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�-�,s.�c.� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br /> 92841-7'HFAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLANU,N68R. <br /> by its president and its Corpora�e Seal to be affixed hereto tk�is 12th day o� April, 7.950. <br /> Witness � e0Rp�1 . IaTZEL ARTD COMPAIJY <br /> Howard �. Hlnman �g�� - - by J. H. Nit�el� Pre�ident <br /> State of Nebraska � On this 12 day of Apr3.1, 1950, bef'ore me, �he undersigned, a Notary <br /> Hall County )�8' Public in and for said County, personally came J. H. Nit�el, President <br /> i .. of tihe NIT�EL A�VD COMPANY to me personally known to be the President and the ldentieal pe�son <br /> who�e name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowled�ed th� execution thereof to be his <br /> I' voluntary act and deed as sueh officer and �he voluntary act and deed oP the eaid iVITZEL AND <br /> C�MPANY, and that the Corporate seal of the said I�TZEL AND COMPAI�C was thereto aPfixed by its <br /> authority. . <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at (�rand Island, Neb. in aaid eounty the day and year <br /> 188� SbOV'E written. <br /> �SEAL) Howard 8. Hinman <br /> My comm3.ssion exp3.res �he 17 day of ec. 1955 Notary Public <br /> Fi1ed for record this l�th day of April, 1q50, at 4:30 o�cl�ck P.M. � - � , <br /> • � � <br /> � egis er of ee a ' <br /> �-�-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- � <br /> ��VdARRANTY DEED VESTING ENTIAE TITLE IN SURVTVOR i <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Den� Z. Holcomb and Helen Holcomb, �ach in his and � <br /> her own right and as spous� of each o�her 3.n conaideration of balanee of Turkey Farm Equipment on <br /> hand Jan. 1, 1950, valued app�oximatel3�' �j00.Ob I�OLLAR.S, in hand paid, do her�by grant, bargain, <br /> �ell, eonvey and conf'irm unto T. R. Anderson and Agnes Anderson, as JOINT TENANTS, and not as <br /> tenants in common, �he followir�g described real estate situ�'Ge in the County of Hall �.nd B�ate <br /> of Nebraska., �o-wit: <br /> Lat Four (�) in �HOLCOMB�9 HIGHWAY HOMESp, a sub-division of a part of the Nor�heast <br /> Quar�er of �he Northeast Quarter (NE� NE�) and a paxt of Lot Four (�) (Mainland) all in <br /> 3e�tion Twen�y-eight (28) , in �ownship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (g), West of the <br /> 6th P.M. , according �o the recorded plat �hereof <br /> �ub��et to �kze following cond3,tions and reatric�Gions, each and all of which aha11 be and remain <br /> in full force and effect a.s covenanta running wlth the land for the t�me h�r�inaft�r set forth, <br /> namely: <br /> 1. Lo�� 1 to l0 inelusive ahall be known and deserib�d as, used and sold only Por <br /> residential. purposes. <br /> 2. No buildin�s shall be moved onto any of said Lots numbered 1 to 26 inclusive, without <br /> the owner of' �uch lot first procurin� the writt�n eonsent of a11 owners of all lota in uHolcomb�s <br /> Highway Homes� Sub-Divi�ion. <br /> 3. No building shall be er�cted or placed on any of Lots 1 to 27 inclusive in gaid i <br /> Sub-divisian cloaer than 35 feet from �rie front of the Lot on which such building is to be II <br /> er�e�ed or moved, fro nt meaning the side of said Lo� facing North eo far as Lots 1 �0 10 inelusive <br /> ar� concerned, and f'rc�nt meaning the side of said Lot facing Ea�t so far aa Lots 11 to 27 are I <br /> eonc�rned. . <br /> I <br /> �. No noxious or off�naive trade or a�'�iv3ty shall be carri�d on upon any Lot in said <br /> Sub-division nor aha11. any�hing be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuigance <br /> to the neighborhood. <br /> 5. No basement, tent, shack, �arage, barn or other out-building placed upon or erec��d in ! <br /> said Sub-divi�3.on, shall at any time be us�d as a residen�e temporarily or permanen�Gly. ! <br /> b. No costing l�ss �han �6,�00 sha11 be permitt�d on any of th� Lots numbered � <br /> 1 to 10 inclusiv� in said Sub-division. <br /> 7. No person of any race other than the Whit� or Caucasian raee aha.11 reside in any building <br /> or �n any Lot in said 3ub-division �xcepting that this covenant shall not preven� occupancy by <br /> dome�tic servants of a different race residing with an owner or tenant of said premises thereon. <br /> �„ � 8. No swine nor sheep sha11 b� kept or maintained on any of �Ghe premises in said Sub- <br /> '' divis3.on. <br /> -►�' ' 9 No ceaspools shall be permit�ed on any of the in said Sub-dlvision, and a11 <br /> ow ners�of said premises sha11 dispose of aewerag� on their respective p�emises in �aid Sub-division <br /> only by the use of septic tanks or o�her �nclosed eh�m3cal disposition of sewera,ge. <br /> 10. All sidew�,].ka built on any of t he premisea in �his Sub-division along the front <br /> of any lat in sald Sub-d3.vislon sha11 be constructed th� front �dge thereof. <br /> , <br /> 11. These covenants are to run with �he land and shall be binding on a1.1 parties and all <br /> I� persons claiming under them until M�,y 1, 1963, at which time said covena.t�ts sha.11 b� au�oma'Gically <br /> �xtended for succeas3.v� iperiods of t�n y�ars sach, unl�ss by vote of a ma�ority of the then <br /> - ownErs of the Lote in gaid Sub-dlvision it is agreed ta change sa3.d covenants in whole or in part. <br /> 12. If a.ny owner of any of the Lots in said Sub-division, or their heirs or assigns, shall <br /> violate or a�tempt ta viola,t� any of the covenants herein, 3.t sha11 be lawful for any other <br /> p�rson or peraona owning any real property gituated within said Sub-division to prosecui�� ar�r <br /> proe��dings at law or in equity against the per�on or persons viola'�ing or attempting to violate <br /> any �uch covenants and ei�her pr�vent h�.m or them from so doing or to recover damages or other <br /> dues 80� sueh violation. <br /> 13. Inval�.dation of any one of �hese cov�nants by �udgment or Court Order shall i.n no wis� <br /> affec�C any of the other provisions and covenants herein contained, which sha11 remain in full <br /> force and eff�et. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION UF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF <br />