS, and not as t�nants in common, and to their assi�ns, or to <br /> the heirs and assign$ of th� survivor af th�m, forever, and the grantor herein, f or itself and <br /> i�e successors do�s covenant with the grantees named her�in and with their aasigna and with <br /> the heirs and assign� of th� survivor of them that it is lawfully geized of eaid premises; <br /> . that th�y are free from encumbranc�s x x x and that said grantor has , .. , . : : .'_.. : � . <br /> good �i�G1e to and good right and lawful author3.ty to conv�y the and lt does hereby <br /> covenant to warrant and forever defend said premiees unto the grantees named herein and unto <br /> their essigng and unto th� he.irs and assi�ns of t h� survivor of them, for�ver, against the <br /> lawful claims of al.l persons whomaoever, excluding the except�.on8 named her�in. <br /> ZN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said gran�Gor has caus�d this instrument to'�,be exeeuted by ita <br /> presldent and its corporat� seal to be affixed h�reto. R. STAMPS) ' <br /> ( 1.10 I. <br /> Sign�d this 21 day of Apri1 A.D. 19�0. (Cancelled ) � <br /> (CORP) GRAND ISLAND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY <br /> Tn the Pres�ne� of (SEAL) Ai"Corporation ' <br /> B�rniee Stuart By 0. A. Beltzerl President <br /> � <br /> Attest J. H. Beltz�r, Becr�tary , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> )SS. On �his 21 day of April 1950 before me, the underaigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County ) Public in and f or said County, personally ,came 0. A. Beltzer, <br /> President of t he Grand Island Safe Deposit Company to me personally i <br /> known to be th� Pr�sident and the identical per�on whose name ig affixed to �he above conveyance, <br /> and acknawledged the execution thereof to be hi� voluntary aet and deed a,� such offic�r and ' <br /> th� volun�ary aet and de�d of the said Qrand Island Safe Deposit Company and that the Corpora�e <br /> s�a1 of th� said Gr�.nd Island 5af� Deposit Company was thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witneas my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, Nebr. in said eounty the day and year <br /> last above wr�.tten. <br /> (SEAL) Berniae Stuart <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> My Commission expirea th� 22nd day of April 1955• � <br /> Fil�d f or record �his 21 day of April 1950, at 11:55 o� clock A.M. <br /> ��� (�� <br /> REGISTER OF DEE�3 <br /> /►� <br /> QUIT CLAI� DEED r0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 10th day of April, in �he y�ar one thousand nine h�ndr�d and Flf�y <br /> (1950 ) , be�we�n Carl W. Link and Mar2a, V. Link, husband and wi�'�, of the fir$t part, and Wm. J. <br /> Link, Trua��e of the seaond part, <br /> WITNES�ETH, tha.t the said parties of the first part, in c onsideration of the sum of One and no/l00 <br /> DOLLARS, to 3�im duly paid, the receipt whereof is h�reby acknowledged have remised, released, and <br /> qui�-claimed, and by these pres�nts do f or th�maelve5 �heir heirs, execu�ors and administrators, <br /> remise, release and Porever qui�--claim and conv�y un�o the said party of �he seaond part, and to <br /> his heirs and. assi�ns forever, all �heir right, t�,tl� int�rest, ee�Ga�e elaim and demand, both a'� <br /> law and in equity, of, in and" �o all <br /> Sauth Ha.lf of the Northwsst Quarter of Seetion Twenty-four (2�) , Township Eleven (ll��i, <br /> Range Ten (10) , Hall -County, Nebraska, and Lot Twelve (12� , Black Five (,�) , North <br /> Addition �o Rav�nna, Buffalo County, Nebraska <br /> Together wi�Gh all and singu].ar �he heredl��men�s thereunto h�longing. <br /> TO HA'VE AND TO HOLD th� above d�seribed premises unto the said Wm. J. Link, Trustee his ____ <br /> and asgigna; �o tYiat n�i�her th�y the said grantors, nor any pergon in their name and behalf, <br /> �hall or will hereaf'�er claim or d�mand any righ� or title to the aaid premisea or any par� <br /> th�reof, but �h�y and every one of them sha1.1. by these presents be exaluded and fore�er barred. <br /> IN WSTNESS WFiEREOF, the said parties of the� pax'� hav� hereunto set their hands and <br /> seal the day and year above writt�n. <br /> Signed, seal�d and delivered in pr�senee of �arl W. Link <br /> C. J. Mingus Maria V. L�.nk <br />