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_,����'. <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 96 <br />- 32641KNCAU6U571NECO.GRIlND1EL�ND.NEBR. . <br /> STATE OF NFBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 20th day of Mareh, 1g50, before me, M. E. Mosea personally appeared <br /> County of Hall ) the said E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said County to me, personally known to <br /> be the identical person who signed the fore�oin� instrument as grantor, and <br /> acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed, as such sheriff, for the uses and purposes <br /> therein set forth. <br /> WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year above written. <br /> M. E. Moses I <br /> (SEAL) Clerk of the District ! <br /> Court <br />' Filed for record this 13 day of April, 1950, at 3:40 otclock P.M. <br />; � ����- <br />; � <br /> E Register of Deeds f� <br /> I0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0 <br /> WARRANTY DEED,CENiETERY <br /> W a r r a n t y D e e d <br /> F R 0 M <br /> Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association of Hall County, Nebr. This Indenture, Made this 15th day of <br /> October, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and 14.9, between Mt.Pleasant Cemetery <br /> Assoc� ation, of Hal.l County, Nebr. , a corporation organized and existing under and by .virtue of <br /> the laws of the State of Nebr. , party of the first part, and Norma Roberts of the County of Howard, <br /> and State of Nebr. , party of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, <br /> for and in consideration of the sum of Fif'teen and no/100 DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereof <br /> is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm unto the <br /> said part af the second part, the following described premjses, to-wit: Lot No. So �2 (Two) in <br /> Djvision �32 of Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Ha17. County, Nebr. , together all appurtenances there- <br /> unto belonging: Sub�ect, however, to a11 Articles, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of said <br /> Cemetery Association, as the9 now exist or may hereafter be changed, modified or enlarged. And <br /> the said Mt. Pleasant Cemeter� .Pssociation for �tself or its successors, does herebe covenant to <br /> and with the said part_ and of the second part and her heirs and assigns, that at the time of the <br /> execution and delivery of these presents �t is lawfully seized of' sai.d; that it has good <br /> right an.d 1.awfuZ avthorit� to convey the; that they are free from encumbrance and does hereby <br /> covenant to warrant and dePend the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomso- <br /> ever. In witness whereof, the said. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association has hereunto caused its <br /> corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President and C1erk the day <br /> and year first above written. <br /> Signed and sealed and delivered i_n the presence of �CflRP) Mt. Pleasant CEMETERY ASSOCIATION <br /> tiV. E. Sorensen (SEAL) Bg Harry D. Turner <br /> President. <br /> By C. E. �IcCormiek <br /> Clerk. <br /> STATE OF Nebr ) <br /> ) ss. On this l�th d�y of October, A.D. lgt�9, before me, the undersigned, a� Notary <br /> Ha11 County ) Publj.c in and for sa3.d County, personally appeared Harr� D. Turner, President, <br /> and C. E. McCormick, Clerk, of the �t. Pleasant Cemetery �ssociation, to me <br /> personally known to be the said Fresident and Clerk and the identical persons whose names are <br /> affixed to the above instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act <br /> and deed aa such officers, and the voluntary act and deed of the said I�tt. Pleasant Cemetery <br /> Association. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Cairo in said County the da,y and year 1 ast above v�ritten. <br /> (SEAL) W. E. Sorensen <br /> My commission expires July 20, 1955 o ary u c. <br />� l9sp <br /> Filed for record this 1C� da,y of April,� at 1:30 0� ciock P.M. <br /> ���� � <br /> I Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-u-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-�-0-G-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> �,WARRANTY DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: <br />' �'HAT PE�ER JURC ZYK �.nd MARTHA JURC ZYI�, h3 a wif e, of C ook C ounty, and S'�at e of Ill i noi s i n <br />' considera�ion of th� sum of Two Thousar�d and q0/100 DOLLARS, in hand paid by a. J. ARMSTRONt� of <br /> Hall County, and S�ate of Nebraska do hereby grant, bargain, se1l, eonvey, and confirm unto '�he <br /> said G. J. ARMSTRONG �he deseribed, premiseg, s3�ua�G�d in the Coun�y of Hall and 8tate <br /> of Nebraska to wit: ' <br /> A part of Lo�G sev�nteen (17) of Home �ubdivisivn of that part of the Northwes� qua.rter � <br /> (NW�) of Section nine (9) , in Town�hip elenen (11) North, Range nine (9) , West of the � <br /> Sixth Principal Meridian, whicsh Wes� of Whe�ler Avenue, more particulax°ly described , <br /> as follo�r�: Commencin� a'� a point �hree hundred sixty eight feet and eight inch�s (368�8" ) ' <br /> Nor�h of the Southwest corn�r of said Lot s�ven��en (Z7� rur�ning thence North along arui � <br /> upon the Wes� boundary line of said Lo� f or a distance oP F�.f'�y Two F�et and Eight Inah�s <br /> (,52� 8" � , running thence Eas� parallel w� �he 3outherly boundary line oF said lo� for a <br /> dis�ance of One Hundred Thir�y Two Feet (132� ), running thence South parallel with �he <br /> West boundary 1.ine oP eaid Lo'� for a distanee of Fifty Two Feet and Ei�ht Inahea (.52� 3u } , <br /> and runn�.ng �henae West para11,e1 wi�h the South boundaxy line of said Lo� fc�r a dis�ance <br /> of One Hundred Thir�y Two F�et (132� ) to the place of beginning. <br /> Toge�her with all the tenements, hereditaments and a.ppur�enanc�a to �he sam� belongiflg, and all <br /> the E$�ate, Right, T�.t�E� Znterest,� or Dsmand whatsoever; ineluding Dower, Curte�y a.nd <br /> Fiomestead Rights of the said PETER JURCZYK and MAR.THA JURCZYK, h�.s wif�, o�', �.n, or to the same, <br /> - or any part ther�of. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD �he above described pr�m3s�s, with the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> G. J. APMSTRONG and ta his heirs and assigns forever. And we hereby covenan�G with the said <br /> G. J. ARMSTR�NG �hat we hold said prem3se� by good and p�r�'ec� ti��.�; tha� we have good right and <br />